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Are my husband's half sisters entitled to the money?

My husband's father passed away almost 10 years ago. Yesterday, he received a letter from an insurance company saying they needed to talk with him. He called them today, and it looks like there is an open policy. They wouldn't give him any details, so we are waiting. They did ask him if there were any other blood relatives, and he told them about his two half sisters (all have the same father). We're wondering what claim his half sisters might have on this. We're not trying to screw them out of any legal inheritance, but we also don't know if this was a policy he took out when he divorced my husband's mom. We don't know if my husband is sole beneficiary or if it is a split. As far as we know, the half sisters didn't receive any letters; only my husband. We were also confused as to how they found us, b/c we have moved twice since his death and the house is in my parent's name. Anyway, any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

9 Answers

  • car253
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Whoever the beneficairy is gets the money. And, there is no way to dispute it. Only the beneficiary his dad listed on policy gets the money. Only the life insurance knows who the beneficiary is. Your husband will have to ask the insurance company.

    With the internet today anyone can be found. Usually they do not come looking for you though.

    It is what it is. Whoever is the named beneficiary gets the money. That is who his dad wanted to get it. And, there is no way to dispute it so there will not be any way to fight it whether it comes out your way or not.

  • 8 years ago

    If your husband is the named beneficiary and the sisters are not named beneficiaries = then your husband gets the money. If there are no named beneficiaries (solely next of kin), it goes to everyone equally.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That depends on the laws in the country you live in

    where I live all sons and daughters could be entitled to a share of the father's estate

    unless the will stated otherwise

    You need legal advise from a lawyer dealing in family matters

  • 8 years ago

    The insurance company will let you know. Fill out the forms and find out. You didn't know it was there, so what difference does it make? The insurance company knows what to do.

  • !
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The insurer is best placed to answer your questions, which will be specific to the policy.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    depends on laws where u live.

    in USA , insurance policies are specific.

    the person named gets ALL of it.

    persons not named get zero.

  • 8 years ago

    Whoever is named beneficiary on the policy, gets the money. PERIOD. There's no "dibs".

  • Boots
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    His sisters have the. exact same claim he does. Who their mother is does not matter because she is not the. one who died. Your husband gets 50% of his DNA from his father. His half sisters get 50% of their DNA from the same man.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Get professional legal advice. This is beyond YA.

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