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Mikki Sue71
How do I insert different picture watermarks in word 2013?
I am working on a program in word as that is my only program available at work. I would like to have different pictures on each page as a watermark. Currently, only one picture shows up for the entire program. I tried un-linking under the paragraph button, but when I tried to change the picture on page 2, both pages changed to the new picture. Please give me step-by-step instructions.
Thank you!
2 AnswersSoftware5 years agoMy company is going through a restructure, & will be freezing our pension plan in Dec 2016. How would I find out the amount in the account?
I have been with the company for 15 years with an average salary of about $50,000. We aren't vested until we have been with the company 5 years. Will the first 5 years count toward the pension, or just the 10 years after the vesting period? This is a company-based pension plan, and has nothing to do with my 403(b).
2 AnswersCorporations5 years agoWhat are inexpensive ways to update the look of cabinets?
5 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years agoWe did not find any results for 'How to unlock a 2013 powerpoint template?
I work for a large non-profit organization. One of our events was created by the National office. They locked the template, so we can only edit certain areas. There are parts of the locked part that we would like to change, such as the font on the title and make our logo bigger. Does anyone know how I can unlock it? I already clicked enable edit button. Again, it allows me to edit date/time/location, but not the items I mentioned.
Thank you!
3 AnswersSoftware7 years agoAre my husband's half sisters entitled to the money?
My husband's father passed away almost 10 years ago. Yesterday, he received a letter from an insurance company saying they needed to talk with him. He called them today, and it looks like there is an open policy. They wouldn't give him any details, so we are waiting. They did ask him if there were any other blood relatives, and he told them about his two half sisters (all have the same father). We're wondering what claim his half sisters might have on this. We're not trying to screw them out of any legal inheritance, but we also don't know if this was a policy he took out when he divorced my husband's mom. We don't know if my husband is sole beneficiary or if it is a split. As far as we know, the half sisters didn't receive any letters; only my husband. We were also confused as to how they found us, b/c we have moved twice since his death and the house is in my parent's name. Anyway, any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
9 AnswersInsurance7 years agoLeasing versus buying a car?
I just had my second car accident of the year. First car accident resulted in my car being totaled. Now it looks like they are going to total this car too. For the record (and before I get nasty comments) neither accident was my fault. I only got $8k for my first car, which wouldn't have paid for my car if I was to re-buy it. I am worried that I won't get all my money back from this car, so I might not even have $8k to put down on a car. I don't know much about leases, so I'm hesitant to do that. Thoughts on leasing versus buying. . . .
3 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years agoShould I get a lawyer?
I was in an car crash on Friday that was not my fault. Driver was cited for felony DUI, felony hit and run, suspended license, no registration, no insurance, and the list goes on! I was transported to the hospital via ambulance. I have abdominal bruising and neck/back injuries. I'm following up with my primary later today. My kids were seen in the ER, but my husband followed us in his car. They have mild neck soreness and seat belt bruising, but I don't think they need to be seen by a doctor. They should self heal. My car is totaled. I have uninsured motorist insurance. Should I get a lawyer or wait a little bit to see how my insurance company handles the situation? I don't want to suffer so some stupid lawyer can get more money than me. Thanks!
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoWhat is the difference between blocking and defriending someone of Facebook?
I have a coworker that I don't want to see my posts, yet I don't want to defriend her. Is that possible? I read that if I block her, my name will be removed from her friend list. If that's the case, then what's the difference?
5 AnswersFacebook8 years agoHow do I make a background transparent in InDesign?
In Word I can click on the picture and set the background to transparent. I can't find a similar feature in InDesign. Is it possible to do it in InDesign or do I have to use Photoshop first? I have a few logos I'm inserting into a flyer and there is a white background I would like to make transparent. Oh. . I have just started using InDesign and no familiar with the program. I can drag a logo into InDesign and that's about it. I use templates provided by my company. Thanks for any assistance you can give.
9 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years agoWhich car would you choose?
I was in a car accident 3 weeks ago. My car was totaled, so now I have to get a car this weekend. I've narrowed it down to three: Ford Focus, Dodge Dart, and Mazda 3. The Mazda3 is a 2012 w/ 500 miles. Because I wasn't planning on a car payment (mine was paid off), I would like to keep the payments under $200 for 60 months. Which car would you pick and why? Other suggestions are welcome too. Thanks!
2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years agoHow can I find current cars that have "orange" as a color option?
My 2004 Mazda was hit yesterday. I fear it will cost more to fix than the car is worth. If I unfortunately have to get a new car, I would like to have the same color - burnt copper. It looks more like regurgitated pumpkin. The color has grown on me and I've even named my care "The Great Pumpkin". I get lots of compliments and really don't want to part with it. I'm not in the mood to search every car site to find burnt copper or other comparable color. Does anyone know of another dealer that sells cars in a "burnt copper" color? Mazda doesn't. I looked there. Thanks!
3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years agoWhat could be wrong with my daughter?
My daughter has been coming down with a fever every 2 - 3 weeks since late March. It lasts 1 - 3 days. In May, it was rather high. According to my thermometer, it reached 103.9. Obviously I was quite concerned. I have taken her to the doctor, but he hasn't been able to find anything wrong. They've done strep tests, but they've always come back negative. I've been told it is a virus and we have to let it run its course. She has only thrown up once. Her only complaint has been a headache and one time she did have a sore throat too. I'm concerned, b/c it keeps reoccurring. What do you think could be causing this? FYI - she is 8 yrs old. Thanks.
3 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years agoHow do I make a group Facebook page?
I want to make a group page for my brownie troop, but not sure how to go about doing it. Do I need to create a new account? Or use my current account? Thanks!
3 AnswersFacebook10 years agoHow do I block other people's posts on Facebook?
I have an organizational page. There are two "friends" whose posts show up on our page. No one else's does. How do I make it so that only our organization's posts show?
2 AnswersFacebook10 years agoAt what age should I get my daughter a cell phone?
My daughter is asking for a cell phone when she starts school. I'm curious to know at what age others think I should buy her one. My husband checked and it would only be $15 more a month (includes insurance). Phone is only $0.01. I'm purposely not telling you how old she is. I would like your opinion of age first. Thanks!
39 AnswersGrade-Schooler10 years agoDo you think I could grow an avocado tree in Las Vegas?
I want to grow a fruit tree. My first choice is avocado with lemon/lime second. I'm wondering how hard it would be to grow one. Our dirt isn't the greatest. Do I need to be concerned with the extreme heat? We rarely freeze. Thanks!
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years agoHave cheerleading motions changed?
When I was a cheerleader, we were taught that the knuckles should face outward. Now, my daughter is starting cheerleading and the coach isn't correcting the girls when they have the knuckles facing outward. I want to say something, but don't want to overstep by boundaries. Thanks.
2 AnswersOther - Sports10 years agoBankruptcy rules and foreclosing on a house?
I live in Nevada. My husband and I are talking about foreclosing on our house. It is approximately $150,000 upside down. It will never recover. The neighbors are moving and soon we feel that our little neighborhood will be gone. So, we are considering jumping ship too. I heard that in Nevada, the banks have 7 years to come after you for the difference of your loan versus what they get at auction. Is that true? Do we need to claim bankruptcy to avoid this? How long after can we buy another house?
2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoShould my kids learn skiing or snowboarding?
My daughter is 6 and my son is 4. Next season, my husband and I would like them to learn to either ski or snowboard. They both do gymnastics and I was told that snowboarding would be too hard on their knees. Is that true? Which would you start?
8 AnswersOther - Winter Sports1 decade agoWhat can I do to keep my Rice Krispie treats from getting hard?
I have switched from butter to margarine and they are still getting hard in less than a day. Any suggestions.
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago