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The Next One asked in SportsHockey · 7 years ago

How many games will Princess Dion get for his hit from behind? (NHL)?

Sickens me to link anything "Puck Daddy" but it was the most convenient.


Haiger- I think you misread the question. It was not "What is Haiger's IQ?" ;) Only a fine is possible I suppose. I think that there was no penalty hurts his cause. (didn't one user state yesterday that a certain hit was "referred to supplemental discipline because he received a penalty...the irony). I am guessing he gets 2-3 games.

Update 2:

Tom- Not only will I read it, I will post it-

50.3 Major Penalty - The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a major penalty, based on the severity of the infraction, to a player guilty of kneeing an opponent.

You stated in relation to Neal's hit "because there was a kneeing call it can be referred for supplemental discipline." I corrected you in stating that there does not need to be a penalty for supplemental discipline. Rule 50.3 doesn't change that fact...and ironically, the day you state it is the same day a Leaf faces supplemental discipline for a play with no penalty. Hmmm.

Update 3:

Also...that there was no call hurts him....not help him. LMAO Player Safety views the non call as missed and the team therefore did not suffer from the action. Sheesh

Update 4:

Oh poor are scrambling. Any infraction, penalized or not has the possibility of a suspension...and is reviewable by the league. It can occur when no call is made, when a minor is called or if a major is to say "it is referable to supplemental discipline" is nonsense...any questionable infraction applies.

Update 5:

Any physical infraction can be deemed intent to injure- Roughing, kneeing, slew footing, boarding, clipping, charging, fighting and is reviewable.

Any stick infraction can be deemed reviewable- Highsticking, butt ending, spearing, slashing cross checking

Even hooking can be deemed intent to injure and be "referred to the league for supplemental discipline."

Keep squirming....keep digging

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Didn't watch the game but judging by that clip that was a bad hit late in the game. Given what happened the night before with Boston it's possible the league comes down a little harder on dion its possible he could get up to 5 games but I think 3 or 4 is more likely

  • 7 years ago

    Fine only. No previous and the on ice call was no penalty.

    As for the previous comment to which you referred. I suggest you read rule 50.3.

    Sorry typo 50.6

    50.6 Fines and Suspensions - There are no specified fines or

    suspensions for kneeing, however, supplementary discipline can be

    applied by the Commissioner at his discretion (refer to Rule 28).

    Any infraction doesn't call out this clause. Only intent to injure infractions.

  • 7 years ago

    When it come to dealing with the richest team in the NHL a whole new set of rules comes into play.

  • 7 years ago


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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    depends on history. at least 2

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I say let "Princess Pylon" play as punishment to his team and fans.

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