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The Next One asked in SportsHockey · 7 years ago

D Day for Shawn Thornton? (NHL)?

How many games will he get?

My guess is 15 games


OK...I better change this question to "Do you agree with the 15 game suspension for Thornton?"

Update 2:

VIP- Where did you see it? Yahoo has nothing up.

King of Slapshots- There was no head contact. It was a clean hit. Orpik probably still should have answered the bell (I agree with Cam Janssen) for putting their guy out but don't be disillusioned.

Update 3:

JOE PARKER- There is a difference between clean and legal. Orpik's hit was legal....but it was not clean. Many (most hockey people) believe that you then should man up and pay the price.

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer is official right now. 15 was my original guess, given the NHL consistency I feel lucky and think I will buy an extra Mega Millions ticket.

    Dreger (I know) tweeted it first (at least that where I seen it first) but since then McKenzie and a few others have reported it. And I think that is probably the most reasonable suspension given the situation. It was the amount I seen as fair for the crime and hopefully a deterrent to others. And my reality has as much to do with Thornton giving an interview just before this incident talking about the role guys like him play and telling how he has always respected the code. Players who respect the code don't slewfoot nor does any true enforcer throw punches on a fallen combatant. He threw 2 when clearly Orpik was not only down but clearly unable to respond...that isn't in the "code".

  • 7 years ago

    Bob, you generalize when you say most hockey people believe that Orpik should have fought Thornton after the hit. The jury is out on to whether a player has the right to determine if a hit is clean or dirty. Should the Orpik hit on Eriksson be taken out of the game? Yes but it isn't illegal at the present time. Much as all those hits that put Scott Stevens in the Hall of Fame would have garnered him a lot of suspension time today. But here is the kicker players are saying that Eriksson should not have been hit because he was returning from a concussion. Maybe Boston is at fault for playing susceptible players. Maybe part of Savard's injury was caused by a too early return from a previous injury?

  • 7 years ago

    King of slap shots ummm the NHL and refs said it was clean. So hmm wonder who's right them or you, what pro hockey league do you ref in or run?.. Hahahah I just saw that you have slew ban as your pic lol talk about a dirty piece of ****..

    Orpik doesn't fight and why would you for a clean hit? Thornton got what he deserved when Scott broke his face too? Scott tried to fight him games later and thornton ran away then Scott hit Eriksson with a dirty hit so I guess that's OK cause that's what Thornton did..

    Umm no there is not a difference a clean hit is legal and a dirty hit is illegal, that's like saying the water is hot and cold it can't be two completely different things at the same time.

  • 7 years ago

    15 games is to harsh, Orpik deserved every bit of it, You can't hit a player with a dirty hit to head and chicken out when the enforcer confronts you, But Penguin players like Malkin and Neal get away with dirty hits well Thornton drew the line, Not a big Thornton fan but 7 games would be fair in my book.

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  • Mike W
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    He crossed the line, he deserves what he gets. What he did is not good for the game.

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