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Does culture affect the media/western public oppinion of Islam rather than Islam itself?

Islam is at the forefront of religious debate daily (sharia etc.) Do you think it is as backwards as it is percieved to be or do you think it is Eastern culture that we as westerners confuse with Islam? (You see people having hands cut off etc, animals in the festival of sacrifice slaughtered, yet its not happening in the UK at least.)

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    That is a great question, and the big problem is, it's both, and that confuses people, and when people get confused, it's better to be safe, than sorry.

    A great imrpovement would be, if the regular Muslims were more outspoken, and more active in expressing what is acceptable, and what isn't, because just like moderate-Christians, most Muslims just want some peace, and dignity, they don't distance themselves outspokenly enough from the extremists though(for Western Cultural standards) so people in the West feel unsure about what the majority of Muslims really stand-for.

    Source(s): The solution is in clarity really, if the Moderate-Muslims took a more active role, and let people know that they think things are unacceptable too, there will be a lot more understanding back, and forth.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    This weekend muslims protested at shops selling alcohol, stating that if the owners carried on selling alcohol they would recieve 40 lashes! As they say" sharia law forbids it"! Well this is Britain and we do not have or want sharia law. The Muslims do not endear themselves to westerners! sharia law is dark age!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    as much as muslims state that islam is on the up, in fact not, the religious ideology suffered a catastrophic nose drive in power from the renaissance onwards, a lot of negative western culture regarding islam dates from the period islam looked likely to sweep europe aside but eventually failed..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I am a deep admirer of many Eastern cultures, their laws, their food, dress, customs, and religious beliefs. It is ONLY Islam that preaches a constant message of hatred and violence towards the " non-believer." These barbaric practices are not part of the Eastern culture---nearly as much as they are the product of a savage religion.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I don't really have a problem with muslims, except the radical ones, I just think that some people just want someone to blame or feel superior too.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Thank-you for asking this question. I will try my best to answer you, but I don't think you will like my answer. I do not mean to offend you. I am trying to tell you what I see as the truth based on what I believe and hold dear to my heart.

    I have been married to my husband for 42 years. I love him more now than I ever have, and I have ENORMOUS respect for him. Luckily for me? My husband was never so insecure that he wanted my female genitalia to be mutilated to keep me faithful to our marriage bed. One of my husband's pleasures in bed was to give me pleasure. I felt the same way toward him. It was a shared joy, and an expression of love. That would not have been possible if I had been castrated.

    My husband does not beat me, or force me to cover myself from head-to-foot when I go out in public.

    Muslims murder adulterers and homosexuals. No society is proud of adulterers, but as Jesus said "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone." Of course, muslims don't stone adulterers. They decapitate them. How can you fear homosexuals so much that you kill them? What harm have they ever done to you? I am not talking about the rings of pedophiles that sodomize little boys existing in muslim countries. I am talking about adults that only have sex with another consenting adult who is a person of their own sex. How does that deserve death?

    I have also become aware of the Arab muslim hatred for black muslims. Why do muslims not admit that this is happening, and demand that it stops? Why do muslims rape and torture women of their own faith? It's horrible to do that for any reason, but they can't claim that black muslims are unbelieving infidels. Arab muslims are killing whole villages of people because their skin is black.

    I am appalled by so-called holy men who encourage the young ones to commit suicide by killing other people. Even if you hate the people living in other countries? Who encourages the best of their young men and women to kill themselves for God? The people are so brainwashed and desperate? Mothers who spent their lives raising their children claim that they are thrilled when their children die in this way. It is horrifying to me! Christians fight wars too, but we are not overjoyed when our soldiers die in battle. Every life is precious.

    I treat my dog better than I have seen muslims treat their wives and women in general. It is a sick society that does these things. Who sends their son to murder their daughter, because she had the misfortune to be raped? How is alright to marry a girl who is too young? Then she is thrown out, because she is physically damaged by having a baby that she never should have been forced to carry and give birth to? There are Christian charities trying to help very young girls that have been thrown out and divorced, because they have no control over their bladder and bowels. WHY? Because they were mutilated as little girls. Others are in that condition because they were forced into sexual intercourse when they were 10 or 11 years old! In America? We put men who do that in prison where they belong.

    How can you ask me to accept a faith that places no value on a woman whatsoever? It is a faith that encourages suicide and murder for Allah. I don't believe in showing rudeness and disrespect to a person of the Muslim faith. I have a strong belief in people having the right to choose their religion, or when they choose to not believe in anything at all.

    When judging the merits of any religion? My Christian Bible tells me "By their fruits ye shall know them."

    It was not a biased media that has made me wary of Islam. It's the behavior of it's followers that does this.

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