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I saw a program on a person from 15th century France named Michael Nostradamus. He was a man who made?

prophecies and gathered them in a quatrains. The program never said who or what inspired him. It was not Jehovah but he must have been directed by some other source meaning Satan.Who was he and what were his qualification for predicting future events?


compy-We must watch the same channels. Interesting theroys but too outlandish for me. I have no alien genes in me just German.

Update 2:

(Deuteronomy 18:22) when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him.’

Update 3:

?-your right, I could say" there's going to be an earthquake next week and there will be damage" did I predict the future? Certainly not!

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He claimed someone named Hister would rise up in the 20th century. People try to connect that to Hitler. Well if he was so good, why couldn't he even get the name right?

    I heard him compared to someone who shot so many arrows that some were bound to hit the target.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Nostradamus in the media is completely different from Nostradamus in history. Many of his predictions were wrong and others were general or vaguely worded. You could write your own book of predictions and have as much luck.

    The media loves to report miracles, magic, supernatural stories, etc. People are stupid. Look how many bought The Secret.

    I was watching a show on the History channel about how maybe ancient civilizations were created by alien gods. I almost smashed my TV lol.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    he did not really predict anything

    he certainly did not predict anything veriable in his time

    but some of his predictions came true 300 yrs later.

    it would be just as if i predicted a earthquake or a hurricane in the year 2020, we know tht these things happens all of the time


    there will be a war in s. america in 2020, there are scrimmages all of the time and they could develope inmto a m,ajor war between two south american countries- that is a possiblility.

    even davinci had models or airplanes developed after birds but his dream or vision did not became true until 1909 or the cave painting of the 1400 s showed men looking like astronauts going and descending from space- but these things did not happen until the 20th century.

    i could just as well say that the next president will be a female?? but which country or which era of time-2020, 2030, 2060 ???- there is no proof or accurate date- just a vision or a idea.!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I wouldn't trust anything from the History channel, the same ridiculous channel that broadcast ancient aliens. It's even worse than when it was effectively the Hitler channel. None of those prophecies are real, people added and took works and shoehorned interpretations into the words of Nostradamus.

    Read this, it explains why it's nonsense

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    He was a bullshit artist who made a living out of selling bullshit prophecies in the form of poetry.

    He was inspired by making money.

    By design the quatrains are highly non-specific, so with hindsight you can look back at history and find a connection to just about anything.

    Fotune tellers, tarot readers and psychics have been doing it for thousands of years, and it's all a scam designed to part the gullible from their money.

  • 7 years ago

    Obviously he is a false prophet! Read [Deuteronomy 18:22]

    Source(s): Holy Scriptures/Bible
  • 7 years ago

    What inspired him most was ingesting toxic quantities of nutmeg to induce hallucinations.

    But, yeah. He is probably the most famous seer in history.

  • CB
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Nostradamus (Dec. 14, 1503–July 2, 1566) was born to French-Jewish parents assuming the name de Notredame in southern France. He was called Michel de Notredame. His parents had been converted to Catholicism. There have been many legends regarding his early life, but the credibility of these legends, recorded by two of his relatives, is also questioned.

    James Laver comments: “Recent researches . . . have shown that the noble and picturesque background which has been hitherto accepted by every writer on Nostradamus has no basis in fact.” After recounting one such legend of Nostradamus’ predicting that he and a certain nobleman would eat a black pig instead of a white one for their evening meal, Laver says: “There is, of course, no proof of the veracity of this story, . . . Fascinating as these stories are, it is as well to confess that most of them rest upon the faith of the later biographers. Some of the stories . . . appear for the first time in the seventeenth century, some of them even later.”

    In his efforts to predict the future, Nostradamus was deeply involved in horoscopy, magic, astrology and the pagan ritual of incantation. In The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus, H. C. Roberts, himself “a student of the occult,” says: “Beyond a shadow of doubt, the methods employed and results obtained by Nostradamus in looking into the future were outside of the physical framework. . . . forces we group today under the general title of ‘Extra Sensory Perception.”’

    However, many opposed such astrological divination. Whitmore says: “The writings of the early Fathers of the Church . . . contain the reiterated condemnation of those who continued to practise ancient, heathen rites and systems of divination under the guise of Christianity. Likewise the early Councils of the Church pronounced anathemata against astrologers, sorcerers and adherents to occult sciences. . . . The Council of Trent [during Nostradamus’ lifetime] laid down in unequivocal terms that bishops should suppress astrological prediction in their dioceses and ensure the destruction of all books which fostered the art.” But did the Catholic Church follow through with actions that were consistent with such proclamations?

    The New Catholic Encyclopedia reveals that “astrology was used by Pope Julius II [1503-1513] to set the day of his coronation and by Paul III [1534-1549] to determine the proper hour for every Consistory. [Both popes were contemporaneous with Nostradamus] . . . Astrology pervaded European culture just as it had the culture of the Roman Empire, and, though official Church doctrine opposed it, no one attacked the whole manner of thinking that lay behind it.”

    What was the “thinking that lay behind” the occult art of horoscopy? The French Grand Larousse Encyclopedique confirms that “Christianity considered that astrology drew its inspiration from demonism.”Predictions That Come True:

    Can someone who apostatizes from Bible truth and becomes a servile prophet of demons accurately predict some future events? Yes, that is possible. In Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Moses warned: “If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and offers to do a sign or a wonder for you, and the sign or wonder comes about; . . . you are not to listen to the words of that prophet or to the dreams of that dreamer. . . . Yahweh your God you shall follow, him you shall fear, his commandments you shall keep . . . That prophet or that dreamer of dreams must be put to death.”—The Jerusalem Bible.

    So it is not just by coincidence that some predictions of such false prophets come true. They can occur by the manipulation of wicked spirit forces. From the beginning of human history until now, demonic forces have manipulated the minds of submissive humans. These deceived human prophets are inspired to make utterances that harmonize with demonic schemes, called the “strategies and tricks of Satan” at Ephesians 6:11.—The Living Bible.

    Satan the Devil and his demons can maneuver whole political systems. This fact was made clear when the Devil “revealed to [Jesus] all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time; and the devil told him, ‘I will give you all these splendid kingdoms and their glory—for they are mine to give to anyone I wish.”’ (Luke 4:5, 6, The Living Bible) In this same encounter with Jesus, the Devil even quoted portions of the Scriptures in an effort to tempt and mislead Jesus.—Matt. 4:6. Differentiating True from False Prophets

    True prophets of God had to meet three basic qualifications. They had to (1) speak in the name of God—which a false prophet who knew the Hebrew name of God would improperly presume to do; (2) the things they foretold would have to come true—which in the case of false prophets might happen either by coincidence or demonic manipulation; and (3) their prophesying had to be in harmony with God’s revealed Word and commandments put in writing up to their time.—Deut. 13:1-4; 18:20-22.The third vital factor is especially where Nostradamus and others fail. The fact that they dabble in magic, the occult and astrology exposes them, for not one Bible prophet supports the use of astrology in communicating with God!

    The prophet Moses spoke out in clear, unambiguous terms against prophets like Nostradamus. Under divine inspiration, he said: “There should not be found in you . . . anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, . . . or a professional foreteller of events . . . For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah.”—Deut. 18:10-12.

    The service that true Bible prophets performed was not primarily to foretell future events, as Nostradamus tried to do. Their main function, as Eric Russell says, was “acting as a communication channel between the Creator and his creatures.” Knowledge of the future was included in their communications, he says, “only as a by-product.”Bible prophets commissioned by God also never foretold things simply to satisfy human curiosity. Every prediction related to God’s will, purpose, standards or judgment. (1 Ki. 11:29-39; Isa. 7:3-9) And because the primary purpose of God’s true prophets was to advocate his moral standards and laws, it was not necessary to wait for years before one could determine whether the prophet was true or false. Of what value, then, are the prophecies of Nostradamus? Charles Ward describes him as “a man rewarded of kings; and yet, so far as we can see, furnishing no one profitable hint to them that could make their life run smoother, or remove a single peril from their path.” “He is clearly no prophet in the old and Hebrew sense of the word, like Isaiah, Daniel, David, John.

    Source(s): Bible
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