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Has A&E television network killed the goose that laid the golden egg?

Yesterday A&E suspended Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the Duck Dynasty family, for making remarks to a GQ magazine writer that were regarded as offensive to the LGBT community. Reactions to this action by A&E are running about 1,000 to 1 against A&E. To read the article in it's entirety and not just the parts cherry picked by the news media, Google CQ magazine and choose the full story from the column on the right. This action by A&E and the news media smacks of political correctness at it's worse. An honest, outspoken opinion, when directed towards the so called "gay" community is not allowed even though it's supposed to be protected as free speech.


If you care as much about this as I do, go to Read the petition and sign it. I don't agree with everything in the petition but it covers most of my thoughts on the matter. I think A

Update 2:

Here we go again with some people trying to make this into either a right or left wing conspiracy. I am a liberal leaning independent that looks for fair treatment for people from every side of the spectrum regardless of race, creed or sexual orientation. I don't fully agree with what Phil had to say but if the Duck Dynasty show is supposed to be a reality show, then let's leave the reality in it. Phil's comments were made in an interview that was not part of the DD series. The people taking him to task are the very "yuppies" that he warns his family about. I was born nearly a generation before him and know exactly what he's talking about.

Update 3:

The following is a reply I made to the most recent Yahoo news article;

As Seen Thru These Old Eyes 4 hours ago



Phil's opinions on gays met with an approval rating of about 1,000 to 1. Since that wasn't what the news media wanted, now they'll try their luck with the black community. When that also backfires I suppose the next step will be the SPCA because of the Robertson's love of hunting. If that too fails, then it'll be the gun control proponents. Face it A

14 Answers

  • Snid
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably. I laugh at those who want people to boycott A&E. By doing that you also boycott the show which kind of defeats the purpose.

    This really doesn't affect the show yet anyway. Season 4 filming has been completed. It will affect season 5. If Phil and A&E don't make up I wouldn't be surprised if the whole family compromises their contracts and refuse to do the show.

    At this point I don't see it as being a matter so much of what he said (he also said some things that could be offensive to African Americans) but the fact that they supposedly are denying him the right to say it. Too late. He done did that. He wasn't denied any rights. He said some stuff that he clearly should have kept to himself. He is a smart man and he should have known this especially considering he had previously been warned about certain comments he had made. A&E has every right to be upset with what he said. It's a business.

    I like Duck Dynasty because it's a fun show that mostly has good family values. Whether you agree with him or not, insulting a portion of his viewing audience probably wasn't a very good idea.

    This is going to get a lot bigger before it goes away. His so called apology was almost worse. It was filled with hypocritical statements.

    I am not going to stop watching the show because of this. It entertains me. I like it. I have lost some respect for Phil Robertson, though, for using his celebrity status to give a controversial opinion that he HAD to know would cause an uproar. Besides that, not one thing he said is going to change my mind about how I feel.

    The only good I see coming from this is now people are no longer talking about Miley's twerking. What Does the Fox Say, or Carrie Underwood's bad acting in The Sound of Music.

  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Proof PC has become like 1984 in reality. I heard, I understand, but we don't get cable, so have never watched Duck Dynasty. A&E is doing without us for decades. I hope it does cost them a bundle, so they remember they are a business, not the PC police.

    It would be nice if people remembered PC is BS. If you don't want an answer to a question, then don't ask the question, geesh. (What happened to Phil, not your question.)

    Added: Ohhh, okay so the mighty left has deemed this a wonderful business decision. Let's go there:

    1. "My opinion? There was absolutely no violation of his first amendment rights." Agreed, he was fired for not having a PC enough opinion and presenting what he knows as facts. This is perfectly acceptable in a country that has effectively--from the right and left--destroyed worker's rights.

    2. "This really doesn't affect the show yet anyway." Really? So that the show just fired one of the main characters shouldn't bother anyone one way or another? So, let's fire Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series. Better yet, let's fire Katie Couric once and for all. lol

    3. "insulting a portion of his viewing audience probably wasn't a very good idea." In which case he should have simply truly insulted the homosexuals, instead of answered a question honestly? That's the logical conclusion, since it's a show that appeals to the Bible Belt.

    4. "I have lost some respect for Phil Robertson, though, for using his celebrity status to give a controversial opinion that he HAD to know would cause an uproar." Yes, for surely only leftists are allowed to state their high opinions. The rightists are supposed to shut up and say nothing. Sorry, doesn't work like that all the time, though I do get it is what is wanted from the far left. Just because the media won't allow for any right-winged opinions out loud, doesn't mean we don't still say them.

    5. "Keep your personal opinions out of the workplace, especially if they sound ignorant!" It wasn't the work place. It was a magazine interview. How often are leftist celebs considered "oh so brave" when they give their PCism opinions. Speaking of sounding ignorant.

    6. Sorry, still can't respond to someone who has so little reality going to begin with.

    Bad news, guys. Simply because PCism is preached 24/7, it really doesn't mean we soak it in and believe it. Not all of us, anyway. (I know, I was supposed to shut up and accept the opinions, but I'm supposed to do that according to people who refuse to see both sides of anything. I'm not good with "shut up." I'm not the minority. I'm American. lol)

    Added again:

    Thanks Thru Old Eyes. It's good seeing a liberal who can defend a position without making it an all out attack on "the ignorant" each and every time, like everyone must have but just one opinion on any given thought, or they suddenly become "ignorant." I knew the majority of all sides, get tired of that "morality."

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I have a habit of listening to AM radio at night, so I heard this story all night long before I got up and read about it. The mostly right-wing hosts that I listen to were entirely on Robertson's side, so I was anxious to hear the whole story. I kind of had a clue, though, when even Mark Levin referred to Robertson's remarks as "crude". And they were. My opinion? There was absolutely no violation of his first amendment rights. He had every right to say what he said. However, A&E also had the right to censure (not censor) him, which was what they did. No government agency or bureaucracy came down on the man, just his EMPLOYER, a for-profit company. I don't see why people don't know the difference. If A&E's profit line is jeopardized, they'll come around in the end. That's the bottom line.

  • 7 years ago

    I never watched the show when I had cable in the US.

    I do not really find the opinions of a Red Neck that interesting.

    I do not think just because the guy was lucky enough to find an audience to support his tv show that he has a right to insult people.

    Some opinions people should just keep to themselves, I find it hard to think of this guy as a kind soul with religious beliefs if he is so full of hate.

    I hope they replace the show with something more interesting then a hateful red neck who hunts, geez those are a dime a dozen.

  • 7 years ago

    I think they are blowing it all out of proportion to improve the ratings and add to the drama. As has been reported over and over that they are shrewd businessmen. Certain groups of people become outraged at the drop of a hat now. The plan is working right on cue.

    A&E needs to get off the "reality shows" and stick to arts and entertainment. This show and all the others are neither.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Like them or not, censorship is censorship. Call it being politically correct, or what ever, the result is the same. When people can't state their views, it's censorship. From something like this, it's only a small step to book burning, and thought crimes.

    Think about it for a minute. What's left as a forum for dissenting opinion? Not TV. Even cable is getting cautious about offending certain groups. Newspapers, and the TV stations, are all owned by the same 6 or 7 "1%"ers. No free exchange if ideas here, is there? What happened to the idea of preventing a monopoly of the media? Got lost back in the Reagan/Nixon purges, didn't it? Those two guys couldn't stand much exposure.

    Censorship is evil. Express your views by contacting A&E.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I doubt any body is killing any geese, but they sure have over reacted. However, we do not know for sure, maybe A&E was looking for a reason to get rid of Robertson. Lots of people are tired of the nonsense coming from Duck Dynasty.

    I agree about the excessive over kill with being politically correct. I also wonder why A&E really gives a damn. Sadly Americans are becoming more sanitized with its various forms of expression. This is one place were the minority has more than an equal affect in culture. People like to complain about government taking away freedoms, but the culture cleaning with political correctness beats any little spying done by the FBI.

    Maybe if those that exercise such heavy amounts of being politically correct knew that they are exercising conditions and behavior of Marxism, they would think before acting.

  • jonds
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't watch the show because I know enough rednecks without listening to that group. Phil does remind me of the typical christian though. What a loser.

  • 7 years ago

    did the government censor the man? if not, then it's not a First Amendment issue. period.

    A&E is a for-profit business. they're allowed to air or not-air whatever they think will increase revenue.

    it was a free market solution, not a "free speech" violation.

    Source(s): the actual First Amendment :)
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't need to read what he said because his speech SHOULD be protected by free speech.

    That said, The reaction to what you say is NOT protected by free speech.

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