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How disgusting are these tweets?

Please rate each tweet on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not disgusting at all; 10 being the most disgusting thing you've ever read)

A) "This crap is out of control: A&E suspends Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for agreeing with the Bible"

B) "So they suspend Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty for stating the Bible? What has this world come to?"

C) "Sign the petition to bring Phil Robertson back!"

D) "Sign our petition to stand with Phil Robertson and #DuckDynasty!"


Re: 'I'm thinking about starting a petition to demand that A&E cancel the show entirely, and stop making 'reality' shows in general. In the meantime, a boycott of any companies who advertise on Duck Dynasty is in order."

Ah, yes, the 'liberal tolerance' we hear so much about.

Update 2:

Re: "I'm more disappointed that so much time and energy is being spent on millionaires getting their show back, while children are starving"

Okay, but that could be said about anything (spending time on Yahoo, taking your kids to the park, reading a book, etc.)

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is America, and in America you have the right to be an ignorant, Bible-thumping hick if you want. He can read passages from his magic book of stories all he wants, I fail to see why I should give a damn.

    “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”- Voltaire

    I also believe that the politically correct mafia needs to have its power checked. Hard. I would prefer that A&E tell the politically correct mafia to go to hell, apologize to this ZZ Top wannabe, and put him back on the show. I've never watched it and never will, but what is TRULY disgusting is the cowardice they showed in caving to the liberal bullies.

  • 7 years ago

    A) 3. Meh, it's just religious opinion. Nothing more.

    B) 3. Also meh, it's just the same stuff.

    C) 1. I simply don't see anything disgusting.

    D) 1. Not really disgusting.

    Honestly, he may be clearly homophobic, but he has the same right to free speech as everyone. Then again, I really don't give a rat's *** about that show anyways.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I don't find any of those to be disgusting. What I DO find disgusting is the fact that people say we should all have an open mind and say that we should not judge and persecute when someone is different, but then those very same people are the first to complain when someone voices an opinion that contradicts theirs. The gay rights activists claim to seek equality, but what they really seem to want is the ability to voice their opinions while silencing the others. I don't know about the rest of you, but that's not exactly how I define "equality". Phil Robertson has a right to his opinion just as much as the next guy. If you don't agree with him, that's fine. You have got that right as well, but why should you be entitled to dragging his name through the mud just because you have a different opinion? Besides, it wasn't exactly HIS own personal opinion anyway. He got it from the Bible. Anyone can get themselves a Bible and see that it does say that. You don't have to agree with it if you don't want to, but it IS in there. Phil Robertson doesn't claim to have written the thing, he's just saying that he believes in it, and so do I. I believe that one day God will show us on very convincing terms that he does in fact exist. I think that those who deny him will find that they were wrong, but that's me, that's my opinion. You don't have to agree, that's your business.

  • Mike K
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Hello Saddle Shoes,

    1) All 1's in my book. As of late last night AE won't wimp out of this easily from the perspective of each side. The rest of his family cast says that if Phil goes, they all go.

    2) I just want to add something. I work in the Oil Patch in western Canada and the people in these Oil companies are the very conservative type for the most part. If I leave my job location, go in for a dinner or a few beers in town and the subject of gays comes up. If I say when specifically asked that I believe in gay rights and that gay marriage should be legal and encouraged and that those who disagree are redneck bigots, religious fanatics and homophobes who may have some "nasty little issues of their own" and suddenly get skidded from my job for saying this, should I too be supported and take some legal action to sue the company as well or just accept that companies can set policies of freedom of speech as they see fit?

    You probably know my philosophy about equality across the board.


    Michael Kelly

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    All tweets tend to be either disgusting, irrelevant, or boring.

    These are all 3.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    "and stop making 'reality' shows in general..."


    WHO is being "intolerant" here?

    re: Re: "I'm more disappointed that so much time and energy is being spent on millionaires getting their show back, while children are starving"

    Okay, but that could be said about anything (spending time on Yahoo, taking your kids to the park, reading a book, etc.)


    Uh, ending world hunger is not the same thing as reading a book, no.

    Btw, once you're finished cooking, can you explain to me WHY christians have not really made much of a dent helping the poor? Or why the poor have gotten poorer under conservative policies?

  • A. 10

    B. 10

    C. 10

    D. 10

    Phil Robertson is not a Christian if he promotes homophobia. Homophobia is a sin like lying, stealing and murder. Real Christians such as myself are tired of anti-gay activist "Christians" smearing our Lord's face with the darkness and shame of homophobia. They do not represent the values promoted by Jesus.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm more disappointed that so much time and energy is being spent on millionaires getting their show back, while children are starving


    True. I only wish as much media time, petitions, protests, money, etc. being donated to or against Duck Dynasty and A&E, (both of which are swimming in money and affluence anyway), was instead donated to these children, it would make for a better world.

  • 7 years ago

    They're all disgusting.

    I'm thinking about starting a petition to demand that A&E cancel the show entirely, and stop making "reality" shows in general. In the meantime, a boycott of any companies who advertise on Duck Dynasty is in order.

    Edit: I have worked at jobs where my contract included clauses that meant I could be terminated for publicly making comments which could reflect badly on my employer. That people think this rich bigot should be able to ignore the rules that the rest of us have to live by is something I find revolting. How many of the people defending this fake redneck also support Hobby Lobby and their religiously-based denial of their employees insurance covering contraceptives? Their hypocrisy is stunning - one company cannot limit an employee's rights, because he is "Christian," but another company can limit their employees' rights, because the company is "Christian."

    It is all disgusting.

  • 7 years ago

    The tweets are not disgusting at all. Robertson is being persecuted for speaking God's truth about homosexuality.

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