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How is there talk of "Israeli occupation" if the Palestinian government won two wars against Israel?

In 2005 the Jewish population of Gaza was removed, all Israeli troops and institutions withdrew,

Palestinian political organs took over,

Gaza became part of "The Palestinian Authority" and in the 2005 elections, Hamas became the governing party.

After 2005, Hamas initiated and fought two wars against Israel and in both cases it declared victory.

So -- surely the loser of two wars can not possibly be occupying the winner?

How can the same entities that declared decisive victories against Israel speak of occupation??


@"Your Friend"

and others who were unclear --

Since a variety of folks generaly take the word of Hamas that it is under siege by Israel,

For the purposes of this question I'm am likewise taking the word of the Hamas government of Gaza.

After Gaza received independence in 2005, Hamas declared two wars against Israel, and in the end of both of those wars, they declared victory.

So -- something is not adding up.

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As usual one Arab lie contradicts the second Arab lie.

    1. If Arabs won the wars then there is no Israeli occupation.

    2. If Israeli occupation, then Arabs lost the wars.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    "So -- surely the loser of two wars can not possibly be occupying the winner?"

    America defeated Britain in 1783 but the British would still occupy parts of America at different times in the decades that followed. They even burned the White House down in 1814 during their occupation of Washington D.C..

    The government ruling Gaza was the one that participated in those wars. The separate Palestinian governing body over the West Bank areas was engaged in security cooperation with Israel at the time, not war. The one that engaged in war is not under occupation while the one that didn't still is. I hope that answers your question.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Every day that the Palestinians do not have formal borders is a day of "victory" for Israel.

  • S B
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    When Palestinians cry "occupation" the are really talking about Israel proper, because the rule of Jews anywhere is occupation to them.

    So I usually don't pay attention to their "occupation" whines.

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  • 7 years ago

    The Satanists turned Ghazzah into a P.O.W. camp.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Really I don't know what world you are living in but Gaza is under siege. Israel might have withdrawn from Gaza but they still control what goes in and out. Sometime they even take credit for allowing humanitarian relief and supplies that was clearly coming from countries like Qatar and Turkey. West Bank is still under Israeli occupation and continues to build settlements, destabilizing the region and fuelling the conflict. On top of that settler are the most barbaric and appalling people who destroy the livelihood of Palestinian and burn their olive trees and put up blockades. They can enter Palestinian land and throw stones at school where little children go and they can spray paint hateful Graffiti yet they rarely get arrested. Really settlements are deterrent to peace. But of course Israel gov doesn't care about Peace, they just want to consume West Bank into Israel. Israelis need to stop this or else the world is going to turn against them. I can see anti-Israel sentiment all around me. Even in media it is being reported more and more. I just bought a national geographic issue on this very subject.

    Cheers :)

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