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Is religion just an escape from fear?

Further- is the practice of non-religion just an attempt to escape from the fear of being trapped within an idealogical prison and if so, isn't it a form of prison also?

Whether religious or not it appears that everyone attempts to escape the fear of, among other lesser things, annihilation?

DISCLAIMER_ I am not religious in the modern American sense of the word nor am I an atheist. I am undefinable by those silly notions as are all human beings. This question is for those who really want to examine something in this topic area. If you prefer to poke fun or brutality towards me, the asker. I will do it for you to save you from wasting the bandwidth and mental energy. Yes I am dumb and stupid and useless. I ask really stupid questions. I am a crazy Christian and a godless atheist and a stupid question asker. Now that I have already insulted myself maybe this will expedite the flow for the good answers for which this question was tendered.


great answers-

Death Walking Terror answered 3 mins ago

I perceive it as a mental refuge: placing all of one's insecurities in the belief that God will make everything turn out alright in the end.

This is of course an abstraction and an illusion because the facts are little different for those who do not believe that story.

Praises Be answered 2 mins ago

religion of jesus is praising god and acepting that humand are dirty sinner wh ocan only be cleansed through the power of jesus christ. Everyone else must go to hell because they are singul and sin is not permitted in heaven. It is sad but they had their choice

But isn't your answer proof of the brutality and evil in saying that anything can be right or wrong at the expense of conscious beings?

THC answered 2 mins ago

No, because Christianity and Islam are fear-based religions, so if anything, they bring more fear into people's lives, along with more guilt and feelings of insufficiency and self-denial.

I would ag

Update 2:

"Moral awareness alone teaches there will be a reckoning for wrongdoing.

Only a fool has no fear of that. "

What is "moral awareness" actually? Is it something real? Is it something we all posess? or it is a story we use to escape from the fact that sometimes "justice" is elusive and therefore there must be a "greater" judgement awaiting as the fact of justice has eluded us now? just curious

11 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's misguided to think religion is "JUST" any one thing. It's a very complex institution that serves a LOT of different needs for a wide variety of people.

    LOL, no. You seem to assume that fear is the ONLY thing that motivates anyone. That's clearly absurd.

    Love of rationality often drives lack of religion, or disbelief.

    No YOU have decided to think of everything in terms of fear; that doesn't mean you're RIGHT. You didn't think it through at all.

    Of course we don't WANT to cease to be. But you're just saying ANY conclusion we come to is out of FEAR only.

    There's nothing at all silly about recognizing the FACT that some people believe in supernatural beings, and others don't and still others aren't sure. It's silly to deny it, or to pretend there's something wrong with having words to describe those various stances.

    Not all Christians and Muslims are fear-based believers.

    Moral awareness IS real. It has nothing to do with an imaginary Sky Bully. It's something humans are generally hard-wired to have. Or, at least, moral reasoning is something we're hard-wired to do. We are social critters, after all.

  • 7 years ago

    Good question - and we're not even the only creatures that feel fear! And yet, we're the only ones with organized religions (that we know of. For all we know, termites might worship some sort of termite... god... thing.).

    So, if what some of the answerers here have said is true, why should a wild animal fear death?

    I'm pretty sure that once they realized what was happening, the nonavian dinosaurs were afraid - they were no less mentally capable than wolves or horses, and those creatures know fear.

    As for your actual question, I'm afraid the best answer I can offer is "likely."

  • 7 years ago

    There is a difference between spirituality and religion. Spirituality is the whole life of aperson lived in relationship with the transcendent. A person’s individual spirituality may or may not incorporate the rituals, practices, and beliefs of a particular religious group. However, for billions of people throughout the world, institutionalized religion provides the setting in which personalized spirituality is expressed and developed.

    Religion acknowledges both the communal dimension of spirituality and the place of tradition of the spiritual journey. It provides a connection to the wisdom and richness of those who have gone before us. Religion enables the tradition to come alive in our own experience and it calls the faith community to apply the tradition to the needs and hopes of the present.

  • 7 years ago

    It may be for some, but Christ is the escape from sin.

    Death is only feared because of the Judgement to come.

    Moral awareness alone teaches there will be a reckoning for wrongdoing.

    Only a fool has no fear of that.

  • 7 years ago

    in part it is an escape from fears in part it is fear being used as a form of social control.

    to your furthermore, perhaps to some as some sort of rebellion but thats not the case for me

    as for your disclaimer do you be live that gods exists

    if no then you are an atheist by definition... i am an atheist in that i do not believe in gods at the same time i can be agnostic i could be wrong about my belief.

  • 7 years ago

    I perceive it as a mental refuge: placing all of one's insecurities in the belief that God will make everything turn out alright in the end.

  • 7 years ago

    No, because Christianity and Islam are fear-based religions, so if anything, they bring more fear into people's lives, along with more guilt and feelings of insufficiency and self-denial.

  • 7 years ago

    In a sense. It's an escape from the unknown and most people fear the unknown.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Organised religion seems to be a place for people who are unable to think for themselves and make thier own choices.

  • 7 years ago

    Religion is completely fear isn't an escape from it because it's full of it!

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