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why do people class you as racist if you disagree with Islam?

It seems these days if you disagree or oppose islam your branded as racist. But how when being Muslim is not racial its a religion

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Islamic religion is racist. The fact they have the audacity to call other religions and people racist is absurd. There is no other religion but Islam that has a word for describing non believers in a derogatory fashion (kufar) and if rule of law was up to them they would implement sharia law of which one of the rules would be to tax non Muslims. Their actions are racist, Muslims are given freedom of religion and speech in western countries yet they do not extend the same to non Muslims when they are the majority in a country, in fact they make non Muslims lives intolerable until they submit to the will of Islam. People are scared to express their views of Islam due to the threats of violence yet Muslims face no threat when defaming any other religion.

    If you look at world conflicts over last 50 years see how many 1 side is Muslim. They always resort to violence and wonder why people criticise them if they have the gumption as most are afraid to speak out about Islam

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Previously the word "racism" referred to color only but in the modern era the word means much more .

    I perfect example of this is found in the UN Charter of Human Rights See URL BELOW

    "Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination, and superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere.[6]"

    Disagreeing with something does not de facto make a person racist .It all is relative to HOW and the language used especially if it is vilifying and demonizing language as is the case with most Americans defecating on Islam .


    "To a liberal ANYTHING that disagrees with them is racism"



  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Mary is right.

    Additionally "liberals" seem to have this underlying believe that it is impossible for non-whites to have discriminatory thoughts about whites or other races/creeds/religions.

    Both the Japanese and Chinese look down at whites and consider us to be an inferior race.

    The Thais vehemently believe that they are the best race in the World.

    Muslims believe that, as Muslims, they are above all other religions.

    Half the problem with the so-called liberal elite of the UK and Europe is that they live in cloistered and safe environments away from day to day contact with the poorer ethnic minorities of the country in which they live.

    Finally how long do you think this answer will stay available for people to read?

  • Turtle
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I find that most people who hate Muslims do not even have a rudimentary understanding of the sects. They seem to hate them all equally. In fact, sometimes when troops go overseas, some of the less hostile Muslims wish to help the troops find the bad guys but then get offended and frustrated by the ignorant hate directed at them all equally. I class people as bigots when they are too lazy to see people as individuals. Islam is a religion, btw, not a race.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I disagree with Islam and don't give a rats **** what people have to say about it. Seems like if anyone needs proof that liberals are hypocritical, then they need to point at Islam. Liberals claim (when the doors are open) that gays, secularism, equal rights, etc are a must. However, never criticise the religion that wants to end all of that. **** Islam.

  • 7 years ago

    Since being a Muslim is a choice then it should be open to constructive criticism

    Edit - I am socially liberal, but I don't think that backing up a illiberal ideology like Islam can be seen as Liberal. I mean Islam is so illiberal and borderline fascist in some ideas

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Liberals support, Muslims. They treat the women so well and marry 6 year old girls and wait till they are 9 to consummate the marriage. Saudis do it with impunity here in America. Take women and kids out on a plane that our government will not check.

    And import lots of little girls and boys to be sex slaves.

    It is in the Quran, so it is OK.

  • 7 years ago

    The truth is Islam is very conservative and strict, in other words they hate competition but as long as you don't insult one's race or ethnicity and as long as you don't talk sarcastically, your not a racist.

    When arguing with them keep it ethical and respectful.

  • wtinc
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Who in there right mind would agree with Islam

    to do as such means you agree with the mistreatment of Women, Children, and animals as well as Christians

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Christianity is the only religion Pinko liberals feel comfortable ridiculing.

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