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What are some burdens placed on man by man himself?


ObamaCare is a new burden for some I reckon.

Update 2:

Record keeping is a huge burden.

Update 3:

Having a spouse that requires a special diet but refuses to eat what he should and you stay on edge in fear of his demise

Update 4:

Paul-you need the right woman to change your mind about that one. Women are a blessing

Update 5:

Thank you all for stopping in and adding answers..I appreciate you all.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    WOW, what a wonderful question to make us think!

    First, let's define the word burden:

    1)something that is carried: load, 2) duty, responsibility, 3)something oppressive or worrisome.

    We don't think which definition you are thinking of. Doesn't matter

    When each one of us come to the self-awareness that we are expected to perform something, ig: you are a student, well, then you have to do well grade wise to graduate, go to college, graduate, get a job--THEN you might be burdened with potential

    worries in getting employment OR if you become a parent, you know now you must provide for your wife and child, and that brings duty and responsibilty. or then after that, you have another child and must provide for them all, as well as do great at your job, and provide other duties, bring loads of more concerns.

    All these "things" do not have to be burdens at all! Life is a combination of challenges, rights, desires, mysteries, and your approach to them can be a positive experience.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    For me it's "judgement".

    I find it very disconcerting when others judge me. I never know if I should defend my position and appeal to their higher nature, or if it's best to leave them with their skewed opinion.

    You know what I mean? Like some people are so tunnel visioned, they can only see from a limited perspective. They have no concept of "seek first to understand and then be understood". They just push their idea of what is with no consideration for the reality of it all.

    As an empath, a lover of people and life and all that....I am very sensitive to other people's judging. The most difficult is when the other person proclaims themselves to be enlightened or to have the absolute truth. When they get it weighs me down.

    I know, it's my reaction that causes the burden. I know, it's my concern that creates the heaviness.

    But that's how I am.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Man should be alert, vigilant and careful. He should not be negligent. One should not tie oneself with his own rope and create a bondage. Particularly one should not use any imaginary rope. It will fortify him and put him within the four-walls. It is just like a jail. One should not indulge in any sort of self-inflicted harm. Don't go inside the fridge and sit there for a long time. It is not advisable to indulge in such misadventures. You will not suffocate, but may be frozen.

    The worst among all burdens is to carry rumors for others consumption.

    Source(s): compiled.
  • paul s
    Lv 6
    7 years ago


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  • 7 years ago

    Their identity. For example: Notice I don't even have a profile photo! (acne)

  • 7 years ago

    pretty much everything

    name a problem, e.g. pollution, global warming, animal extinction, social deprivation, it'll usually be man-made.

  • Herve
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    the uranium barrier

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