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Lv 6
Myra asked in PetsCats · 7 years ago

Cat owners please: What should I look for when finding a fairly sociable cat?

Never had one and would like to have one for a pet. (how do you distinguish a "loner" from one more affectionate? Thank you.

4 Answers

  • J C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go to your local shelter or rescue, and ask to look at the adults. Tell them what you are looking for in terms of personality. They will show you the cats you think will work, and then allow you to meet them. Interact with them one by one, and see which one seems to be what you want. Avoid the cat that slinks to the back of the cage, or seems bored with your presence. Look for one that rubs the cage door when you walk by, or sticks his/her paws out at you. The cat should appear confident and friendly - and interested in you. Once you've narrowed it down to 2 or 3, you can generally go into a room with you and the cat and further interact with them, one on one. With any luck, your new friend will choose YOU!

    Source(s): many years of cat rescue
  • 7 years ago

    At the shelter, just tell them that you are looking for a social cat (and not a certain color or breed) then when they bring you the kitties, wait for the cat to come to you first. Those who come to you will like humans and human company. IF the cat does not come to you at all, then he/she is probably a loner.

    There are also social cats who don't like to sit in your lap - like mine. But still she is very loving and affectionate. She likes to curl up next to me on the sofa or in my bed when I sleep.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    i have 2 tuxedo cats. They need their alone time every now and again but overall they are very playful and affectionate. I hope I helped!

    Source(s): my cats :)
  • 7 years ago

    When you go to look at them its the ones that will come up to you and rub on you and will let you hold them and purr.

    The cats that get angry when you are near them stay away.

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