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Two questions actually for fellow believers, JWs, feel free if you must...?

So we see that the Magi in Matthew 2 :11

And they came into the house and saw the child with Mary His mother. And falling down, they worshipped Him; and opening their treasures, they offered gifts to Him, gold and frankincense and myrrh.

If this son given to us was not God the Son, and worthy or worship, why did the Father allow these Magi to fall down and worship the child Jesus.

Further thoughts.

If any, what do the gold, frankincense and myrrh signify.

15 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I read the JW's take on this wonderful story and I just can not believe their ignorance in these verses. I mean anyone who is going to travel 800-1000 miles by a caravan with gold, frankincense and myrrh, very expensive gifts, are going to go up to a child, fall down and do "Obesiance" to him. Right, I'm going to travel that far and fall down to a King, who is maybe 2 years old and do Obesiance to him, that would be "nuts"! That is not going to happen. The proper use here would be worship. Then to have someone tell us that these Maji caused the deaths of many kids and put Jesus in danger, like King Herod had nothing in this. They even go so far as to say the star was evil that led the Maji to Jesus. As if to say that God could not protect him or Gods plan of salvation could be altered by man. The only evil here was

    King Herod and his temper and greed. The gold, frankincense and myrrh served as the means of living as they were being pursuied by King Herods men. The question here should be asked why does the WBTS take such an evil stance? How does it futher their cause?

  • God Kingship

    Frankincense Priesthood

    Myrrh Death

    The Magi worshiped Jesus as King because to them (astronomers) that is what the birth of a new star signified and that was what the prophecy said

    The shepherds came to worship Him too sent by the angels

    John the Baptist was filled with Holy Spirit in the womb when Mary met Elizabeth

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The point of the Magi was to deliver enough wealth to raise Jesus and to keep Him outta harms way until He was older.

    The significance of Gold,Frankincense and Myrrh Was Wealth in those days. Mucho Wealth.

  • 7 years ago

    The indications are that it was customary for those going to see a king to bring gifts. The astrologers who came to see “the one born king of the Jews” were simply following this custom when they presented gifts to the young child Jesus.

    Matthew reports that the foreigners “opened their treasures” and presented Jesus with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Interestingly, those expensive gifts may have come at just the right time, since Jesus’ family—evidently of little means—were soon forced to flee as refugees.

    Source(s): the Bible
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  • Yoda
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    The gold frankincense and myrrh are things they would be trading with. As they didn't have anything from toys-R-us handy, those were given.

    I don't know if you've noticed, but put a baby in-front of grown adults, and they often fall down and dote on the baby making a big fuss. Kinda normal human behavior to make a big fuss over a baby, don't you think?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    1. The disciples also worshipped Jesus. This is important because there are those who deny the deity of Christ, relegating Him instead to a lesser position than God. Yes, Jesus accepted worship. As the divine the second Person of the Trinity, He was and still is worshiped.

    2.The gift of gold to the Christ child was symbolic of His divinity—God in flesh.

    The gift of frankincense to the Christ child was symbolic of His willingness to become a sacrifice, wholly giving Himself up, analogous to a burnt offering.

    Myrrh symbolizes bitterness, suffering, and affliction. The baby Jesus would grow to suffer greatly as a man and would pay the ultimate price when He gave His life on the cross for all who would believe in Him.

  • 7 years ago

    I would like to add that they came and brought him gifts. It wasn't because it was His birthday. He wasn't in the manger. It didn't say how many men. It was not a Jewish custom to celebrate birthdays. But it was a custom to bring gifts whenever you come to visit a king. This was why they presented gifts

    Gold because He is a King

    Frankincense because He is our Priest

    Myrrh symbolizes his death

    All of this had to come to pass as Isaiah foretold about this

    Is 60:6


    6 The multitude of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shall shew forth the praises of the Lord.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    To my understanding, this proves all these facts:

    1. The Almighty has many people WE DO NOT KNOW following His Plan for mankind, even warching His Billboard (read Rev 12: 1).

    2. Just like Israel was "looking forward" yo see John the Baptist, these Magee were expecting the stars to sjow His coming.

    3. Even the bad works for the Good (only God is Good), and even if they eere from satan (which I doubt, and I do not know), the Almighty had THEM tecorded to Glorify His First Begptten Son. The whole world now knows, just like when Mary washed His feet with oil.

    4. The JW will most probably say "it's from satan". Theu (you can too) say what ypu want. It does npt mattrr. He ALOWED IT to be registered for ever.

    5. Although the JW will say something else, the heavens ARE GOD'S BILLBOARD, and left a "sign" for His Son birth. Rev 12:1 shows tha the ALINGMENT of the Constellation of Virgo, the Sun, the Moon, the Pleiades, ONLY happened PNCE, for a day, on 2 BC. NASA proved it by runnimg a program with these celestial bodies and they were all aligned ONCE at that date.

  • Micah
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    They were only doing what the custom was when in the presence of a King.

    Jesus was to be the future King--- not an earthly King but a heavenly one.

    They were not worshipping Jesus because they believed him to be Almighty God.

    They were giving Jesus the honor due a King / ruler.

    They thus presented gifts to a future King.

    When Solomon was King, the Queen of Sheba who came from a distant land, presented him with many expensive gifts. The astrologers gave the gifts they felt showed the proper honor due a King.

    As far as stopping them from showing honor to Jesus, Jehovah did not stop the Israelites from worshipping a golden calf, but were they right in doing it? No.

    They ended up losing their lives for idolatry. That is what is called "free will"

  • Kjw47
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    The greek word proskenaue--had 4 different meanings from greek to English--1) Worship( to God) 2) Obesiance ( to a king) and 2 others.

    The Israelite leaders were looking to the messiah to be a mighty king--not God--- the correct usage of that greek word for the messiah is obeisance, not worship-- the trinity translations are filled with misleading errors like this to fit false( Catholicism) council teachings, by the will of satan--they were the foretold great apostasy--them and all the branches( 32,999) of them.

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