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continuity error in the bible?

I love this little gem i found:

Hollywood would get tweets for months if it left a plot hole this big.

In the bible it says god destroyed the world by a flood only saving noah and the boat - noah being 900 years old or some such incredible age.

My question when they reached dry land - and god had DESTROYED the world by flood killing everyone and everything

Noah had 3 sons. HE offered god a sacrifice - which animal? No seriously he only had 2 of everything so a sacrifice = one animal becomes extinct.

As a reward god gave him a rainbow.

He then went on to be a drunk and grow wine, cursed one of his sons who all alone made the canaans.

You see the problem there - 3 sons, everyone else on earth dead.

You could drive a truck through that plot mistake.

3 boys could not populate the world again. This is impossible.

Did raindrops NOT refract light to create rainbows BEFORE noah? Well that is interesting

And he became a drunk and made wine.

Thats a bit funny, because historically that is what happened to the sumerian king too after he survived the flood of the river.


@ Earnest I did read it, that is how i found the holes in the plot.

Update 2:

@SmartAZ my question does not relate to if there was a flood or not. Historical evidence shows most people lived by rivers and surprisingly rivers ALL at some stage FLOOD.

Update 3:

@Light and Truth - Read down to part 10 - it lists the genealogy of his sons, RABBITS do not breed that fast. His granson could NOT have been king of 10,000 people - where the hell would they have come from?

Update 4:

@Opsaltis... Not true, A female can have from 12 one child every year. Mortality rates were KNOWN to be high, so for every year it would have been 12 more for each child to have a child.

The most possible is therefore 3x12x12 = 432 people after 12 years.

So where did the other 9,500+ come from? See its a plot hole.

Update 5:

@Sanctifeyed you really should read the story itself, im only dealing with the plot holes, I never mentioned the fact it would be IMPOSSIBLE to actually fit all that in a TINY ship. We are talking only about the directly after bit, as recorded in the bible - the bit that has all the holes in it, that as soon as you think - 3 men cant make 10,000 babies in 24 years or 50 YEARS even. We call that a plot hole. At no time are we questioning the validity of the story, if we questioned the story it would fall apart as myth instantly.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not only that but Noah's Ark is stolen from The Epic of Gilgamesh which in turn is stolen from Hinduism. The problem is Christians do NOT read the bible like a scholar would...they are brainwashed and HIGHLY uneducated. If they actually read the bible in a unbiased way, they would see all the errors, contradictions, flaws, violence and plain stupidity.

  • 7 years ago

    There were two of the unclean animals, and seven of the clean (the ones suitable for sacrifice.) Like a great many other places in the Bible, a full explanation is not offered at every mention of something, and a few verses later, two is used without mentioning the seven.

    Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. Genesis 7:2

    Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives were on the ark. What is the problem? They could hit 100 in a few generations, and thousands in a few more....

    Noah did become drunk, and was apparently sexually assaulted by his son ("seeing his nakedness" is a euphemism). It just goes to prove that none of us is sinless.

    The atmosphere was apparently different before the flood -- a cataclysmic change overturned the previous scheme:

    ... for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

    But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. Gen 2:5b,6

    You missed some key items. Read the actual account before criticizing.

    Forgive me.


  • 7 years ago

    you should try actually reading what the Bible says!

    Noah took 7 pairs of the clean animals and birds - so 14 sheep and probably more - very likely that they reproduced during the 1 year voyage.

    The rainbow was not a 'reward'. It was a sign of God's covenant (promise) that He will not flood the world again.

    There were 8 people on the Ark Noah, his wife, and their 3 sons and their wives.

    Starting from 8 people a population of 6 billion or so about 4500 years later is just what one would expect from standard populations models.

    The problems come for evolutionists. If evolution were true then there must have been countless billions upon billion of human ancestors. Where is the evidence for them!?

    One has to wonder if you are really interested in finding answers, but if you are then I suggest you take a look here

  • 7 years ago

    Hollywood's script editors are obviously more literate than you are. Noah took seven pairs of the clean animals. He also took his daughters-in-law.

    No, raindrops did NOT refract light back then because there was no rain. The earth was watered with a tidal mist, not with weather patterns like it is today. Again, read the story.

    Edit: Your math is screwed up. Let me fix it for you:

    For simplicity's sake, let's assume that Shem, Ham and Japheth are triplets, and they were all 120 when they got off the ark. 120 is the average age of first time fatherhood in that era. Let's assume an age of about 500 for menopause in women in that era. Not unreasonable, considering that prior to the flood, the average lifespan was 912 years. Let's also assume that the boys' wives are the same age they are. So we have a childbearing age range of 380 years. Let's assume each couple had one child every two years until the wives hit menopause, which for that era is quite reasonable (the Bible actually gives us the number of sons that each of the boys had, but we're simplifying things here for the raw numerical value; besides, the Bible doesn't mention how many granddaughters Noah had).

    So after 380 years, each of Noah's sons can produce 190 children, for a grand total of 570 grandkids for Noah. Let's divide this number in half to count the number of couples: 285.

    The next generation has, let's say, only 200 years to produce offspring, due to the rate at which the lifespans are dropping off. Again, assuming there is one live birth per couple every two years, each couple can produce 100 children, or 50 more couples. Multiply this by 285, and you get 14,250 couples. After just two generations.

    Now, consider the fact that Shem lived long enough that he could have met Jacob, who was his 9x-great grandson. Shem outlived Jacob's grandfather, great grandfather and great-great grandfather. Shem's son outlived Shem. So yes, it is, in fact, completely possible that Arphaxad could be king over 10,000 people.

    "if we questioned the story it would fall apart as myth instantly."

    You claim that, and yet here I sit, answering your objections with incredible ease, and the story still stands. You might want to reconsider. But I know you won't, as you can't read anyway. That much is evidenced by the fact that you refused to read the biblical account of the flood before you began making objections to it. The only reason you think the story falls apart is because you've convinced yourself it's a scarecrow.

    So, in what I know will be a futile attempt to get you to read yourself out of inanity, I am linking you a Wikipedia article with cited sources that discusses the strawman logical fallacy you're so very fond of using.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    There are things that God intentionally hides from those who do not seek after Him. And then there are those things which escape the notice of ignorant folks as in your case. The fact that the Bible has no loop hole regarding the animals on the ark makes you look really stupid and arrogant. God said there would be folks like you. The solution is simple. Ask God to reveal Himself to you through the scriptures and seek Him with all your heart. Don't waste another second reading your Bible as a non-saved individual. It requires illumination by the Holy Spirit and until you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit you might as well be reading Peter Pan.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Did it ever occur to you that maybe you did not understand the story at all? Lots of specially trained smart people have looked hard for evidence of a world wide flood. They found two. Neither of them was Noah's flood of 2349 BC. Nevertheless, people all over the world recorded a flood that year and they all agreed on all the details. You might be surprised to learn what actually happened. This is long, but it's all there:

    If you don't care to read the whole book, here is the footnote. Scroll down to "Day of the dead":

  • G C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    IF you actually read instead of listening to others you would know that God commanded Noah to take more of the animals to sacrifice once the flood was over.

  • 7 years ago

    First, there were more lamb that two, that was the sacrificial animal. And for 3 sons and their wives, who had children already, you are not familiar with genealogy, and here we are talking loner periods of time since the lived longer lives. If you go back five generations I have over 450 people, my wife's side over 500. They had more children and more time.

  • 7 years ago

    I think your argument concerning the martian on a pogo stick is spurious and destroys your entire position.

    What, you expect me to actually read what you wrote before I argue against it? I thought that I could just make up a rebuttal based on what I thought you may have written.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You are trying to understand God's works with a simple mind. God reveals his amazing works to those who believe and seek the truth. That is obviously not your intention. You are trying to prove the Bible is mistaken. You cannot possibly understand the ways of God with such a closed mind. You say "it is not possible..." Everything is possible for God.

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