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Are atheists really the free thinkers, the educated, all knowing people that they seem to suggest they are?

Please, for us small minded, narrow, ignorant God-believing nut jobs called Christians, in simple language, can you tell us what qualified you, where did you go, what extensive research did you carry out in order to stand tall and boldly and declare, " there is no God!"

And please, no, " Cuz there's no God!" and all the Santa, Tooth fairy silliness, these answers will not suffice, we want proof, no cheap watered down answers...Proof.

If you cannot produce this proof then may I suggest to you that you are not as free a thinker as you suppose, but rather a follower of men. Someone came up with the arguments you spew here on YA. Not one of you can say that you searched everywhere to find God. You are merely mimicking men. Fallen men.

So here is your chance. Prove with proof that there is no God.


I am not surprised by these cop out answers I am getting. If proof of God's existence is before your eyes, for most of you, you simply keep your eyes closed and say there is no proof. I asked a simple question, based on your own experience why you do not believe in God's existence and what do I get? That the burden of proof is on me. smh.

Romans chapter 1

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold down the truth in unrighteousness,

19 Because that which is known of God is manifest within them, for God manifested it to them.

20 For the invisible things of Him, both His eternal power and divine characteristics, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that they would be without excuse;

21 Because though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or thank Him, but rather became vain in their reasonings, and their heart, lacking understanding, was darkened.

29 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    they need Jesus Christ

    to all Atheists its not too

    late for you to seek God

    and turn back from all

    your wicked ways

    the RAPTURE is coming

    very soon

    may the Lord God have

    mercy on you

  • 7 years ago

    The question itself is loaded and irrational.

    You can't expect a rational person to answer a conditional irrational question.

    I will say that there is no requirement that a free thinker be educated. Free thinkers don't derive ideas from others. No education is necessary. A more educated person may be a better debater, but that doesn't qualify someone as a free thinker either.

    To say "all knowing" is cynical and prejudicial, before you give anybody a chance to answer, you are already making judgements about them that suggest you aren't even open to genuine replies. You've already made up your mind.

    Nobody claims that free thinkers are all knowing. We do look at everything analytically, however, and draw conclusions based on rational, unbiased, empirical evidence. Just like science.

    I don't have evidence there's no god. I can't show you an artifact or document, but I'm firmly convinced there isn't one.

    If you are from a Christian perspective, I can show you that god doesn't exist.

  • 7 years ago

    Actually I do not make the positive claim there is no God. Please stop trying to put your words in my mouth. I simply state honestly that there is no evidence that any God exists, and that as a consequence, I will not believe *your* claim that a God exists.

    I personally do not care if you want to believe in a God, your opinions are your problem. I don't have to live your life, so it really doesn't matter at all to me what you think. I will stand up against bullies who try to make unconstitutional laws which are biased in favor of any particular faith, or which treat some minority differently under the law because of your religious dogma and prejudice.

    @Yun -- On the other hand the majority of human cultures started off thinking that the Sun circled the Earth, and now we know that belief was false. Many cultures were oppressively ruled by tyrants and now we have a democratic republic. Just because a lot of other people used to do something in the past, does not mean we have to keep on doing it now. We are educated well enough to see that all the things that people used to claim were the mysterious actions of a God, like thunderstorms or earthquakes or seeds sprouting, or babies growing in a mother's womb, are explainable by simple natural causes. You want to believe in some God that fine, but you have no right or privileges to tell us we cannot gather in a public website and answer questions which are actually about atheists. After all who is better qualified to know *what* we think than us?

  • 7 years ago

    Look at your own words.

    - atheists - free thinkers

    - ignorant God-believing nut jobs - Christians,

    - We "think" you "believe" so you cannot be "free thinkers".

    can you tell us what qualified you,

    - Simple, we think, we analyze, we research, you "believe", nothing more.

    what extensive research did you carry out in order to stand tall and boldly and declare, " there is no God!"

    - ONLY brain dead fundies ever say that we say - there is no god - but we have done extensive research to discover - there is no evidence for a god - I am sure the difference is lost on you, but there it is.

    we want proof,

    - Proof, absolute proof, there is no evidence for any deity. there are opinions, there is imagination, but there is no evidence.

    If you cannot produce this proof then may I suggest to you that you are not as free a thinker as you suppose,

    - But we have, we cannot prove that there is no god, it is impossible to prove a negative, but when evidence is zero, then evidence is zero.

    but rather a follower of men.

    - You who ONLY "believes" what people tell you call us "a follower of men", how very fundie.

    Someone came up with the arguments you spew here on YA

    - And some one didn't come up with the "beliefs" you spew?

    Not one of you can say that you searched everywhere to find God.

    - It is impossible to search everywhere for anything, but until you provide EVIDENCE then there is no evidence. Prove your 'belief" is true, prove that there is a god.

    So here is your chance. Prove with proof that there is no God.

    - Basic intelligence dictates that you cannot prove a negative. But here is your chance, prove there is a god.

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  • 7 years ago

    I simply listed all the religions and gods that I could find (including there being no god.)

    I pondered over the list for nearly 10 years. I read about each religion, I attended mosques, chapels, churches and temples.

    I cannot prove there is no god, just as I cannot prove the sun-worshippers are not worshiping a god at all. It is not about proof, it is about faith.

    I have gathered the faith that all the religious groups are equally entitled to their beliefs but that I personally have no faith that their gods or their legends are true.

    Once I had eliminated all other possibilities, I was left with no religion that I could reasonably believe in.

  • Strega
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Sure right after you prove there is no Thor or Shiva.

    Proving that something does not exist is impossible, the burden of proof lies on the one making supernatural claims. I make no claim, I simply don't believe in any god, just like there are thousands of gods you don't believe in.

  • 7 years ago

    You can't prove a negative.

    I can't prove there is no god, just like you can't prove there is no pug named Samuel who sits in a rotating teacup in the centre of Saturn causing all things in the universe to occur by playing his acoustic guitar.

    I don't believe in a god, I don't assert that one absolutely can't exist, but based on the falsified myths of the Judeo-Christi-Islamic religions, it's a safe bet that those aren't right.

    Also, for reference sake, you religious folk are the ones making the claim that your god exists; it's your burden of proof to hold.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It so happens I do believe in God (to which many names other than God could be applied), just not the Christian version of God.

    For example I don't believe a God would give us free will and then have some poor woman (Amanda Berry and her two captive friends for example) locked away in a dungeon. What happened to their free will and how come the perpetrator's free will abrogates any chance she has to express hers?

    God could have come to their aid many years before if he was good and kind.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    First, you have to explain some things to me. This is because you've made a proposition which you've asked me to disprove. But you've been vague, and I can't refute a proposition which you haven't made clear.

    1) Define God;

    2) Describe Christ (I've yet to meet any 2 Christians who agree on Christ's basic nature and teachings);

    3) I'll assume you accept God as a given, but by what objective measure do you know that God is good? (i.e. how do you know that the God of the Bible isn't actually the devil who has tricked you into thinking he is God, so you don't worship the true God? After all, the God of the Bible has many devilish ordering the death of children and pregnant women, as well as advocating slavery.)

    4) I'll also need to know your position on the Bible...whether you believe it is literally interpreted or not.

    (If possible, please also explain what "free thinking" is....I don't need to know this, but I would like to know because you are claiming that I think I am a "free thinker.")

  • 7 years ago

    This is such an angry hate filled that would suggest to me that no matter what I say you will neither hear it nor respect it...but here goes anyway:

    I never claimed to be smart. Just the opposite as a matter of fact. And if a dumb bunny like me can figure out we all got conned, then anybody can.

    4 plus decade of walking this rock, at least 30 years of honest search for god....of sincere prayer....of trying to give my life to god.....and know what happened? EFFIN NOTHING.

    Innocents still are victimized....monsters still prosper.....even the most faithful had no help from above....

    You know as well as anybody else a negative can't be proven so the smug tone here is woefully dishonest....

    I ain't saying that there never was a god, of that I don't know. What I can tell you is if there ever was one he she it either died or left us to our own devices a long, long time ago.....we are alone....there will be no help, no rescue, no direction.....nadda......

    Searched everywhere? No...dozens of churches.....dozens of books.....every TV preacher I could find.....then I even stretched out past Christianity & sought out the god of others than Abraham....still nothing....

    I don't need to spend all my days beating a dead horse to get it through my less than par brain that the horse is dead.....

    I am mimicking NO ONE....YOU DON'T KNOW ME & HAVE 0 RIGHT TO STAND IN JUDGEMENT OF ME & WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW....lets say for a half a second that you were would your god feel about your uppity, judgy rant here? he gave you the right to look down your nose at your fellow man & hold yourself in such high regard you are above even him?

    Laughable....I just realized this is a real Christian is supposed behave as you are.

    PS: OMG, Yun's post is so thick with the irony & self insults it burns.....ROFL....thanks for the lolz, I can no longer tell which ones of you are trolls & which ones are for real....

    PPS: Also good to know he has studied each & EVERY culture on the globe....too bad he never heard of the Anishnaabe nor the Haudenosaunee to name two godless people's with written language....

  • It's impossible to prove a negative, actually just typing words on a computer for me it's not that easy to prove a positive. I don't think Christians, Jews, Muslims or Hindus are nut jobs.

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