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What kind of connection do you feel to other regenerated believers here on R&S?

Was looking at these verses in 1 Peter 5 and was touched by one word... " Brotherhood"

8 Be sober; watch. Your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking someone to devour.

9 Him withstand, being firm in your faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being accomplished among your brotherhood in the world.

10 But the God of all grace, He who has called you into His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself perfect, establish, strengthen, and ground you.

11 To Him be the glory and the might forever and ever. Amen.

So what are your feelings and how has the Lord spoken to your own heart regarding the brothers and sisters you come into contact here. Do we stand for each other? Do we see ourselves as the Body of Christ in our handling of one another? Do we compete? I am just throwing these out, not to offend but mainly to bring us back to who we are. We are in the Brotherhood ( this includes sisters since in God's eyes of grace we are the many sons, and brothers of the Lord Jesus).

Thank you for sharing about your experience and what this may look like in your life and here on R&S.

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What Peter is establishing here in this word to our Brotherhood, is that we must be aware that we must be* mindful* of all that God would pour into us, His Truth frees us from the powers of darkness, that which the roaring lion would keep us in.

    In Psalm 32 verse 8 the Scripture says, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go. I will counsel you with My eye upon you." Then He says this, "Do not be as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding." Quite powerful words... thar'. Peter stresses to us that in Christ our Brotherhood is established, yet this does not just happen without us being active listeners, so we don't travel as mindless ones. What I see here, is our brother Peter stressing the fact that proper action and proper response comes with proper understanding. Christianity is a matter of the mind and the heart and soul. We are to love God first with all and then Love one another as He Loves Us. So our coming into One accord and unity is paramount to God. You have some good answers above by our brothers above... Our Brothers daicactus, Gentile, and Brother Trucker came in as those who do care for the Body of Christ excelling... and I followed.

    This coming into all of Christ means we are part of His Body, each cell helping one another in every way (spiritual, emotional, and in the physical realms). As Gentile said God's Love is given to us to uphold one another as the roaring lion in the wild goes after the weak links in Africa, so it is with us as we all can be the weak one. One of the wonderful blessings that happened to me, was God bringing me into contact with others who were what I saw as elder Christians, who were rich in the faith, established, I can't say enough about how their loving Christ, helped me grow, as they patiently worked here, with questions that renewed my mind, lifting my heart, so I could see more. WE all LOVED THESE BLESSED TIMES... and we could not wait to share in unity, some truth, which beheld us.... we wanted our Love to Grow, so beautiful .... to be in sync with others... in this Body of Believers, who come with a passage some portion to share how Great God is.

    Gods Spirit would have us shepherd one another, to a more assured foundation of certainty. God's gift being varied, diversified. In this we are re-vitalized. WE know our Lord worked tirelessly, are we?!

    Why did he do this, we might ask ourselves> So our attitudes would be transformed, the entire Body of Christ needful of the other parts... working alongside with one another with God in our midst.


    God bless, you touched this heart here. May God bless us in humbleness to gather together and as Brother Trucker has shared... Jesus Christ said... He has sheep in other folds...this is such an important statement.. Gentile shares on how God's love for us is intense, daicitus, on regeneration ~ all good sharing! God's Spirit is drawing and pouring itself out, weather people acknowledge this fact or not. His will be done in heaven and in and on earth in our hearts, minds and souls.

    The reason i spoke here on mindlessness, is that the roaring lion would keep us mindless of the things that matter to God. Thank you sis, I am both gladdened and sad over this question. May God help me to love the Brotherhood more!

  • 7 years ago

    That depends on what regenerates them. In this text Peter seems to be pointing out that there are other believers in the world like Jesus did when He referred to the other sheep not of His fold.

    I am all for Christians building Gods Kingdom of love and reaching out to those in the world like Jesus asked. Its going to take an open mind though not common among Christianity today. I hope we make it. God Bless Kent.

    I don't see anyone as the body of Christ unless they are active in building Gods Kingdom. That's the only thing Jesus asked us to do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    We are to love one another with intensity a burning love. we are to thank not on our own interest but the interest of others as well. we are not to think of ourselves more highly then we should. and we are to esteem others as better then ourselves. some times people think that they are the best and most righteous person on the internet I have seen this myself on occasion. we are to up lift each other and make sure that we admonish one another to keep the faith. This too is sadly missing as many Christian do not act warm to each other. but give rather a cold should to one another. Thanks for the question friend. God bless.

    Source(s): my opinion
  • 7 years ago


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