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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 7 years ago

Is John McCain a p.o.s.?

The RINO himself was censored by his own party. lol. And when asked if Rand Paul ran against Killary, he replied that he didn't know who he'd support!

This guy seriously needs to switch parties, he is no Republican!

10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, McCain is in the right party - being a put up incompetent: finished 6th from the bottom of his Annapolis class despite having TWO admirals in his family - one his own father.

    Wrecked four navy jets; started a fire on the super-carrier USS Forrestal by impatiently and improperly starting his jet in which 168 sailors lost their lives - the single worst self-inflicted naval disaster in American history.

    The entire incident got captured on film, but he got away blameless, because his father was Admiral of the Fleet.

    Got shot down bombing North Vietnamese hospitals by disregarding proper procedures.

    Told the Viet Cong everything that he knew.

    Decided in prison that he deserved to be POTUS for all the difficulty he had experienced, and that became his life obsession.

    Never had a job, never had any sort of command, never led anyone.

    Got home, served his wife divorce papers in the hospital as she was fighting for her life and took up with an Arizona heiress twenty-two years younger than himself to get financing for his ambitions.

    Moved to Conservative Arizona and used her money and his war 'record' to get elected to the US Senate.

    There he carefully crafted a 'wise,' level-headed image even though everyone on the hill knew that he was prone to flying off the handle at any time for anything.

    Waited until the GOP impeached Clinton and made his move.

    Unbeknownst to him, carryovers from the Nixon administration had been biding THEIR time to return to power too.

    Their names were Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Libby and all they needed was a front man, a stooge.

    They picked the not-too-bright, ne'er-do-well son of a previous president with links to Reagan and they were set to go.

    McCain got torpedoed in South Carolina by a whisper campaign that said he was brain damaged from the war - a little strategy of Karl Rove's.

    So Bush got in, we went to war for oil and McCain had to wait another eight years.

    Finally Bush wobbled out of office and McCain was set to be elected.

    Enter a brilliant upstart that played the incompetency of the Bush years like a jazz drummer.

    Even a last minute bubble-headed sex change couldn't save McCain and he saw his lifelong dream vanish into thin air.

    He was so defeated afterward that he couldn't even look Obama in the eyes.

    Losing to a BLACK man, what could be worse than that?

    So, no, he's a Republican alright.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No, W Bush is, though. He said it was ok to unbalance the federal budget and borrow trillions because it would be good for the economy he crashed in 2008. McCain is a good man who never once voted in favor of the W Bush insanity.

    Meanwhile, the average federal taxpayer lost over $3,500 paid in interest on the Republican/Obama debt last fiscal year. This figure will never go down, although USNews says it can easily double even if we stop borrowing now.

  • 7 years ago

    He's a true conservative. In the 60's, he was photographed hugging Fidel Castro. He and Fidel almost French-kissed each other. It was a real bromance. Recently, when President Obama shook Fidel's brother's hand, McCain claimed that the handshake meant that Obama approved the communist takeover of the wold, and that the President should be impeached for treason.

    Attachment image
  • 7 years ago

    John McCain is a bitter old man who will never be president.

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  • 7 years ago

    I honestly think all polititions from at least the past 10 years have been pretty awful

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Practice saying "President Hillary Clinton", for us, why don'tcha. Oh, and then practice complaining about it afterwards.

    You know what they always say, loser, right - it's NEVER too early to start practicing your losing speech! Bwaaahhhhh-haaaaa-haaaaa!!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yes he is. I am really beginning to see the wisdom behind those Death Panels...

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Mail him back to the VC for more arm exercises

  • WJ
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yes, or retire. He's irrelevant.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    He's old and senile.

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