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Jehovah's Witnesses: about your Bible versions?

I know that you consider the Roman Catholic Church the Mother of Harlots and source of corruption in Christianity. I understand that you take a very public stance that taking part in the things given by and associated with the RCC is therefore taking the mark of the beast...

So, can you explain to me why the Bible Version purchased by CT Russel for the use of the Watchtower Society, called the "Emphatic Diaglott," and the newer New World Translation that replaced it are both based on the Vaticanus Manuscript?

Why would you want to follow a document found in, maintained at, and named for the very city that is the center of power for the Pope and RCC?

The Emphatic Diaglott's full name actually states that it comes specifically from that source.

Doesn't that mean that your own versions that you have used for the Bible are themselves giving you the mark of the beast?

Yes, I am asking this a second time, since the first time I didn't get any JWs.


@Climate Realist - I'm not attacking the Codex Vaticanus, I'm just pointing out the gaping flaw in their use of it based on their repeated statements about the evils of Catholicism.

I'm pointing out blatant hypocracy.

@Cragar - your only reply was to imply that by questioning your manuscript choice I am questioning Jesus, which makes no sense.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The short answer is that JW's believe that Jehovah can even use detestible organizations to carry out his greater purposes. So according to their theology, nothing wrong with using the RCC's work. heck, maybe it was even a priest who knew better and was just up against impossible odds when it wasn't yet Gods time to reveal truth to mankind. This is what they believe.

    To be fair, they condemn the church, and not so much its members. I personally am grateful to the Catholics for the more recent work they have done in scholarship and to make available things that have been preserved for many years.

    @ryan - You need to check yourself on your statement of hate. Not very Christlike, if in fact you are claiming to be Christian.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    As much as I disagree with the JWs, to say that Codex Vaticanus is invalid because of an association with the Catholic church is an ad hominem argument.

    Codex Vaticanus is one of many ancient manuscripts of the New Testament. The fact that there are hundreds of such manuscripts make it possible for us to have confidence in the accuracy of the New Testament.

  • 7 years ago

    Your first paragraph is not totally correct.

    It is the beliefs & some of the practices of that organization that should not be acceptable to anybody.

    It's going a bit too far to say everything associated with the RCC is taking the mark of the beast.


    If an obese person said they have a library full of diet books, does that make the diet books wrong?

  • 7 years ago

    Your first paragraph about the mother of harlots has been updated. The RCC is just one of the prostitute's children.

    As to why we use Vatican MS 1209 as a good reference work is simple. The RCC preserved it. FYI for some for the 1600 + years she was in existence before the spiritual inspection, she like every other group calling themselves Christian could have been chosen by God to be his instrument of preaching the good news in the last days. In stead, she chose to continue teaching falsehood., to her shame.

    THE RCC is a part of the world empire of false religion due to be destroyed by the nations in our near future. (See Rev 17) But individuals still in her organization still have time to repent. (see 2 Peter 3:9) Why? Because the day of judgement has yet to begin.. The start of that day? Even Jesus says he does not know the time. That is up to his father. (see Mathew 24:36) So, please, take advantage of God's patience and get out of her. (see Rev 18:4)

    Now the rest of your question about the Bible. Do you imagine we worship a God so weak he cannot or has not made the truth available to all by means of his word, the Bible?

    When I was introduced to the message of truth many years ago, there were two translations in English to use. The KJV and the Douay. Both have the truth. The real problem was language. FYI the KJV originally contained all the apocrypha just like the Douay. Hard to understand language made the choice, for me, the KJV. Concupiscence in 1 John 2:17 is just one word. There are many. As to why the RCC decided not to make the Bible easy to read is their business. But the recent proclamation by Rome to remove the Divine Name from all approved Catholic literature including hymns, has placed the RCC into a place where no sane Christian would ever want to be, a fighter against God.

    To recap. For many centuries various Christian churches had the opportunity to uphold and defend pure worship. They had the ancient manuscripts. They had knowledge of what is right in God's eyes and likewise what is wrong. Holy spirit made sure all the tools and manuscripts needed to make sure of the accuracy of the Bible is available today during the time of the end.. Individuals associated with the RCC still have the opportunity to abandon the world empire of false religion and serve God just as members of all other false religions do. There will be a great crowd of individuals who make the right choice ( see Rev 7:9-17)

    Source(s): Holy Bible nwt
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  • 7 years ago

    You seem to be under the mistaken impression that Bible translations belong to any one particular religion.

    The Bible is a book from God to ALL MANKIND, and it doesn't matter who takes it upon themselves to translate it, it is still *God's Word*.

    Witnesses do not view any Bible translation as a "Catholic Bible", for there is no Catholic who was inspired by God to record Scripture.

    Hope that helps.

  • 7 years ago

    You are not looking for an intelligent answer. The only thing you want is an answer that agrees with you.

    You may as well chalk up Freemasons, Muslims, secularists, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.

    Anyone that doesn't believe in your convoluted Fundamentalist religion.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    We do not think the Catholic church is the harlot. We consider all of false religion to be the harlot.

  • 7 years ago

    You obviously didnt get your facts from, because your allegations are completely wrong.

    Go to the source for accurate information

  • 7 years ago

    Funny...I saw several of them answered you....why don't you just say the answer you WANT to hear and we can parrot it for you so you can move on with your life?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I find it funny how on the JW pamphlets they give you that they use the Bible to prove the Bible. I mean, c'mon.

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