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I cant seem to get an answer and when I do they are trolls! HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET INTERNET FROM MIDDLE EARTH!??! Smh....

In Astrology .

sun in Taurus moon in Sagittarius (AS) in Libra (MC) in cancer

All I know I was born 5:30 PM and a Taurus, this my first time with the sun and the moon and stuff and I don't know what as and mc stands for, anyway can some1 tell me what these mean?

I was born in may 17 1992

can give me your guess of what these all mean about me? your best bet?

I tried and there was nothing on this


- Yes Pie.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everyone's birthchart has 10 planets, 12 houses, all 12 signs, and roughly 12-24 aspects between the planets.

    Like the many pieces of a kaleidoscope, all these come together to form one picture.

    The birthchart is complex, a map of the ecliptic done up for a specific moment in time, depending on when AND where you are looking at it from.

    that is why the full date, time AND place are required to do a chart.

    What you get is a complex assortment or various inner needs, some of which work together, and some of which disrupt and contradict each other. Since human nature IS complex, it is entirely logical that your chart is complex too.

    No serious astrology will attempt to write out a complete interpretation of your chart. It takes an hour of two-way conversation to adequately communicate what the chart shows.

    Your chart tells you ONLY what your inner dynamics are .. the internal interaction between your different needs. Your chart is your "default setting" and YOU can change the default.

    Your request is unrealistic.

    First, because your chart data is incomplete.

    Second, because chart interpretation cannot be done in writing, nor in the Y/A format. Either you study astrology for some years and become able to "read" your own chart .. or you pay an astrologer $150-300 to sit down with you and go over it with you.

    Thirdly, because trying to use your chart TO define yourself is not useful. The whole purpose of astrology is not to "tell you who you are", but to raise questions about who you MIGHT be .. and THEN to go looking within yourself and observing your outer behavior to see IF those questions are true or not.

    But you have to become aware of what's going on within you. Whether or not you use astrology.l

    That means that you have to (1) start looking at your actions .. actions tell us what's going on inside you. and (2) LET yourself feel what you feel. The more you try to hide inner pain and fear (and we ALL have inner pain and fear), the more you close the door on everything about yourself, the less you see yourself.

    The art of living is the art of learning to open up fully, both to joy and to pain, and to relax into whatever IS .. not resist or try to hide it.

    Understand that astrology cannot accurately predict outer events. Sometimes things that happen match the current astrological influences, but since there are so many possible ways it could turn out, it is impossible to predict what will happen.

    And the daily horoscopes? They aren't astrology. They do not use valid astrological techniques and they not supposed to be taken seriously (although since the writers make their money off the public, they want you to think they are accurate). No serious astrologer uses those techniques.

    So here's what you do.

    Start off by calculating your birth chart.

    Learn what part of your personality each planet represents.

    Learn what the style of each sign is.

    Learn what area of life each house represents.

    Learn what kind of interaction each of the aspects represents.

    Then go through your birthchart, planet by planet, interpreting the style of that need (the sign), the area of life you direct it to in order to try to meet that need (the house), and how that particular need (planet) gets along (aspect) with other inner needs (planets).

    THEN start observing your outer behaviors and open up to your inner feelings, and SEE for yourself if the chart describes you well.

    It is also very useful to do up timed birthcharts for all your friends and family, and compare and contrast what is in all these charts. Compare what YOU observe in them, with what the "written interpretation" says about them. Do YOU agree that these people are alike in that particular manner?

    For instance, if you know 4 people with Moon in Taurus, but their charts are otherwise different, ARE they alike in a Moon-in-Taurus way? THIS is how you really learn what Moon-in-Taurus is like. Written sources don't help much.

    It takes about 5 years of study and observation to start to understand astrology at an intermediate level.

  • 7 years ago

    yes he is

  • 7 years ago

    are you russian

    Source(s): i am
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