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how do martial artists who create their own style advance in rank?

if you are a 3rd degree black belt and you leave your school to teach your own style, how could you ever achieve a 4th degree rank

10 Answers

  • Fola
    Lv 5
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its your own style,you become whatever you want

    Source(s): 7th degree black belt in Fart won do
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Lets get a few things straight here. Taking parts of several martial arts and putting them together is not creating a new martial art. In Japan and Okinawa, a new art is one that meets these conditions. 1) The founder is someone that holds black belts in several styles. 2) The founder holds these ranks in recognized styles from recognized organizations. 3) The founder holds no less than a masters rank and a masters title from a legitimate style and organization. 4) The founders new style must be such that it shows why it is both different and is an improvement in its philosophy and technique. 5) The founder is no less than 36 years old (traditional reasons for that) WHO CAN RECOGNIZE A NEW STYLE AND MAKE IT LEGITIMATE? Traditionally only the head of a recognized style (the Soke) has the power to do that. He must be the inheritor of a pre-existing recognized style (Example: a style already know such as Goju, Shotokan, ....etc.) He can't be someone that is a new founder himself. No board of founders or anyone else has the power to recognize a new style. Only someone that has inherited an existing recognized style has that power. Reading your description, It is obvious that you don't qualify on any of the requirements. You need to realize that you don't really have the knowledge, experience, understanding, ...etc to even be thinking that you are at that level. If you truly desire to master the martial arts, I suggest you stop this nonsense and go find a good instructor to train under. EDIT: btw it is a Jo, not a Jo staff................ **** EDIT: It is obvious here that you see yourself as someone that is ahead of the pack. Perhaps you are but I seriously doubt that you are in the same league as the founders of the arts you mention. If you were to visit some real Soke and train, you no doubt would do one of two things. Either you'd be very embarrassed of what you plan, or you would just go you own way and do it anyway. It looks like you have made up your mind. I'm sure that you can find plenty of places that will charge you a fee the pronounce you Soke of your own confusion. What I don't understand is why you feel the need to try to re-invent the wheel. Any style that is properly taught and in its entirety needs nothing else. There I've had my say. It was not my intention to be negative. It is the questions you pose that require me to be blunt here.

  • 7 years ago

    Warning !!!

    No third degree black belt (even a legitimate one) is even close to being qualified to create his own style. At that point he does not fully understand the style he was doing. But then I guess I just answered the next question that comes to mind. That being, "why would a 3rd degree black belt create his own style?". Obviously he does it because he either has not realized that everything he would ever need is in the style he is studying. OR He has an ego issue that makes him think he is superior to his senior in the style.

    But for the sake of trying to answer the basic question asked. How does the legitimate creator of a style obtain or advance in his new style? The only legitimately accepted way is... If the head of an existing recognized style (the Soke in Japanese) recognizes the new art as being legitimate, he can endorse the style and write credentials stating that the art is legitimate. He can also award him a rank in the new style. Contrary to what many believe the Soke of a style is not nor does he have to be a 10th dan. History has shown that a well known Japanese Karate master inherited the style his father taught. At the time he was only a 5th dan. In such cases the older more senior student continue to train the new Soke in private. The heads of other style may get together and promote him if the deem it necessary.

    However, black belts from one or more styles can't promote someone in rank if the person they are promoting does not study the style they teach. Only a Soke (one that has inherited an existing style) can do that.

    That said the only people that are close to being qualified to create their own style legitimately are people that have studied a traditional style achieving at least a masters rank and masters title (they are not the same thing). And that person must have studied two or more other styles to at least black belt level. THEN, if he comes up with something that truly does have something that improves what the styles themselves have, it may be considered to be a legitimate new style.

    NOTE: One of the few legitimate Soke councils was the World Headfounders Council. It began in 1987 and operated under that name and later a different name until a few years past 2000. From 1987 until 1998 over 2,319 people had applied to have their styles recognized as being legitimate styles. Less than 20 of them ever got through the investigation of the persons background training. Unfortunately, the WHC has disbanded after the new executive board began to do unethical things and letting in some unqualified new members after the late 1990's.

    That's twice today I have looked at really bad videos. The links possum posted made me ill. The first one was bad. The second one was inexcusable. The second link to the Grand master testing was embarrassing. Who thinks that guy is even at a good brow belt level? no one should have tested him for a black belt much less a grand masters title. What is even worse than the guy thinking he is at that level is the people that are supposed to be in charge think he is. That tells me that they are likely to be terrible, or very corrupted. They must never have seen someone that is truly at that level of knowledge, ability and execution of technique.


    Source(s): Martial arts training and research over 46 years, since 1967 Teaching martial arts over 40 years, since 1973
  • 7 years ago

    There are some people who will form their own styles who keep the rank from the styles that they left but train under another style which recognizes their students rank and will rank them appropriately when the Founder is ready. This is rare as you have to find the right instructor who will teach and rank you knowing that you will not be part of his lineage. When people do this, the are people you can respect.

    There are a few reasons why someone starts thier own art. One is they are high ranking (8-10 dan) and leave for political reasons. The second is they are high ranking and retire after their teacher and head of organization dies and other students ask him to return to teaching so form a new style to keep it separate from the older organization. Unfortunately, most people who make up their own styles are sleezy businessmen who never had a rank higher than 5th and do it for the purpose of making money. They automatically claim a 10th dan and put pictures of famous dead martial artist claiming that they were "personal friends" but I yes it can be done legitimately but it is hard.

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  • 7 years ago

    When a person creates their own art they usually place themselves at the highest level(usually 9 or 10 dan).

    Now this may get a little bit confusing because I’m going to do a little algebra equation type of thing. The 3rd dan in style A, now equals 9th dan in style B. Skill wise all the dans and kyu below the 9th dan in style B is all below 3rd dan in style A. So if you had two 1st dans one from style A and one from style B, skill wise 1st dan in style A is probably stronger than style B. Also highest skill level you can get in style B is 9th dan which means your skill level will never be above 3rd dan in style A. The math in this is too clean cut and doesn’t really apply exactly like this in real life, but the principle is still there.

    The guys at style A will likely be better trained than guys at style B will be and thus get stronger.

  • Artist
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Usually they just assign themselves the rank. The rank is usually 10th dan. Sometimes, if they were with an organization, the organization will give them the title of Soke, which is usually given to martial artists that create their own style that is recognized by the organization.

    Usually, people that create their own styles are of a high rank to begin with. No 3rd dan should be creating his own style. You would have to be high ranking and particularly skilled to create a style.

    Source(s): 11 years martial arts
  • possum
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It depends. for some people, they just... become. The assign themselves a rank.

    If they are affiliated with an organization, that organization could bestow them a title, like "soke" - and then they don't have a rank.

    But other organizations may bestow "10th degree".

    If is highly unlikely that any organization would even consider a 3rd dan anything more seriously than an assistant instructor. Therefore, the message that the 3rd dan will get is, "shut up and train".

    Such a 3rd dan will then be on his/her own, and will have to rely on students not knowing the difference. If the students are not careful, they could wind up in a cult - I mean place - like this:

    Caveat discipulus.

    EDIT: @pugpaws, yes - lots of carnage. :-( I don't think these students have any idea. But there are so many of them, it is sad.

  • Jim R
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Any sandan (3rd black belt) is highly under-qualified to "create' a style.

    The only people I ever encountered who could be called soke were of much higher rank, and earned their position from many years of intense training.

    It is not something most people are capable of doing.

  • Kokoro
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    i agree with pugpaws,

    if your a third degree black belt you are not qualified to create your own style, not even close.

    legitimately the only way to advance is through someone else. you can not self promote yourself. although there are those that think they can, it needs to be done through a board from a third party organization

    Source(s): 30+yrs ma
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Dear Belt Nazis, what belt did Bruce Lee hold prior to creating JKD? That's what I thought.

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