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how do you stop a toddler from hitting?

my 22 month old foster child has started lashing out at me and other people, how do i stop him without having to smack him

10 Answers

  • Bec
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    "OUCH! That hurt! We do not hit (mum/dad/brother/sister). if you hit again you will go on the naughty step"

    If he hits again - time out. Sit him in the corner/naughty step/area and say "we do not hit"

    Leave him there for 2 minutes. Ignore him totally but if he gets up, walk over, do not speak to him but sit him down again - continue this until he sits there for 2 whole minutes

    After that time is up go over to him. Ask him why he is sitting there. Tell him hitting is naughty. Ask for an apology and when he gives it, have a cuddle and go back to what you were all doing before he hit you

    He needs to be told off each time he hits. Be consistant and firm. He is probably just testing you - so keep the boundaries the same each time

    If the naughty step doesn't work (obviously keep trying for a while) you can start taking away toys/tv time - take away things he enjoys doing.

  • 7 years ago

    First of all can we remember it is a foster child and we don't know what they seen or been through so in this case i think it is best to get on child's level and say in a firm voice not nice that hurts we hit then have a Special CORNER not nice conner n he sits there for 2 min then you go back and repeat hitting is not nice it makes me sad when you hit have him say sorry to who he hit, and since he seems to be so angry to hit get him a punching bag for kids you know the kind you hit and it comes back up and tell him that is the only thing he can hit, this gives him an out let and helps him get things together as well.

  • Merry
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    When my own children went through this phase I found that the following helped ~

    1/. Remind them to be "Gentle"

    2/. If they hit or lash out at you or someone else - hold their hand & say (loudly but not yelling) "OUCH THAT HURT"... then place him on the a corner away from you/turn your back on him (sort of like 'time out' for toddlers)... give him a minute without any attention at all...

    NB - If you are out you need to still do this - this might be a bit tricky & might require you to put him in his pram or remove him from where he is but consistency is important (he needs to know that the same rules apply no matter where he is!)

    3/. Go back to him (about a minute or so later)... hold his hands.. & say "Hands are NOT for hitting" & ask him to say sorry to you!

    There is a great board book/picture book called "Hands are not for hitting" by Martine Aggassi & Marieka Heinlen that you might like to read to him (I think there is a youtube version of it!)

    Source(s): Parent & Teacher
  • 7 years ago

    When he hits you tap his hand and tell him no hitting. You can't hit him and tell him not to hit because then he would get confused. When he hits make him sit on time out for 2 minutes since he is almost 2 years old then when he gets off you ask him if he knows what he did wrong. Let him know that it is not right to hit people.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    My 2 year old used to hit, I would grab her hand and tell her firmly no. You really hurt mummy/your sister. We would exaggerate how much it hurt us and she would get upset at what she's done. Now she very rarely will lash out.

    There is no point at all hitting the child it just shows that you hit too and its ok.

    Source(s): My two year old
  • Simmi
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    You have to be gentle but very, very firm. At 22 months, kids are testing their freedom and also seeing how far they can push it. They are not malicious but they are definitely testing you. The way to deal with that is to be the bigger person, the mature one and demonstrate (firmly) the difference between right and wrong behaviour.

    See Toddler Discipline Techniques:

  • Star L
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    if he hits you put him in the crib for a time out for 5 minutes. every time he hits time out... try it for a few days and there should be no more hitting. Just say "No hitting" and put him in the crib for 5 min

  • 7 years ago

    You smack him. Its like when a child bites, you pop them in the mouth every time and they stop real fast. Pushing them away or telling them no has no effect on them, they just keep biting. Pop them in the mouth and they stop

    You need to spank him.

  • K
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Why would you even think about slapping. He needs rules, consistency, a schedule, time outs for 2 min, someone explaining why we don't do that and what he can do instead, redirect him.

  • 7 years ago

    You have to smack him. he needs discipline, what are you going to do when he is older and he starts hitting people?

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