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  • Can sexual harrassment ever be consentual?

    Lets say this guy at work was flirting with you and you liked him. He look it too far, you kept telling him "no, this isnt right." and "I have a boyfriend", but you still made no attempt to physically push him away or slap him. he grabbed your butt, asked you do go down on him. he didnt offer you promotion or raise, but you felt like you were manipulated so slowly that you actually agreed. Later, you tried to break it off with him a few times and he seemed to be understanding but then always tried to start it up again. You heard stories from multiple employees about him doing that to them too. Is this person a sexual harrasser? did he harrass me? or did i consent to it?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Sexual Harrassment, do I tell?

    Ok, so I worked at this place and not sure if I was sexually harrassed or not since part of it was consentual. I found it hard to say no to this person. and found out he sexually harrassed multiple other people in the workplace.

    and never ended up telling anyone. This person has quit this job over a year ago and so have I. since then I have come out and told a few close friends.

    There are two girls who still work at this workplace, who i believe were also sexually harrassed by him.

    I am not super close to them, but feel that I would feel better if I told them. but I am scared they will tell the sexual harrasser if they still have contact with him and ask him/ tell him stuff- which he will respond as always that he hasnt done anything.

    this girl I believe likes her sexual harrasser, as did I at the time. I dont want her becoming hateful/jeaulous or vengeful of me.

    I hope she will be understanding, but how do I find out before telling her?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How to get people to stop touching your shoulder?

    How to get people to stop touching your shoulder?

    I was sexually harrassed in an office setting (way more than a shoulder touch), but now everytime someone touches my shoulder out in public or anywhere I get a bit antcy and just grin and bear it- I am a nice shy person, how do I tell someone "dont touch me", without sounding like a jackass?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Potty training seems to be going ok but feels like she is not knowing when she needs to go?

    Tried a bunch of different methods, and the one that worked the best is bringing her with me when I need to pee and she will pee too. I drink a lot of water so I usually pee every hour, so it works out fine.

    This started to work better than other ways.

    she went 2 days with only 1 accident per day. Also her nap times she is dry when she wakes up now. She is 2 years old.

    Just today, I waited to see if she would tell me she has to go and she is just keeps peeing in her underwear and doesnt tell me she has to go?

    Usually she is sitting in her highchair eating when this happens.

    she wont tell me she has to pee but when we are out of the house (ex. grocery store she will actually tell me when she needs to pee!)

    She just turned 2 years old.

    I know this is still early, but she was introduced to the potty at 16 months. She poops on the potty every time and we are working on pee now.

    How do I get her to tell me?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • How long can a child hold their pee?

    age and how long?

    Like if a 2 year old is potty trained and says they have to pee could they wait 5 min to find a toilet in a busy shopping mall? could a 5 year old wait 5 min?

    and how long between pees?

    right now my 2 year old pees aprox every hour, sometimes every 1.5 hours

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Toddler stays up late in crib? is this ok?

    Toddler is 2 years old. Her bedtime is 8pm. She goes to the crib at 8pm, but stays awake till 1030pm, which is when she falls asleep every night. She usually sleeps in till 8am or 9am, which is fine with me.

    She gets an afternoon nap, which I have been limiting to a 1 hour nap to see if it helps but it doesnt. I have been waking her from her nap around 3pm/330pm. Should I be waking her early a.m . too, I like sleeping in???

    Is it fine for her to be awake in her crib for 2 hours a night if she is not crying at all in there?

    Maybe its just because its summer and not as dark?? Or maybe I should start skipping her nap time but she needs it or shes cranky and I like for her to have a quiet rest time too so I can have a break.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • My garbage was not picked up its 9:45am is there still a chance?

    Says to have garbage out by the curb by 7am, which i did. Its 9:45am, does that mean they are not picking it up?

    I put it out monday, It turned out to be a holiday I did not know (victoria day). animals ripped it so I put it into another black bag at the bottom, but didnt re sticker it. each first bag has a sticker ($2 each) around the handel and I placed a bag around the bottom so the garbage wouldnt fall out.

    I found out they are supposed to pick up tuesday instead, so I put it back out tuesday. again they have been slashed by animals.

    its 9:45am... do I leave it out or drive it to the dump ? (dump only open wed and fri, not today, tuesday for the public)

    2 AnswersCommunity Service7 years ago
  • Toddler keeps saying "mommy, mommy, mommy" if she cant see me? age 2?

    My toddler seems to be going through seperation anxiety again. (she did when she was younger) but learned object permanence and now it seems she is forgetting about object permenence, If I go to the bathroom she is calling me and I tell her Im in the bathroom then she says mommy again 5 seconds later.

    is this a game to her or is it really seperation anxiety again? she is almost 2 (23 months)

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Toddler acceptable boundaries at park?

    My toddler, age 2 is shy but sometimes overly friendly. She is used to having close friends at daycare who she hugs and in baby group/play group settings too.

    Now, when going to the park the last two times, she has wanted to play with a girl and hold her hand that she has never met before, and she has wanted to hug a boy she saw that had never met before.

    How do I tell her this is not appropriate?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • snacking all day?

    Toddler wants to snack all day and wants to snack everytime she sees someone snacking even if she just ate.

    My toddler is average weight/height she is 2 years old . She eats A Lot. She could go to an all you can eat buffet and just eat and eat and eat.

    she can eat more than me.

    I have just started restricting her to 3 meals and 2- 3 snacks (healthy snacks) per day.

    my husband is on night shift so he eats his food at different times than us and I have to tell her that she already had her snack when he is waking up at 5pm and eating his breakfast cereal.

    do I just let her snack a million times or restrict her? Its hard to do but I believe its best in the long run.

    could she be going through a growth spurt or have a hard time knowing when she is full? I thought it was boredom so I am constantly going outside and playing with her it seems to help a bit, but any suggestions from people with the same problems who solved it?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Interest in Potty training and now loosing interest again?? do I stop and restart when older?

    My toddler started potty training at 18 months. she was introduced to the potty around 16 months. She goes poop in the potty every time and just starting to catch onto the pee thing. she is 22 months old now and has just started the no phase, everytime I bring her to the potty she is saying no no no and not wanting to, so I dont force her to. She has recently pooped in her diaper the past 3 times, usually she tells me when she has to poop but this time no she didnt.

    should I back off and wait till age 2 1/2 or 3 or start up again?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Is it ok to let your toddler choose their meals?

    Some days I find it easier to let my toddler choose breakfast and lunch. I will usually choose dinner. She is somewhat picky and I find if she tells me what she wants to eat (she is 22 months old with a good vocabulary and eats healthy enough) she will actually eat it, whereas if I just make her whatever I want she will be like "no" when I serve it to her. I dont mind making us seperate meals because she seems hungry all the time and hard for her to wait for a meal, so If she wants something quick for breakfast like cereal I am more than happy to give it to her, while she eats it happily while I make myself eggs, and if she wants to try the eggs after she is more than welcome to.

    does this instill bad eating habbits? I find it easier this way actually, instead of the food battles.

    If she asks for something that I dont want her to have I will say no, choose something else (i.e. if she asks for cookies for breakfast).

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Toddler calls you in the middle of the night do you go to her?

    When she was younger we did cry it out and she has been sleep trained and sleeping through the night (12 hours a night) for maybe about 6 months so far. she is 22 months old, her vocabulary has started to pick up. so when she wakes instead of crying she says , "mommy, mommy, mommy?" do I go to her? is this normal

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Toddler wants to be held all the time?

    Toddler (22 months old). She learned to walk at 15 months old.

    She got very sick recently, maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. had a fever for 7 days before the doctors would do any tests and found out she has pneumonia. She did her full course of antibiotics 10 days. When she was super sick she wanted to be carried for 3 days straight and wouldnt touch the ground, which I understand because she was very sick and lethargic and wouldnt even eat (she normally eats a lot)...

    now she seems back to her normal self except she is wary of people she hasnt seen in a while (3 months)- her relatives and grandparents.

    she wants me to hold her all the time again, or almost all the time. Is she still sick or just going through a phase? Should i keep holding her, or let her cry and not hold her?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • too much tv bad?

    my daughter likes watching youtube videos about colours. we tried learning colours with those shape sorter blocks but she wasnt getting it. I showed her a youtube video on colours, seems like colour propaganda but shes 22 months and knows all her colours now.

    Is that bad to be exposed to that?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Transition to a cup but toddler got sick and went back to bottle?

    I finally transitioned my toddler to a cup (21 months old) regular cup, not sippy for milk.

    she had a fever for 7 days and got pneumonia. She was dehydrated, not drinking much at all. could hardly move some days. I switched back to bottle. She is now on antibiotics and starting to feel better.

    I would like to go back to cup but she asks for milk then when i give it to her in a cup she just says no.

    should I try to transition now or wait till the 10 days of antibiotic are up and go cold turkey with the no more bottles?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • What do you do if someone gives your toddler gum?

    A Hypothetical question.

    What would you do if you found out a babysitter or relative had given your toddler:




    -hard candy

    -gummy candy

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Correct time between antibiotic use?

    My child (age 2) was diagnosed with Pneumonia.

    she is to take 5mg antibiotics 3 x a day,

    Now I usually give it to her in the morning, afternoon, night, she sleeps 12 hours at night though, and her wake up time is not predictable with her cold.

    it goes like:

    630am, noon, 630pm OR 730am, noon, 730pm... so she is getting 12 hours throughout the night with no antibiotic, should I be spacing the doses better? the doctor and pharmacist didnt say about how many hours in between or how to space them?

    Yesterday it was 730am , noon, 730pm, then she didnt wake up till today at 10am..

    so I gave her meds at 10am, Im not going to give them at noon because that would be 2 hours later, should I just give them x2 today morning and night, or should I try to space 6 hours and give in middle of night?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Toddler always wants to look inside fridge?

    Should I let her? She cant open it herself and there is no lock on. She just asks "door, please?" If I say no she says "I back up?" so that I will open the door for her if she backs up. Do you let your toddler? Should this stop? She's 2 years old.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Daughter Sick- should I keep letting her eat the same thing? she is starting to get better?

    quick run through:

    She was sick with cough and cold for 1 week now,

    had the fever for 8 days. fever is done now. Was diagnosed with Pneumonia. She is on antibiotics now. during her sickness she would barely eat, maybe once a day and it would be grapes.

    So I let her eat only grapes (and water and milk) because thats all she would have. Now yesterday she was starting to feel better and she had steak with us at supper.

    This morning she woke up feeling better,

    she asked for grapes though (her favourite) I gave them to her, after she asked for more and more I could tell she was feeling better, I told her no more grapes right now, and gave her some cheerios, eggs and tomatoes. She didnt touch the other food and wanted down, so she went down, out of her high chair.

    Is right now the right time to start getting her back to proper eating habbits and start limiting the grapes again?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler7 years ago