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Interest in Potty training and now loosing interest again?? do I stop and restart when older?

My toddler started potty training at 18 months. she was introduced to the potty around 16 months. She goes poop in the potty every time and just starting to catch onto the pee thing. she is 22 months old now and has just started the no phase, everytime I bring her to the potty she is saying no no no and not wanting to, so I dont force her to. She has recently pooped in her diaper the past 3 times, usually she tells me when she has to poop but this time no she didnt.

should I back off and wait till age 2 1/2 or 3 or start up again?

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    I"d say since she's been successful, you need to keep at it. She also needs to stop relaying on diapers and you should buy her underwear. Yes, there will be accidents, but quietly putting towels down in the car, and on chairs you don't want ruined without telling the kid that's what they are for will help save your stuff from being ruined during this stage.

    Expect her to go in her pants, and let her realize its uncomfortable to not use the toilet. She's figure out really quickly that she'd rather stay nice and dry. Praise her when she goes, and let her know that big girls use the toilet. Pay attention to her when she drinks, and after 10 to 15 minutes, ask her if she needs to go, then tell her to try even if she says no.

    You can't let the kid be the boss of you. You do have to exert some authority for her to realize that the playtime in the bathroom is over. Start getting serious about it. Don't turn it into a power struggle, but don't let her think saying no is ogiong to get her her way.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Personally, I think you started potty training her way to young. At 16 months could she even pull down her own pants? The comprehension just isn't there. And allowing her to use the potty plus diapers is a confusing message. You've always given her the choice of where she wants to eliminate. Now she's exercising that choice.

    The way I see it is you can back off for a few more months and wait until she's 2 to try again, or you can actually potty train her properly since you're so close to getting it. Buy her real underwear and stop relying on diapers or pull-ups.

    By waiting until she's at least 2 to try again will not ruin any windows of opportunity or anything like that. You're not actually back-tracking because you haven't actually potty trained her. You've essentially been letting her experiment for 6 months.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Keep at it. Switch to underwear or cloth training pants. When she has an accident, say something like "Did you have an accident? Next time try to go potty like big girl. I always use the potty when I have to pee. That way I don't get yucky pee on my pants." And if you're a "mean mom" like me, making her clean it up herself is a pretty good motivator too. Obviously, you'll still have to go behind her and get what she misses, but she can soak up the main mess.

    Source(s): Started potty training at 12 mo. Done before 2 yrs.
  • Poodie
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Be consistent with it.

    She is just exerting control. Going to the bathroom is one of the few things she can control. I'd get rid of the diapers and use underwear if she has been consistently using the toilet for months. Let her feel being wet and/or soiled. Don't force her to go, but if she has an accident, calmly help her change her clothes and suggest that she tell you she needs to use the bathroom next time. Whatever you do, don't turn it into a battle.

    P.S.- I expect that if you backtrack now and wit until she is older, you'll miss the optimal window of time to train her. The point is, she was interested and successful at one time. Just be patient s she goes through this phase.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Toilet Training Guide
  • 5 years ago

    If your youngster resists utilizing the potty chair or toilet or isn't getting the hang of it? If you are sick of dirty diapers? If you exhausted from tiny accidents? Then find out how to best train your youngster with this plan

    Designed to support anyone with a youthful toddler and basically support the toddler also, this program is manufactured for patient readers who wish to see their kid excel, and for individuals who have a robust and loving bond with their child. If you are rapid to temper, or don’t come to feel that you have time to dedicate three days to potty instruction, then you will most likely not be suited to this! By following Carol’s guidance, you could have your kid potty skilled in a prolonged weekend.

    Order Start Potty Training so that you can appreciate the rewards of obtaining a completely potty trained and independent kid inside just a few days.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Does your little one complain about moist or dirty diapers? Can your child pull down his or her pants and pull them up once more? Then commence the potty training and for a quick achievement you require to use this strategy so that you can potty train your youngster in only 3 days.

    This plan is very beneficial program, it outlines an array of established tactics made to aid your youngster attain potty training achievement in record time!

    By ordering Begin Potty Training, you and your youngster will enjoy the enjoyable side of educating and acquiring this crucial talent. As such, potty training can even be enjoyable employing this broad assortment of methods that have been well honed.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    I have a very stubborn boy and I was able to "potty train" him in less than a week. I followed this method

    Cheers ;)

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