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MGTOW - WHAT exactly do you think?

You've lost, that you need this scheme to regain? Exactly who is your target population and why? And how did you arrive at this?


V - I watched your youtube. Nice revisionist history.. We have written documentation from both women and men in the past that men felt both entitled to and obliged to beat their wives into submission. Also that marital rape was common.

Even the bible has instructions on what's fair and what's cruel in terms of beating your wife and that men felt free to send their daughters out to be raped to protect themselves!

So, the man has a nice voice, but he's telling a packet of lies...

6 Answers

  • Marcus
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I only heard of MGTOWs on GS. Once I calmed down and finished laughing, I realised that when you're hurting and feel alone, it's much easier to retreat into victimhood and blame others rather than look at how you live your life and try to work to make things better for yourself. Falling in with a band of like-minded people is a support group for them.

    My benign contempt soon turned to pity. They want acceptance and love; their abrogation of relationships is incredibly telling, as is their endorsement of individual living. It's a wee shame for them :(

  • 5 years ago

    Mgtows, like the MRM, is a reactionary movement against the unequal treatment of men in our society. That alone can't cripple feminism, but combined with the awareness of men's rights, it sure helps. I think of it like this: A man tells some women he's a mgtow, and of course he has to give a basic explanation because most people still don't know what it means. If they're intelligent women, they might understand the damage which feminism has and is causing. That damage and potential threats to men's freedoms have caused them to distrust women. Of course that means there's more ladies for non-mgtows to chase after.. Just my take.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    @ Temple

    Most MRAs and MGTOWs you come across don't have strong points. Probably that is why they hate debates. BTW all my anti-feminist questions have been deleted today. Probably even feminists hate debates.


    I don't know about other MGTOWs, but intelligent and like minded men are my target population. Not because I hate women btw.

    This video describes best what I have felt for years. Misandry is mainstream in media which reflects on society.


    " We have written documentation from both women and men in the past that men felt both entitled to and obliged to beat their wives into submission. Also that marital rape was common.

    Even the bible has instructions on what's fair and what's cruel in terms of beating your wife and that men felt free to send their daughters out to be raped to protect themselves!"

    Propaganda(feminist propaganda) - Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda statements may be partly false and partly true. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes

    Need I say more?

  • 7 years ago

    I decided more than three daces ago to GMOW. There was no specific, intended target, but I just got sick and tired of the entitled, mean-spirited, chauvinistic attitudes and practices of many women.

    My life improved exponentially since.

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  • Loki
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Men have lost their dignity - respect in society.

    Being treated as an equal to women - we have lost that prestige in society.

    Target population is ALL men.

    Our aim will be fulfilled only when ALL men become MGTOWs.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Wow. Oh wow. Exactly what Marcus said.

    I mean, damn. That was perfect.

    Source(s): No, Im not being sarcastic
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