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Lv 779,781 points

Leo D

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  • animal control?

    2 years ago a 6 month old stray cat came into my house and stayed. He's happy and thriving now.

    I put up posters. Put him on Craigslist. Flyer ed the neighborhood. Registered him on lost and found animal sites. For 3 months, I drove the neighborhood looking for signs. I did everything.

    I got him shots at a free clinic and they didn't check for a chip. I honestly hadn't thought he might have one since he had no collar and I hadn't heard anything in months.

    Fast forward two years.i took him in for a checkup and they found a chip. I asked them to call the owner to tell her he was OK and safely rehomed.

    They left messages for her a month ago.

    Today I called to re register the chip to me.

    She called, angry, saying I stole her cat, says she reported me to animal control, filed a criminal complaint and notified my vet to turn him over if I take him back there.

    I asked her why she hadn't tried to find it. She said she thought it was killed 2 yrs. Ago.

    My cat is so happy here and although he has the run of the yard, never leaves the patios.


    What will happen? I tried to talk to her to about replacing the cat for her but she just screamed and swore and wouldn't listwn.

    She doesn't know where I live or my last name. Just my number.

    6 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • animal control?

    2 years ago a 6 month old stray cat came into my house and stayed. He's happy and thriving now.

    I put up posters. Put him on Craigslist. Flyer ed the neighborhood. Registered him on lost and found animal sites. For 3 months, I drove the neighborhood looking for signs. I did everything.

    I got him shots at a free clinic and they didn't check for a chip. I honestly hadn't thought he might have one since he had no collar and I hadn't heard anything in months.

    Fast forward two years.i took him in for a checkup and they found a chip. I asked them to call the owner to tell her he was OK and safely rehomed.

    They left messages for her a month ago.

    Today I called to re register the chip to me.

    She called, angry, saying I stole her cat, says she reported me to animal control, filed a criminal complaint and notified my vet to turn him over if I take him back there.

    My cat is so happy here and although he has the run of the yard, never leaves the patios.


    What will happen? I tried to talk to her to negotiate replacing the cat for her but she just screamed and swore and wouldn't listwn.

    She doesn't know where I live or my last name. Just my number.

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • If there were a male birth control pill?

    Would you take it?

    You may experience headaches, nausea, uncontrollable weight gain and a 3-5% failure rate.

    Just wondering who might be interested.

    15 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • If there were a male birth control pill?

    Would you take it?

    You may experience headaches, nausea, uncontrollable weight gain and a 3-5% failure rate.

    Just wondering who might be interested.

    15 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Why can't the MRAs pull it together?

    In 1848, with 10 days notice and only by word of mouth, over 100 people joined and wrote a Declaration of Sentiments, publicly declaring their working premise at the First Womens Rights Conference

    With a years notice, tv, the Internet, etc., men could barely put that number together and came up with nothing of note.

    9 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Blue rose seeds?

    I was given some blue rose seeds ( that's all I know about them).

    Tips on how to plant and grow?

    I'm a good gardener but have never tried roses.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • growing asparagus?

    I'm trying to grow asparagus from seed in Southern CA.


    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • cost of a transmission rebuild?

    I need a new transmission for my 2005 Kia. I won't get a new car.

    What can expect to pay to rebuild the transmission?

    I live in CA.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • MR conference notes?

    At most conferences, notes or video is posted at end of each day.

    Does anyone have a link to this conference to see the days activities,

    3 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • cats and dogs and fleas-the

    My roommate has a little dog who goes out twice a day into the yard to relieve herself and sunbathe a bit. She does shuffle about in her own mess occasionally and comes in stinky and needs a bath. Which she may not get for hours...I clean her with wipes. Mom bathes her when she has time.

    My DSH cat freely roams the perimeter of the house and backyard, including the roof. He doesn't stray from our yard. His choice...he's in at sunset and sleeps with me thru the night until after sunrise.

    Both get flea meds regularly.

    I comb my cat every other day for 1/2 hour because he loves it. I might see 1 flea a month which I dispose of then do a full body check. Have never had a flea problem with the cat. No flea dirt. Nothing.

    I did with previous cats. I know the difference.

    She doesn't brush her curly dog, just gets the knots shaved when it becomes too painful for the dog.

    Every 3-4 months, her dog starts running with fleas. I have to start combing and cleaning fleas, flea dirt, etc. From the dog. They cluster on her head and hind end.

    Here's the problem:

    She INSISTS that her dog can only be getting fleas from my cat and wants me to pay for extra flea medicine.

    I think she's wrong but can't convince her.

    Where are these fleas coming from?

    There are none in my bed. There are in hers where her dog sleeps.

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Men on GS- I wonder?

    If your mothers and sisters saw your posts here, what would be their reaction?

    Do you actually advocate violence against those you love or is it something else?

    Explain yourselves, please..

    8 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • pure simplicity pumpkin body butter?

    Does anyone know where I can still find this? It was ! 50 @ebay ( ridiculous). I only have one left-Help

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • MGTOW - WHAT exactly do you think?

    You've lost, that you need this scheme to regain? Exactly who is your target population and why? And how did you arrive at this?

    6 AnswersGender & Women's Studies7 years ago
  • Why do men believe they have the right?

    To space in womens' shelters?

    Women built them, slowly gathering individual, then local, then privatized funds support. Contrary to belief, few receive tax dollars.

    They receive donations and grants. They pushed for local support, proving that each shelter would not be a community or neighborhood problem.

    They are private, guarded and create no trouble because of the secrecy of their locations.

    One could be on your block and you'd not know.

    After all this work for 50 years, why should men have free access? 

    Why can't they do the work to understand battered mens' needs and build what's needed?

    7 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Why do men believe they have the right?

    To space in womens' shelters?

    Women built them, slowly gathering individual, then local, then privatized funds support. Contrary to belief, few receive tax dollars.

    They receive donations and grants. They pushed for local support, proving that each shelter would not be a community or neighborhood problem.

    They are private, guarded and create no trouble because of the secrecy of their locations.

    One could be on your block and you'd not know.

    After all this work for 50 years, why should men have free access?

    Why can't they do the work to understand battered mens' needs and build what's needed?

  • How do MRA S propose to...?

    Fund the items on their wish list, such as shelters for victims of domestic violence, etc.?

    I understand how women have done it. I don't know what the plan is for men.


    5 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Re: atheists and paranoia.?

    @John- Thank you for the article. It was helpful. I like the Scientific American. Good choice...

    I'm not being argumentative, but it was interesting to note that even atheist parents prefer people of faith to watch over their children...something for both of us to think about.

    @ James K.-I'm so sorry that religious people have made your life so hard. We are instructed to live in love and compassion. But there are many immature or unreasonable people who use religion as a weapon instead of a source of inspiration to become their best selves.

    Please understand that we're not all like this. Just as I believe that the vast majority of atheists are good people, I feel the same about people of faith.

    John let me know a credible statistical source.

    Understand that everyone is evolving their own way, including you and I.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What is it with paranoid atheists?

    There are so many statements that people of faith hate atheists.

    I don't see ongoing questions attacking atheism.

    Specifically, who attacks you and where?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • fighting fire with fire?

    Iampro-the actual expression is "fight fire with fire".

    Sitting back and giving kindness to those that disrespect and want to hurt women is counterintuitive.

    The continual strides made be feminists are a massive wave compared to the droplet that is the MRM.

    The only way to teach your detractors is to get them to slow their destructive roll against you first.

    what will it take for this group to see that its not personal hatred against them, but living according to principle?

    4 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • MRAs cant take responsibility?

    They blame everything on mommy or a woman.

    women get up every day, work, raise children or contribute to society.

    These boys cant stand alone and accept responsibility for their own fate. They are raised by strong women, then resent what theyve received.

    why are they so childlike?

    3 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago