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Why is it... That nice guys always lose... I understand fads and all that ****. Girls gotta learn, live, make mistakes, and eventually settle down or whatev theyre happy doing. But why is it... Guys that are truly good guys.. Always helping others.. Respectful... Old schoool.. Etc etc.. Always lose!? Ive asked many people this and common answer i get is women want what they cant have which means they like they game douche bags give them.. I dont like that answer.. Its too simple.


Thought i should add, i am an auto technician, in college, tattoo artist, i am pretty fit, and not shy but not loud in any means, etc etc. I can be manly and say no and ****... I jus have respect.

9 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well it's one answer, and yes good guys do finish Last. Because when girls are ready to settle down, that's when they want the good guy, to stay with.

    One reason girls like the 'bad boys', is because, they give them a sense of danger. Girls are brought up to be good and kind and caring for the most part.

    Which is nice but deadly boring for most young women, who want and need a little excitement in their lives.

    So when some sweet talking bad boy, hits on them, they go for it. A little excitement at last.

    They also foolishly, think they can make that bad boy, into a good boy. Trouble, is they are never if ever successful at this. And if by chance, they are, they don't like the new good guy they have created.

    So be the good boy, but show them, a little of your bad side too. We all have one, you don't have to be mean or nasty, just show a little side of you, that sounds or seems edgy or naughty.

    Don't fawn all over them, be a little standoffish, as if you didn't care, and play just a little hard to get.

    You may do a lot better, attracting those goody two shoes girls, if you show them your rougher side.

  • LG
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It doesn't matter how good you are. It matters what you DO do get a girl. You can be Jesus of Nazereth. But if you sit on the sidelines waiting for the girl to make the move, you're going to lose. You won't be succesful everytime when making a move. Indeed, your success rate will vary a lot depending on how demding you are and what type of girls you go after. Coud be as low as a few percent. But eventually, you'll get a girl. It's not an easy process, at least for most of us. There seem to be those few lucky bastards who seem to meet a good girl early in life and then stay together until death do us part. But for the rest of us, we have to work like hell at it. And who knows? We don't know all the secrets of those lucky bastards hearts. Maybe it's not all that simple for them either.

    Success in romance isn't really that much different from success in other areas of life. You get out of it what you put into it. One may just as well say "I'm a really great guy, so why don't I have a billion dollars?"

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Being nice to a lady is an amazing gift and sooner or later you'll have an amazing spouse that loves you so much while the dbags might have had several wifes and still in a divorce. The right girl will come along for you and you'll be fine. Try to be a little more confident you dint always have to help out guys becaus eit isn't your job but it would be soo sweet to help a lady like a gentlman… you'll probably have longer relationships too because they respect you unlike others.

    Most of the girls in you life will be a little more atracted to a bad-guy because they like excutement and that doesn't mean u don't have to be exciting too. I hope this helps and good luck!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Nice guys dont lose yall are just hard to find . Women may be used to bad guys so its hard to tell which ones are good or not. Maybe try being a little aggressive but not too much and pursue a woman first .

    Source(s): Me
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  • 7 years ago

    "Nice" is one of the ingredients little girls are made of ("...and sugar, and spice, and everything nice...") It is not considered "sexy" in a man. Women want a "take charge" kinda guy. It's a sign of strength and protectiveness. When the apocalypse comes, the "nice" guy will be asking (nicely) for help (spoiler alert: no one will help him) while the take-charge guy will be protecting himself - and his lady. This is why the "wolf" is attractive to women over the "sheep." The wolf always comes out on top.

    Source(s): Life
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Well because some women when they're with nice guy they see nothing they break up with them or ignore them in general (that's what happened to me got rejected) so they go and find someone else and basically the only other people out there is douche bags so the date them

  • 7 years ago

    Girls like guys who are confident, popular, dominant, manly.

    These guys tend to be bad boys or dbags.

    But the best kind is like James Bond- totally TOTALLY alpha male. Supremely confident, assured. But also funny, shave and charming. He DOESNT kiss a girls a*ss- but he's not a total jerk either. He's playful, fun, teases her, shows his dominance and superiority by beating her in a game of wits and flirting, then he leads her to bed.

    The problem with nice guys? They are weak. They try to make up for their insecurities or ugliness by kissing girls butts, complimenting, apologizing, agreeing with everything, etc and hoping it gets them somewhere.

    Nothing turns a girl off more than weakness in a man. Nice guys have no backbone, no drive, no desire to risk it all. They are safe guys. They are sideline bench warmers. They are losers. Nice guys are afraid to stand up to a girl, to tease her, and bcuz of this girls never get aroused by nice guys and never wanna chase nice guys.

    Source(s): EDIT: oh you wanna thumbs me down? Alright. I literally just had sex with a girl less than an hour ago. She drove to my place, had sex, and left. Our convo included: Me- "you. My place. Now" Her- "dammit I have to shower" Me- "tick, tock" Her- "well, f*ck it I'm already clean haha" Me- "shower! Lol" Her- "haha alright alright" Me- "good girl. And bring me a sandwich" Her- "I'll make you one when I get there" Her- "okay I'm otw :)" Me- "ok cool" Then I smashed her out and she's wanting to date/hang tomorrow. That's how it's done boy. Learn
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    i think its because too many ladies think there are rules to dating ---- that showing interest is "clingy/needy/desperate" they think that they need to play games like "hard to get" and the genuine guys accept they are not interested and move on while the guys that dont care who only want sex chase the ladies get what they think they want (sex) then move on to the next ----- we dont always lose ---- what happens is the ladies grow up and see that most if not all of their preconceptions about relationships are wrong

  • 7 years ago

    They want excitement, most likely. To them, nice guys are boring and do not keep them interested for very long. You can't be too much of a "yes man".

    Source(s): The Crooked Man, personal observation.
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