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Dreaming about my ex...don't want to anymore.?

Okay so I saw my ex, who I dated off an on for a year, and who broke my heart repeatedly, for the first time since our last fight (MONTHS AND MONTHS ago) the other day at a Starbucks I didnt know he worked at :/ and it was a shock seeing him, hearing his voice. And I am dating a guy right now that I am really in love with but we are starting to have problems :/ and anyway ever since I saw my ex, I have been dreaming about him. Not bad dreams really, he is just my friend in the dreams but he is PROMINENT. and it makes me wake up feeling sick :/ how do I get the dreams to go away? :(

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Usually when you dream about an ex, it's because there is something causing you to reflect on the lessons learned/experience gained from that relationship that you need to apply in some aspect of your life. Perhaps it's your current relationship. Even though you want nothing to do with your ex, you are subconsciously reminding yourself of the past relationship for some reason.

    Maybe the problems within the new relationship caused these dreams to subconsciously give you advice, or seeing the ex triggered a realization within yourself that you aren't happy about the current situation (that you are only subconsciously aware of and could be related to the problems that have started arise).

    Look to other clues within the dream to find further information as to its meaning (your emotions in the dream, where the dream took place). This helps bring to light which aspects of the relationship are being brought to the surface.

    Also, ask yourself again why you're dreaming about him, except this time and without thinking about it, immediately write down the very first answer that you give yourself. That should give you some insight.

  • 7 years ago

    Sorry hun you can't do anything about it eventually you will stop having those dreams you just saw him so he's on your mind but when its been awhile you will forget about seeing him give it a few weeks to a month shouldn't even be a month but next month you will be fine or do things to not think of him think of something that you really want to do get your focus off of him is always a way but that can be hard for some people but give it a try

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