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I Don't Want to Renew Old High School Friendships?

I never attend my out-of-state class reunions but this past summer the committee sent the reunion invitation with an update letter to return, which I did. Now I am being bombarded with phone calls and emails from people I didn't even like back then let alone want to keep in touch with now. I can't even remember them.

What to do? Ignore or reply and be honest? I don't have the time or interest to keep up with these people.

Also, why do so many people want to stay in touch?! Don't they have lives?

12 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am kind of in the same boat. I paid the money to go to my 50th reunion and at the last minute couldn't make myself go. My life is so different from any of those people. I think it's best to keep them in the past. You're right, some of them I couldn't stand back in the day, and they certainly haven't improved with age.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    It would have been better if you had ignored the initial contact. Returning the form gave the impression that you WERE interested. Either just leave it alone now so that they'll assume you don't want to go or write and tell them you don't want to go and ask them to take you off their mailing list.

    I, now aged 70, had a similar contact about ten years ago. I said that I wouldn't be going because only one person involved was I still friendly with and I meet up with her once every 2 years or so and we contact each other several time a year. Going to meet with them all would have involved a huge amount of rail fare and taxi fares and, at least, 2 nights in a hotel because I'd moved away. It wasn't worth it and I'd have hated it.

    In my case, I had not seen most of these people in almost 45 years so I'd have had nothing to say to them really. For you it won't be anywhere near that long but if you don't want to go don't be badgered into doing it.

  • 7 years ago

    Just ignore the reaching out to touch you.

    You must have given them your new address when you moved out of state but if not , you didn't need to list your phone number on the up date sheet. Why did you do that?

    They have lives but as we age some things become more important about people we have a shared history in time.

    Why bother to write back and 'be honest' when you can just dump the mail from them and change your phone number? Are you looking for an excuse to be mean maybe?

    Only you know.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I'm confused. If you did not want to renew old friendships why did you send the up date letter? That was what it was for. So people could stay in touch.

    Be honest and say you are pleased that their lives have turned out well, or something polite. but the past is past and you don't want to stay in touch.

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  • 7 years ago

    It could be they want to re-unite just to let you know they care about you after all those years of being around you in their youth. I never had a re-union since school because I didn't graduate, but I always wondered what it would be like to see some of my old friends and enemies again. I did get to see and talk to the school bully I put up with all those years of going to school a few years after he graduated. He had changed and matured so that I was glad to have had the chance to see it. If I hadn't had that last encounter with him, I would have always pictured him as the holly terror in school and associated him as a very bad memory. Sometime going back to face your demons, and learning how they have changed, can be a poultice to the soul.

    Source(s): Old Texan.
  • Ann
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If you didn't like the people in your class, then it was a mistake to give out your phone number. As we get older, people tend to forget the bad things, and concentrate on the fun things that happened in high school. There were people in my class I detested, but there were also some good people. I reconnected with a couple of them through I'm glad I did, because one of them wrote me and told me I was the only one in the class who was nice to him and he appreciated that so much. He had never told me that, and it was 50 years after graduation. The wife of the other person I contacted emailed me (she had to scroll through a lot of emails to find my address), and she wrote me to say he is dying of brain cancer. She thanked me for contacting him, and said it meant a lot to him to know someone from high school remembered him. He was always very quiet and shy in class. If you hated everyone in your class, maybe the problem was with your perception of them and not them. Obviously, they want to contact you again, or they wouldn't send you an invitation. Just my opinion.

  • whimsy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If you didn't want to have anything to do with school friendships why on earth did you respond to their mail?

    I tear up unwanted invitations -- I certainly wouldn't fill out the questionnaire and send it back.

    Just block all the emails and eventually the people will stop sending them.

  • I never went to mine either since didn't like the school/classmates.

    I get those invite every year and just ignore them..don't ever reply to them because of just what happen you, don't do it again and if you have to change your phone number.

  • MizzB
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well you must have given them all your contact details - if you are "anti" you shouldn't have done that. If you don't want contact I'd suggest that you ignore all of this. they'll soon get the message.

  • Mark
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    hahahaha dont they have lives hahahahahaha good question, i cant put down reunions but i can agree with you hahahahahah be at peace

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