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Should a M2F trans person's head be covered when praying in church?

If you're tempted to answer this question with reference to the fact that I am transgendered, or in Biblical terms a eunuch, I would ask that you please also remember that whether or not I have sinned in this particular life decision, we are all sinners and we can all be mistaken, being imperfect human beings subject to the Fall. Please also acknowledge that this is a serious question.

So, my situation is this. I regularly lead the intercessions at my church and for the first time in a couple of weeks I will be doing so as transgendered - I stepped down from various duties at my church while the situation was resolved. When I stand up at the altar, clearly there may be some disquiet among the congregation and I would like merely to be a vessel for the Lord's will, imperfect though I may be. Given that, do you think I should cover my head? Would that be perceived as a positive thing or a mockery by the more conservative members of the church? What's God's will here?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think to cover your head will make it more uneasy.No doubt people will be shocked at first that you are openly transgendered, but most people will quickly get over the initial surprise.Romans 5-6 has spelt out that we are human and no matter how hard we try, although we are willing our body or human part does not allow us to do it .but Christ 's sacrifice has allowed more sin in the world but also more grace by God.Only the non baptised people are under the old testament penalties as gods grace has saved us from that punishment, but we now have a new debtor in Christ so we must do his will to gain everlasting life.Be yourself but serve god.

  • 7 years ago

    I will try to answer your question. Either you have the terms wrong or I do. A Eunuch is a person who is asexual. It has to do with sexual preference not gender identity.

    It is difficult to answer the question.

    I would say that, as a Roman Catholic, the RCC has a "hate the sin, love the sinner" toward your circumstances. If God made you a man, it is a sin to tamper with what God created.

    Jesus took in many stray cats from the faith. There was Mary Magdalene the prostitute. Many of the disciples were drunks, drug abusers, harlots, lechers, and gays and lesbians. What Jesus said was "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" he forgave the adulteress and said "Where are your accusers? Your sins are forgiven you. Go and sin no more."

    It is not up to me to judge you. Who am I to judge you? If you get into a relationship just be honest with whomever you attach yourself to. I would not want to be sleeping with a person who was born a man and then became a woman. But as long as the man in your life knows your history and doesn't have a problem with it, who the Hell cares.

    I mean if you were born with two left feet and you had an operation and got a right foot from a donor, there is nothing wrong with that. So you feel trapped in a man's body and you have a mix of female and male hormones and feel like a woman trapped inside a man's body. So you get an operation to transform you from a man into a woman.

    If you can justify it in your own heart that you are doing the right thing and the sexual partner you have doesn't have a problem with it, so what.

    No need to cover your head.

  • 7 years ago

    Technically, you should not even be in church. Deuteronomy 23:1 makes is quite clear that anyone who is physically emasculated shall not enter the assembly of God. Sad that they would turn their back on someone for so trivial a thing, though.

  • Jimbo
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    God gave you a male body when you were born. Your chromosomes are male. Your natural hormones are male. You can change the looks totally but it doesn't make you a female. You can call yourself a female if you wish but it won't make you one. You stand before God as He created you. Not as you created you. Man makes mistakes. God doesn't. Please don't stand before Him and mock Him and your congregation with your personal desires.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Do other women cover their heads during prayer in your church? Surely, now you are female you do what the women normally do?

  • Alan H
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I doubt if God cares either way.

    But, if it will help the congregation,. by all means go ahead

  • 1ofU
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You went to great trouble to be a woman. So be one.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    if you wear an elephant hat, i don't think anybody will say anything

  • 7 years ago

    yes, it would seem proper for the purpose.

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