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Is questioning or attacking a position on religion or faith . . .?

. . . the same thing as attacking a person? (In other words, if you do not agree with what one answers, is that the same as attacking you?)

And is blocking a person conducive to any sort of meaningful discussion?

Though I have been blocked by less than five people in R&S (I try to be respectful of persons, though I do not respect beliefs merely because they are asserted), I am curious as to why those five or so would choose to block in a discussion on religious views . . . as atheists go, I am one of the mildest here.

Perhaps I merely am reading too much into it, but it seems that blocking someone who is not a spammer or making personal attacks is surrendering to the idea that either you will not or cannot engage in a discussion of religious ideas. . . .


As for my own blocks, I have only blocked known spammers, not those that merely disagree with me. Of note I have had worthwhile discussions in Answers' Messenger service with those whom I have had sharp disagreements with on matters of faith; I thought such discussions were worthwhile and thus keep said channel of communication open.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They take it personally and get angry if they are disagreed with.

    This just demonstrates clearly their insecurity in their own positions.

    Blocking people is another insecure activity. Tender and doubting ears do not wish to hear differing opinions, nor do they wish to think, and consider other positions.

    You can't even confuse them with facts, their mind is made up without them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Blocking is passive-aggressive; people can't take it personally.

    EDIT: Generally speaking, blocking is such, but the only one I think I ever blocked was in the Pets section..this person nutted-up on me personally for not adopting a non-breed know, sorry I prefer pure-breeds.

  • One can try to criticize a person's irrational belief system, but it's nearly impossible to separate the belief from the holder of those beliefs in most instances the believer of irrational ideas, thoughts, constructs or memes tend to take an attack on belief as an attack on themselves.

    There is virtually no room for objectivity when it comes to critiquing superstitious beliefs since most believers have a violent reaction to anything that threatens their internal thought praxis, a childish reaction to be sure, but given that a lot of people were first indoctrinated with their fear memes as children, it should come as no surprise that the defense mechanisms resemble that of a spoiled child throwing a tantrum because they didn't "get their way".

    I agree with previous responses that it's passive aggressive to block someone, but I've given religious belief a lot of thought and it's tantamount to hitting one's head against a wall for obvious futility to try and "reason" with virtually anyone who is "defending their faith".

    So, I try to reason with people willing to think critically outside their comfort zone belief bubble and debate reality based objects or concepts that can be verified outside the narrow confines of a hive mentality internal belief based "evidence" as the sole source of their faith/fantasy praxis

    Source(s): Juxtaposition
  • 7 years ago

    There are some who only wish to sing to the choir.

    Personally, I have never blocked or reported anybody.

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  • Byte-s
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Being blocked is a badge of honor. Wear it with distinction.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    most believers come to YA!R&S with their "proof", get a dose of reality and go whimpering home with their tail between their legs.....playing the victim is what you do when you lose an argument,,,,,,,

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No and no.

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