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Anti-Climate Changers...what if you're wrong?

13 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "What if?"

    There's no "if." This isn't a two-sided debate. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that human activity accelerates the rate of climate change which in turn produces extreme weather patterns. Don't be fooled into thinking there are reasonable voices on both sides, because that is simply not true.

    It's time to leave the deniers behind on this one. They can complain until they're neck-deep in seawater. Meanwhile liberals will fix the problem... as usual.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I'm not. It's the Sun.

    I have seen a graph which shows global tremperatures for 2000 years. It shows three distinct temperature peaks. The one during Roman times is the highest. The next highest was in Medieval times 1000 years later. And 1000 years after that is today. If anything the earth is cooling as indicated by these 1000 year cycles. And also note, during the two previous, we weren't industrialized.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If the theory of anthropogenic climate change is actually proven to be true (and that's a pretty big IF at this time) we can then start funding research into the technology that will need to be developed to actually do something about it.

    You see, right now, we cannot do anything meaningful to change it. The offered solutions - make the rich richer by forcing people and businesses to buy environmental "indulgences" from them, and/or devolve to a pre-industrial standard of living - are not really acceptable solutions that will do anything, either for man or for the climate.

    Since, at this time, we do not have the scientific ability to even remotely accurately predict climate or determine the causes, nor do we have the technology to change it if we were able to accurately measure and predict it, there isn't actually any current cost to being skeptical.

    In the meantime, I am *sure* you're going to win a lot of hearts and minds by smearing and maligning people who are skeptical of the theory, right?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    By the climatomentals own figures the Earth has only warmed by1c since before the industrial revolution.

    These same climatomentals predicted that the UK would have the climate of southern France by now. They were wrong. They predicted the sea ice would melt at the north pole it has actually increased by 60%.

    They predicted droughts we are flooded. From a science point of view predictions have to be accurate to prove the theory. When they are is he time to act,

    At the moment there is no evidence for climate change caused by industry, not a scrap.

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  • 7 years ago

    Well, the last 17 years of absolutely no climate change would indicate that we're not.

    And, given THAT reality, should we continue to spend hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars on your psuedo-scientific hunch...quasi-religion? So, here's the response, what if YOU are wrong? As it seems, each year, you are.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    WOW, thatis a really good question!

    because we all know that if only we are willing to surrender the control over our use of energy to the Govenment, All will be well, Righ5?

  • 7 years ago

    Um....I'm up for a change of climate....Hawaii sounds good to this Winnipeger right now...

  • 7 years ago

    Two years ago CC told us the California would have too much rain and mud slides. Now that California has drought CC tells us it is caused by too much CC. Can't have it both ways. (But no matter what weather we have, too hot or too cold, too much rain or too little rain it is caused by climate change)

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    At least I wouldn't have sent a bunch of my money to the Government to supposedly HELP

  • 7 years ago

    liberals will fix the problem as usual. What BS. Usual how? Name anything a Lib has made better.

    Despite the lies, it is NOT settled, it is NOT fact, it is ONLY theory.

    Bringing mercury back into our homes....libtard fix.

    Ruined forests, bug infested and burning....libtard fix.

    Carbon credits....libtard fraud.

    Date to support climate alarmists....libtard fake.

    Revoking climatologist's credentials for the slightest doubt on anthropogenic warming....libtard extortion.

    You can keep your doctor & plan....libtard LIE.

    What you libbies are doing is only wasting money, supporting scammers, taking food out of hungry mouths and solving nothing.

    We need to spend $ to deal with the effects of NATURAL change, not imaginary lies.

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