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bill j asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 7 years ago

Losing weight while on a budget and how to get into a fitness lifestyle?

Does anyone have any cheap foods I can get that will help with my fat loss and how can I get into an active fitness lifestyle

48 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    I don't know exactly the cheap food, but I can advise you this:

    The first is obvious - try to avoid fat food(i hope you know what the fat food is) and try to avoid sweets including soft drinks(replace everything with water). And after a while you might feel that water is the best drink.

    The second is to eat small amounts every 3 hours during a day(it will be about 5 times a day) instead of eating a lot but less times a day.

    The method above is not very fast, but if you stick to it, you will see the result. Also, the method does not require to starve or anything like that.

    I hope you will find it helpful.

  • 7 years ago

    Well you see the thing is, foods that are good for you tend to cost more, ex: Fruit, salads, whole grains, lean meat like chicken and turkey while on the other hand cheap foods tend to get you more and are much unhealthier ex- Ramen noodles, processed foods in cans such as meats or chef boyardee, soda ( compare the price of soda to the price of natural or real juice)

    What you can do though is limit your calorie intake, because weight gain and loss is mainly consisted of calorie intake vs calorie expenditure. As long as you burn more calories than you consume, your body will naturally lose weight, it does not matter if you are eating 2000 calories from mcdonalds or 2000 calories from a healthy diet, although a healthy diet will aid you in feeling much greater and probably yield faster results. The point is, just watch your calories closely.

    As for a fitness routine or regimen, I participate in the fitness club program after school 3 times a week and our workout routines don't require equipment, except for pullups, but i'l get back to that.

    We do pushups, situps, sprints, jumps and pullups. These are all things you can do on your own without equipment, and the pullups you can do at a local playground using the jungle gym. Also at fitness we progress with repitition in pushups by 2 every week, situps duration increases by 30 seconds about every 2 weeks, and the sprints we increase by about 50 meters every 2 weeks too. We also do jumproping which is extremely efficient for fatloss.

    Now remember, you need to be patient because I do not know the degree of overweightness you would consider yourself, but this is not an overnight process, it is a lifelong process. You need to be strict on yourself and disciplined enough to form all these good habits on a consistent schedule, results are only as good as the effort put in, so if you aren't satisfied with where you are in 3-5 months it is only because you haven't tried hard enough. Patience is a virtue in everything in life, you need to climb the ladder one grip at a time- I said everything that aided me in muscle development and fat loss throughout the school year so I know it can be done for you too, remember to never neglect sleep or water intake, as both are very important for hormones and progress. Goodluck!!

    Source(s): My life
  • 7 years ago

    Focus on low fat, low sugar and lean meat. Make your own fruit salads and vegetable soups. Look for skimmed milk, 0% yoghurt and light bread spreads. Grill meat in stead of frying, use only a little oil or butter to fry food, go whole grain and use free workouts: walking, gym equipment in several parks. Eating healthy on a budget is not impossible and is actually quite easy. Avoid take-aways as they tend to be high on fats and are heavy on the wallet as well. It just takes a bit more organising but you'll save in the long run.

  • 7 years ago

    By adopting a balance life style u can get attractive look. Make your diet plan and do daily exercise. Read here about how to loose fat and tummy fast and in easy way:-

    Weight loss home remedies

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  • 5 years ago

    carry a cooler stocked with three bottles of water a six pack four pb js two oranges a bag of tortilla chips and 12 servings of cool cucumber salsa go to womenshealthmag allrecipes com for the recipe for 22 minutes

  • 4 years ago

    Use blue plates If you put food on blue plates it can cause you to eat less

  • 4 years ago

    get a daily dose of cocoa

  • Hazel
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    snack on a small handful of nuts

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    take a break from chicken with tofu

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    45 minute of treading water

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