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Bf killed himself cause of me?

He took so many pills because I wanted to break up with him, called him a little *****, a pathetic liar, and a heartless jerk sometimes. I told him he wasn't the one. He said mean things to me too. He was announced dead yesterday evening and I'm still in shock.. What will I do.. I'm shaking and really, really confused.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was because of him, not you.

    Most people have breakups and lovers quarrels in their lives and don't kill themselves.

  • 7 years ago

    He was truly in pain you can't burden yourself through ego he needed to hurt someone the way he was hurting you were simply in the crossfire, it's really not as though you stalked him and caused a life or death position perhaps choose wisely through awakening your religious conscience and morality you will certainly find people who are hurt and take the suicide route are burdened in life for a reason greater than our knowledge so do not get a complex through your ego and guilt almost a booster like feeling you caused the ultimate proof to your power over him in fact when he wasn't stable upon your meeting if not you it would have been something or anyone else who looked at him in a way that would've pushed him over the edge of reason. May Allah bless you and he may he rest in peace and may the almighty have mercy on his soul.

  • 7 years ago

    He was weak and foolish. Some people are dumb, and do **** like that. The one thing that you have to remember is that it isn't/wasn't your fault. He's probably was depressed for quite sometime and just put on a fake smile when he was around people. Subconscieously, he was probably looking for a way out for a long time. Just calm down. It wasn't your fault. It's NOT your fault. You are a lovely caring person. You know it, your best of friends know it, and your family knows it. What you need is them. Crying is always a good remedy for sadness. Cry hard and get all the tears out. Everything gets better in time. Everything. So get those tears out. Keep your chin up. And try to live 'til you're 90 years of age. You'll get through this, because you're a tough cookie and you know that.

  • 7 years ago

    This is the third variation on this I've seen tonight. All are from level one posters. I hate to sound heartless, but I think this is a troll.

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  • Robots
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    He killed himself because he had problems existing even before he knew you. Otherwise, you would not have had problems with him, right?

    It wasn't you. Trust me. You were just the unfortunate sap to have been last to date him in his misery.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Well , I really hope that makes you happy

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