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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 7 years ago

For shame. the 9th Circus Court of Appeals upholds a schools right to ban the wearing of American flag t-shirt?

What the hell is happening in this country when a bunch of Mexican thugs can cause a school to ban the wearing of flag t-shirts, all the while allowing the above mentioned thugs to wear Mexican flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo?

Cinco de Mayo is barely celebrated in Mexico anyway. So what's the big deal about it up here? If Mexico is so great, why don't these gangsters, and wanna be gangsters move back there(where they are probably still citizens anyway), and do something to show their pride where it counts? This is our country not theirs. Why are they being allowed to squelch our national pride, just because they threaten violence if anyone wears an American flag?

This is what happens when just anyone is allowed into this country, instead of going through the citizenship process. Its not just Mexicans, the muslims are pulling the same crap. America is for Americans, and those who will uphold our traditions, and beliefs. Not for those who refuse to assimilate into our culture, and want to establish their own little pseudo countries on our land.

Agree? Disagree? Lets see.


I don't see how this holiday can be that important to Mexicans up here, when they barely, if at all celebrate it in Mexico

The school told the white students to wear their shirts inside out or go home, because the Mexican students were harassing them, and said if the white boys wore those shirts that the Mexican students(/) were going to get their gangster home boys, and relatives to come, and mess up the white boys.

Sounds to me as though there was already tension, and there was going to be some violence.

@Socialjustice-1- my family has been in this country for over 300 years so its just as much my country as any one else.

2-A thug is a thug no matter who they are!

Update 2:

@ Bob-So anybody who doesn't automatically take the minorities side is a neo NAZI? I believe in our constitution, and bill of rights. What I don't believe in is students forcing other students to follow their political agenda in a public school.

If the school officials were actually going to be reasonable, and fair, they would have banned all flag t-shirts, not just American flag t-shirts.

Update 3:

@ American B4 Columbus-I know this is a bigger issue than t-shirts, but it is a symptom of a much bigger problem. No, I don't hate Mexicans, or natives, or Canadians, or anyone, really. Not even natives with bad attitudes, " Socialjustice". I know what's happening to the U.S., and California. Was in California over 40 years ago, it was pretty nice then. Now, I wouldn't go back if you paid me. No, I'm not going to call you a racist. We both know that the truth is the truth.

Update 4:

@ Captain Obvious DSP-I hope you aren't as stupid as your post. If you are I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.

Update 5:

@ Jepchamp- So I'm a racist, eh? I have to ask myself , If I had identified myself as a Mexican, and wrote that a bunch of white kids were forcing Mexican kids not to wear their flag shirts for the same reason, would I still be a racist? If the answer is no, then you are as full of crap as any other knee jerk liberal.

Update 6:

@xpatinasia- You know for someone who chooses not to live here you sure are quick to judge someone concerning issues you are choosing to distance yourself from. I believe in equal treatment for everybody. Not just for the chosen few, and not just for some who are making a big deal out of a holiday from a country that they obviously choose not to live in. There won't be any flag issues if they live in Mexico. If they think its so great, then go live there. If they think here is better, then its up to them to blend in with us. Not the other way around.

Update 7:

@ bob, again-sorry I missed the part of your post about three white, conservative judges. Are you living in the same country as the rest of us?

The 9th Circuit Court is the most liberal court in the land. They aren't known as the 9th "Circus" Court for nothing. They get overturned more than any other federal court in the country. Next time don't focus so much on reasons to call people names. Try to actually know what you're talking about.

Update 8:

@Socialjustice-By the way, I said "our country", not my country. If you don't want to be included in "our country"(that means yours, and mine) then that's your choice. I'm willing to include anyone in "our country" who is willing to help make it a better place to live, and who will uphold the principles that it was founded on.

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    if you think this is just an issue of kids wearing shirts you are an idiot. look around you ppl are you so blind you really don't see whats happening to the U.S? California as I use to know it does not and will never exist again. (thank illegals and all those who back them and not americans) and no,i don't hate Mexicans if you want to throw that around, I dislike everyone equally but damn. don't you realize this is bigger than the shirt you write about? if you have never been to California I suggest you come visit and see for yourself, I was born here and will die here. this place has changed not for the better let me tell you. oooh wait, before you address the real issue you will want to talk about other things like how im a racist and all of that right?

  • 7 years ago

    Wow, this is the second time this afternoon that I've seen this. I'm going to check the facts before I "agree" or "disagree." I see it as a non-issue, really. There was a time when it was considered disrespectful to put the US flag on a t-shirt. Just calm down, OK? You can keep on being the same old racist Mexican-hater you were before.

    Edit: OK, here are the facts--Previously on Cinco de Mayo at this school, there had been a lot of tension because non-Hispanic students were wearing US Flag t-shirts, chanting "USA, USA" and generally trying to insult Mexican students on a holiday that was important to them. The principal asked these students to turn their flag shirts inside out to avoid creating tension, possibly leading to violence. This court ruling said it did not violate the students' Constitutional rights to ask them to do that. Schools can make rules about clothing--they do it all the time. That's all this was.

    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Too bad the Mexicans don't like the fact that the U.S. stole California, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado from them in our war of aggression.

  • bob
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Three white, conservative Protestant male judges ruled that the school could stop known troublemakers from trying to provoke violence in the school. Any reasonable person would have ruled the same. Of course, Neo-Nazis feel differently.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It should be mandatory that Circus Court Judges take polygraph tests monthly and pee in a cup once a week so we can keep better tabs on them. Is this the judge with the green hair, or the other one?

  • 7 years ago

    There's a reason that the 9th Circuit has a record as the most overturned court of appeals in the nation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Kids should wear a Rainbow Flag tee shirt to create a little more brouhaha.

  • 7 years ago

    This should go to the Supreme Court. The 9th Circuit is the most liberal of the US circuit courts. It is unbelievable. I dread that I've lived to see such depravation of our rights and destruction of common sense patriotism.

  • Yeah, I know. The school should have just let the kids fight to the death. If some other kids got hurt or killed, well that is the price cons are willing to pay.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I really hope ur at least 50% Native American or it isnt 'your' country.

    Why is a minority always a 'thug' to u ppl? You all honestly need to grow up

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