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Pro-life Christians - how involved are you?

I've noticed that the pro-life movement has become primarily populated by Catholic people where I live. This was not true 20 years ago when I was an evangelical Christian.

If you identify yourself as a pro-life Christian (any church affiliation), would you please answer the following questions?

1. How informed are you about right-to-life issues (abortion, euthanasia, elder care, human trafficking, etc.?)

2. How often are pro-life messages preached at your church?

3. Does your church have any sort of organized pro-life effort?

4. Does your church offer practical support to women facing unplanned pregnancies?

5. Do you get personally involved in any organized pro-life activities (40 Days for Life, March for Life, Life Chain, candlelight vigils at abortion clinics, signing petitions supporting right-to-life legislation, etc.)?

If you identify yourself as a pro-choice Christian, please feel free to comment on what you think about this issue as well.


Okay, adding a question:

6. How personally involved are you in providing financial and practical help to the people you wish to keep alive (unborn babies, the elderly, etc.)?

And answering some pro-choice comments below:

Leshawna, abortion involves not just the woman's body, but also the unborn human's body inside of her, which is destroyed in the process. (If there was not another human inside her body, she wouldn't be pregnant, and she wouldn't be seeking an abortion - the whole point of abortion is to end the pregnancy, and women only get pregnant with human fetuses.)

Japje.a: Yes, there are indeed pro-life atheists! And to any of you out there who are reading this, please feel free to answer questions 1, 5 and 6.

Nickname: I'm well aware that women don't seek abortions because they LIKE the idea. The groups I work with provide a lot of practical and emotional support for these women so that they feel free to CHOOSE life for their unborn babies. Nobod

Update 2:

Nobody I work with forces a woman to choose life. But when women facing abortion tell us, "I would have this baby if only _____", there's nothing wrong with helping to fill in that blank, is there? We provide free shelter, food, clothing, diapers, furniture, pots and pans, utilities, etc. We offer free daycare, tutoring, relationship counseling, job training and language learning, too. They are grateful for the help we give them so they can have the children the conceived in love with somebody they love. Sorry if you find that "self-absorbed" and "interfering." Seems like even a pro-choice person would support a woman's CHOICE to give life to her baby, right? That's all we're doing here.

Update 3:

Judy, I am against the death penalty! For me, that is also a pro-life issue.

Update 4:

Shaz, it sounds like you were treated terribly by your Mormon church. I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you'll be able to deal with that pain properly so that you don't blame all the Christian people who WOULD have helped you if they had known. I would have helped, and my whole Church would have helped.

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Pretty informed. My church group and I set down on sundays after mass and talk about pro-life issues among other topics. I've also done numerous research on the subject.

    2. I'm a Catholic so a lot

    3. yes read # 1

    4. Yes

    5. Saying the Rosary out side the abortion clinic in my town. signing petitions supporting right-to-life legislation. 40 Days for Life.

    If a mother can kill her unborn child what's going to stop me from killing you or you from killing me? The unborn are so unwanted, unloved and uncared for. How does this not break peoples hearts.

  • 7 years ago

    You missed a question:...and it should have been number one....

    How much of your time and money do you volunteer to helping support and care for all the people on the planet that you want to keep alive, whether there is any other support and care available to them, or not?

    People don't have abortions because they like terminating pregnancies...they have them because they can't care for a child. Forcing them to have one anyway and doing NOTHING to solve the actual problem.....just makes you a bunch of self-absorbed, interfering jerks who increase the number of neglected, abused and impoverished children in the world.....and feel good about it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Oh crap!!!! ... not ONE Christian or any religious person said a flipping word to me when my toddler died and not one religious person said a flipping word to me when I had my sixth child terminated and do we wonder why?

    Not one single religious person helped me at all when I was 15 years old and had my first child, whilst living at home with my Mormon family!!! ... they treated me like a shame and made me hide and tried to force me to adopt the child out to a better family than me.

    all of the years before I got married ... where was the church? ... Oh yeah!!! trying to make me attend a court case to excommunicate me from the church because I had that child out of wedlock!

    And where were the Christians when night after night and day after month that turned into years ... I was alone with my child rearing and where was my grief support? Non existent!

    If you are doing such a great job then why are so many single young mothers living on the streets and living in poverty?

    Why don't these young mothers get to work a job?

    Why are these mothers usually the victims of violence?

    And you expect me (((as one of those women))) to honestly believe you, that you will be there for the next twenty years??? ... BULLCRUD!!!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    As a Pro-Choice atheist, I believe that people should be entitled to make their own choices over their bodies, not some corrupt Church.

    Source(s): I hope this helps.
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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    pro life is really just anti abortion, anti woman's choice. most pro lie people are also pro death penalty.

  • 7 years ago

    There are pro life atheist too.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I only go to church on April fools

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