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Will the churches wake up and see that the end of all things is approaching?

I am not realy looking for an answer, as I am a Bible prophecy teacher; I just want people to be alerted to the fact that the so-called "churches" are asleep and have no clue as to what is coming. Pray, one for another.


Thank you to those that answered that they are looking for his return! I asked the question with that in mind, as I wanted to see the Christians that are watching for the return of Christ speak out, and those that did I applaud!!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What makes you think that Christians are unaware of what is coming with regard to the second coming of Christ Jesus? Which churches do you claim don't see that the end of the age is near? What evidence do you have that Protestant churches are asleep?

    Are you a Jehovah's Witness? We know they are obsessed with chronology and the end of this wicked system of things, with the impending Great Tribulation and Armageddon.

    But that does not mean to say that Christians are ignorant about Bible prophecy, especially with regard to the end of this age. If you are going to make wild accusations, please provide evidence.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    When I read the bible some 40 years ago, there weren't any actual prophecies in it. I don't believe they have been inserted since then (though I wouldn't be completely surprised). Thus there is nothing to be alerted to. It's no more than the result of certain people having an apparent death wish.

    Source(s): .
  • 7 years ago

    Yes! So many churches are snoozing and have little time to get with the program

  • 7 years ago

    Christians recognize the signs of the times, we also know that these times are "the beginning of sorrows"...

    Source(s): Matthew 24: 8
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  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago


    A Bible prophecy teacher you say? How do you "teach" such nonsense? Does not teaching generally involve facts? Or at least theory? These so-called prophecies are neither.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm ready. I could use more time enjoying the life I was given... but I'm ready to see Jesus.


  • 7 years ago

    a lot of churches already know and the ones that don't, I pray they will...soon

  • Al
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    " I am a Bible prophecy teacher" - so, you lie to people for a living? Are you proud of that?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Thats fine. knowing the truth gives us responsability. The bible teaches us the importance to advertised others about the future events.

    (Ezekiel 3:18-21) . . .When I say to someone wicked, ‘You will positively die,’ and you do not actually warn him and speak in order to warn the wicked one from his wicked way to preserve him alive, he being wicked, in his error he will die, but his blood I shall ask back from your own hand. But as for you, in case you have warned someone wicked and he does not actually turn back from his wickedness and from his wicked way, he himself for his error will die; but as for you, you will have delivered your own soul. And when someone righteous turns back from his righteousness and actually does injustice and I must put a stumbling block before him, he himself will die because you did not warn him. For his sin he will die, and his righteous acts that he did will not be remembered, but his blood I shall ask back from your own hand.  And as for you, in case you have warned someone righteous that the righteous one should not sin, and he himself does not actually sin, he will without fail keep on living because he had been warned, and you yourself will have delivered your own soul.”

  • 7 years ago

    The last days are here...again.

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