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Cornucopians...why hasn't technology cleaned up the pollution in China?

Isn't technology supposed to be the answer, as opposed to accountability and environmentalism?

What's taking you guys so long?


@Sagebrush - Thank you for the in depth, well thought out answer. You are a Top Contributor? If you think that corporations left the US because of pollution, you've been swallowing too much of the kool aid. Thank YOU for being yet another mindless drone on Yahoo ! Answers.

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Capitalism is about to kick in.

    They've already realized production goes down and costs go up when their workers can't see their nimble little fingers through their burning watery eyes.

    China inherited the US pollution of the 60's and 70's.

    They'll probably clean things up the same way we did but by outsourcing Walmart production to third world Africa.....

  • Mack
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The technology is available to minimize the pollution. Finding the money to build what is necessary is the issue. China is more concerned with manufacturing.

  • C
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Technology can be used, but China's middle class is expanding, they all want cars which pollute the air in the cities and now China is building one coal power plant a week for the next 3 years or more. More and more pollution will make it much more difficult to breathe in China

  • 7 years ago

    Because we closed down our plants and sent the problem over there. Thank you greenies for all this unemployment. Thank you greenies than now we have to borrow money from once was an impoverished nation. Thank you greenies that now a widget can be manufactured and transported across the Pacific cheaper than we can make it over here. Just look at Solyndra. They were manufacturing solar panels out in Fremont, CA. for $2.85 a panel. China could manufacture it and transport it so that when that equivalent panel hit our coastline its cost was $1.15. Thank you greenies.

    Just take a look at Pittsburgh, PA. in the 1960s. Now look at it. The air is clean and pristine. Unemployment is high but you have your clan air. Now look at China. You greenies have just accomplished what is equivalent to sweeping the dirt under the carpet. You haven't lessened pollution one iota, in fact you have exasperated it on a global scale. Thank you Greenies.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    To whom should China be held accountable?

    BTW, not that I believe that global warming is going to lead to any catastrophe, please note that solar power continues its decline in costs. Econ 101 suggests that the more competitive it is, the more people will use it. This amazing decrease in costs is coming without "carbon tax".

  • 7 years ago

    The Illuminati bloodlines have not allowed for it. The corporations left for cheap labor and more profits as well. Kellee Bundy I get your point pollution did not matter but you should not call people mindless drones who are not mindless drones. Sage does see the tyranny well. You seem to be implying that cleaning up pollution in China is an agenda of your living in the same kool aid dream world. Unless your making a point but do you honestly think these "globalist" actually give a flying rats a$$ about cleaning pollution? It is all bull$hit designed to keep the "serfs" in line with the tyrannical Illuminati movement. Technology is the answer to pollution? LOL sure it could be but the people who mind control you could give a sh*t. Environmentalism is a new age Orwellian newspeak word......just more garbage for the "serfs". If you still believe that Democrats or Republicans are going to "change" America, you to are drinking the kool-aid. USA is a one party state. Also Sage is right to a degree as he is referring to "free trade" again another Orwellian newspeak word. Free trade is good for the Illuminati bloodlines but screws you.

    The funny part is my answer is the answer but no problem keep living in your dream world.

    How are the Kardashians doing?

    Source(s): OURscott should get BA Your profile referencing Rachel Carson says it all......your drinking the real kool aid. You know where that term originated? Jim Jones was a CIA operation mind control experiment. Jim Jones was a CIA agent.
  • 7 years ago

    Try being smart for a change.

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