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Lv 4
? asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 7 years ago

If we discover a new energy and do not need hydrocarbons where would the government get its tax money from?

Would we be any better off as the money has to come from someone.

13 Answers

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The government makes most of the money from energy but the silly leftists only blame Exxon Mobil. They play the same games with Phillip Morris. The government will certainly replace any revenues because one thing we have learned, people can do with less but never the government.

  • Rocky
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Well power company's pay little or no tax now and if still the 15% flat tax was implemented but each county keep their cut directly deposited it into a state account they kept theirs and direct deposit into a federal account the savings now paid out to send the money up the rung of the ladder and back down into state and counties would be more savings than they now take in from tax from gas, electric, natural gas all put together.

    The present system is flawed in many areas not jjust the tax (with this no need for IRS big saving there too.

    More areas money could be saved is jails and prisons shorter sentences with a death penalty (for murders are let out and they are outnumbering good people) maybe a demerit system a repayment plain where those jailed work on road ways ect to pay off what it costs to jail and feed them if they are found not guilty later refund no suit. Pickling the head after guillotine and placing them across from a jail cell with a shorter sentence might rehabitate for they are not rehabitated now.

    Schools could employ computerized video lesions that reteaches in a different way if a student fils a test allowing geniuses to go with students of the same age even if some are mentally challenged...making a end to prejudices within reach...instead teachers or mentors would stay with the age group from 1st grade to higher education...having less abandonment issues in children especially those whos parents are not good ones or rarely interact with their children this might help antisocial issues as will the mentors being trained to spot behaviour and getting them counselled to develop better emotionally stable people.

    So many other ways if we upgraded our society like computers we'd find solutions

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No to the part, Better off if the Tax Money has to come from someone.

    Fort Knots has Mountains of Gold in it.

    Source(s): Time is money
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The government can always find other ways to tax us. And when I say tax us, I mean the avearge 99% of americans.

    The top 1% will scurry away their money in nice little tax loophole made especially for them.

    The sick thing is that the repubs abd the dems all lie to the US people constantly. They could care less about the american people as long as they keep themselves and their rich backers in the money.


    I would love it if we could. My taxes come directly from my pay. For rich business owners, they report their income and pay taxes when they choose to. IF they are relatively smart and have good tax attorneys they can claim little profit and avoid taxes that we cannot.

    If we had not given so much power to the federal government to just swoop in and take our money, that would be very interesting. Clearly the govt would be powerless to force taxation by gunpoint, because of our right to bear arms.

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  • 7 years ago

    They will be taxing fresh air next.

    Oh, wait, that is what a tax on carbon dioxide is ...

    My theory is that the UN badly want to administer a global "carbon" tax. That will then provide them with a revenue stream and hence, an income. That income will not have to be approved by elected officials anywhere - so, after a few tax hikes, they will be self-sustaining and we won't be able to vote them out.

    A bit like the EU. They have top officials not elected by the people, are well funded and have not passed a financial audit for years. Out of control - how could you even think such a thing!

  • 7 years ago

    The Governments only purpose should be to help those in need and get them going. We have given them too much power and control. Personally I would love it if everyone stuck the middle finger up and stopped paying taxes until this happens, this control system is a massive house of cards we are only allowing it to happen. We need to be responsible for one another and simply give people chances and positive reinforcement to succeed. Greed and selfishness is destroying the world in the Illuminati controlled game of life.

  • 7 years ago

    They would find many other income sources. here are some I have heard about.

    Tax wealth.

    i.e. you get taxed on your net value, this of course would be in addition to a taxation on your income.

    Tax miles driven

    i.e. as vehicles are getting more efficient with more MPG states and the federal government are taking in less money from gas taxes. They now want to tax us on miles driven in our vehicles in addition to the fuel taxes.

    Sustainability tax

    This would be a tax levied on people for any number of things. To pay for highways, bridges, public transportation etc.

    Elimination of tax credits

    Many want to abolish the child tax credit. They say it encourages people to have children and global population is already too high so why should the govt encourage having more children.

    Medical benefit cuts

    Already policy makers are trying to tell us we do NOT need to have a family doctor. We do NOT need to have a doctor who we get to know and knows us. Already policy makers are reviewing ways to cut benefits. Example: A year ago in the US, Lymphoma patients would get annual screenings with CAT or PET scans to verify there is no recurrence of cancer. Now you only get these scans if you are symptomatic, i.e. you will NOT be able to catch most recurrences early anymore. By the time most are symptomatic you are already stage 2 3 or even 4.(stage 5 is dead...). My wife was stage 4 before she was diagnosed the first time. Breast cancer, they are arguing hard against annual mammograms. Have we not been told for decades that this was savings 1,000's per year? Now the cost of mamograms is getting too high...

    I guess it comes down to this. They will find ways to get money and/or cut costs. As they continue to control more of our lives, cost cutting will hit us all much more and more directly. (For some policy makers that is the key. You will not argue for lower taxes if you will lose benefits that matter to you and your family. They will NEVER put benefits or programs you don't care about on the block because then you would support the cuts.

    Don't believe me? How many states have the lottery now? It was sold to us as a way to fund our schools. So now ask yourselves. How many school districts have more money now with the lottery in place than they did prior to the lottery. The answer is ZERO Zilch Nada. Its a shell game...

  • 7 years ago

    That depends on how the people want the country run. Some do not want any taxes, others want taxes only for law enforcement and war, others want taxes only for social programs and education. None of those are stupid positions in my view.

    I reluctantly accept that we have to pay taxes and prefer a tax on something we decide is undesirable [1] over a tax on labor. But one thing we can all agree on is that we do not want to see the tax dollar wasted and I am realistic enough to acknowledge that some waste is unavoidable.

    I have added a link to wikipedia to explain the different forms of tax [2].

    I hope this helps.


    CO2 is not fresh air, if some one actually believed that, that person would be stupid enough to vent a combustion heater into the closed room they are heating.

  • 7 years ago

    Tax your wood burning stove or the exhaust from your chimney.

    Tax your livestock if you're a farmer.

    Tax electric car owners for each mile they drive.

    The taxing opportunities are endless & it will take a lot of them to replace the ginormous amount of money governments now collect in gasoline & road use taxes.

    not to mention the royalties & other direct taxes governments now directly collect from the big oil companys.

    People like to whine about oil company profits but conveniently forget that governments make far more money for each barrel of petroleum than the oil companys that find it & pump it out of the ground.

  • 7 years ago

    Have you the slightest clue what % of tax revenues come from the fossil fuel industry?

    10%? 2%?

    Do you even know what 10% and 2% mean? (some anti-science kooks here do not understand what percentage means, so you would have company).

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