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Lv 4

Was your ancestor a monkey?

Evolutionist keep saying that humans didn't come from monkeys, we share a common ancestor.

Well if that common ancestor wan not a monkey what was it?

And whats your definition of the term monkey?

If you don't know the answers to both of those questions then you don't know that we didn't come from monkeys, you are just repeating what someone else said ad believing with no evidence that it is true.


For those who don't believe in common descent because its demeaning to have com from a monkey then using the same reasoning you didn't come from sperm. Not everything in nature is the way we would feel comfortable with.

23 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some of them were. I'm a monkey (well, a primate ape sort of monkey, to be more precise).

    Some of my ancestors were fish.

    I blame them for my rotator cuff problems.

    Fins were just not very well supported.



    John Popelish

  • 7 years ago

    Monkey have tails and apes do not, you should have learned this before you started preschool - both of my daughters learned it while they were in Montessori.

    If you knew half as much as you think you do about evolution, you at least realize that modern apes and humans are just as evolved as each other and as divergent from our common ancestor. While we may never know definitively what sort of creature that was, it is undeniable that modern apes, neanderthals, devisonians and modern humans came from a "common ancestor" species.

    You ignorance is simply no argument -- look at it this way, you are so far behind the power curve that it appears to be a level playing field.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Calling you retarded would be highly offensive to the mentally handicapped.

    Evolution is a FACT. Humans are primates that evolved over thousands of years to what we are now, and we are still. We came from more ape like hominoids.

    Just because you do not know anything about science doesn't make it false. Evolution has been proven time and time again in biology, chemistry, zoology, botany, cell and molecular biology ext...

    I think I may be using words that are to big for you.

  • 7 years ago

    The common ancestor was the earliest mammal group which is the ancestor of both humans and monkeys.

    It exists by definition, just like the common ancestor of any two living things on this planet, pretty much.

    Give it any name you like. I like to call it "the common ancestor of humans and monkeys".

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  • 7 years ago

    Monkeys are a far distant cousin.

    A definition of a monkey can come from a zoologist.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    No , just perhaps atheists see themselves that way , and pick their dates and fling poop accordingly , does not make it a fact . Its merely an excuse to be animalistic .

    But it is not at all scientific .

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Ape, not monkey, Humans are one of the great apes. And I wouldn't call them my ancestors, because we didn't actually 'come from' them. All the great apes sort of branched off from a common ancestor. But the entire human race evolved...similarly enough to apes, to put it simply.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    We share a common ancestor with bonobos (or chimpanzees) and to be honest, I do not know the taxonomy well enough to give you their exact name. And no person believes humans came from monkeys; it sounds to me like your church leader gave you a warped version of evolution in order to deter you from an education.

  • 7 years ago

    Creationists keep saying humans are made of dirt.

    Clearly that is far more logical.

  • giles
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    It's apes, not monkeys... the common ancestor was similar to both apes and humans.

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