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Lv 4

Do you guys think I don't believe in evolution?

I wouldn't call it evolution, I would call what happened "common descent", I would call the way it happened "development" and the cause would be a program in the DNA.

But I do actually believe that all life came from a single organisms and I also believe we came from monkeys and before that from fish and before that from flat worms. Yes the monkeys living today might be slightly different to our common ancestor but not different enough to not be monkeys. The fact is the reason why you say that we don't come from monkeys is only because you were told that. You don't know why.

I'm pretty sure the reason why is because its better against creationists. It's much easier to say "no you got it wrong" then to say "yeah actually we did come from monkeys". But that's the truth humans came from monkeys.

Australopithecus is a monkey and that is our ancestor.

(I use the term belief in the broad sense, I don't mean I have no evidence)



that looks like a tail to me

14 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What you choose to call it is irrelevant, if you accept the theory of evolution, then you 'believe in' evolution, if not you don't.

    I am well aware than not only did we evolve from monkeys, we still ARE monkeys (by any reasonably taxonomic designation at least). All apes are a subset within a larger group that includes all monkeys, and humans are a subset within apes.

    Edit: All answerers who state that evolution does not say that we came from monkeys (or similar) really need to learn a bit more about current taxonomical and evolutionary thinking before they make assertions that they cannot defend.

    Edit 2: I wonder what everyone who says "we didn't evolve from monkeys we share a common ancestor we apes" thinks that common ancestor was.

  • 7 years ago

    Whether we all evolved from squirrels apes or carrots I think most here agree that we are we are all on different branches of the same tree.

    If Carl Sagan is right about his theory viruses from space injecting new genes into our ecosystem then we may have to go back further for a common root, or see things as more of a web.

    Presumably in the evolutionary tree branches sometimes merge, so the tree of life may be a little like a web.

  • 7 years ago

    You can believe what you want, but it's obvious you do not understand what we know about evolution or how life has changed over the history of our planet.

    From your link, "Australopithicus Afarensis" is indicated to be more of an "ape" than a monkey. You probably have to go back to the "Proconsul" to find a link between apes (and humans) and monkeys i.e. the "monkeys" and "apes" split around 2 million years before the split from apes and what would become "humans" occurred.

  • 7 years ago

    Whether you want to call it a monkey or a dog or giraffe is irrelevant. Life is continuous and change is gradual. We humans give different species names to draw a distinction and that distinction is based on whether 2 animals can reproduce or not.

    "Australopithecus is a monkey and that is our ancestor. "

    No, it is designated as an ape. Monkey is applied to other groups of primates.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    "I also believe we came from monkeys"

    That isn't what Evolution says.

    "The fact is the reason why you say that we don't come from monkeys is only because you were told that"

    No, its because its a fact. We and apes share a common ancestor. That is not at all the same as us coming from monkeys; don't misrepresent science please. That is dishonesty.

    You repeating the same nonsense over and over will not invalidate scientific knowledge. Your argument is therefore invalidated due to ignorance.

    Australopithecus afarensis isn't a monkey by the way. It was an ape.

  • 7 years ago

    It doesn't matter whether you believe in evolution or not, it's true regardless.

    We share a common ancestor with apes, we did not descend from monkeys.

  • 7 years ago

    The truth is, humans evolved from a common ancestor of the ape. Not the monkey.

  • 7 years ago

    Australopithecus was an ape, not a monkey. Monkeys have tails, apes don't.

    That image isn't an Australopithecus, its an Aegyptopithecus.

  • 7 years ago

    "I also believe we came from monkeys" - OK, last time. We didn't evolve FROM apes, but WITH them. We have shared ancestors like cousins share grandparents.

  • 7 years ago

    Your distinction between what is commonly known as "monkeys" and species "not different nough to not be monkeys" is merely rhetorical.

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