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Lv 4

Atheists: Did you go straight from not believing in the bible to being an atheist?

Or did you think about weather god existed without religion?

There are probably some atheists who became atheists because they questioned the existence of god directly without a connection to questioning religion so this question doesn't apply to you.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was born an atheist and never saw a reason to change...

    I was seven when I first heard about that 'god' thingie.

    I immediately put god into the same box as elf and pixie...

    I mean, it was just so obvious... the whole lack of evidence thingie, a?


    For the next 40+ years I tried every way I could to prove that seven year old wrong...

    I wanted to believe – I WANTED a god to exist – I wanted to be like other people.

    Of course I failed to prove the god thingie exists because god is imaginary...

    I'll guarantee the number of xians who have challenged their beliefs similarly is small.


  • 7 years ago

    I'm what you call "on the fence" about whether God really exists or not because I really don't know what to believe because I (as well as the rest of the world) do not have any facts. How can i believe 100% that God is real when I have ZERO proof.. On the contrary how can I believe for a fact that he doesn't exists when I have ZERO proof of that either.. We just don't know anything about the afterlife.. We have opinions based on a book.. that to me isn't a reason to "believe"..

    Believing something exists is a tricky subject.. Christians will always tell you that it's a choice.. What you believe is a choice.. This is so inaccurate.. Think about it.. Could you "choose" to sincerely believe that dogs can fly? probably not because you are NOT convinced.. One has to become convinced before they are able to believe something to be true. We cannot choose what convinces us.

    My Dad is a pastor and I grew up in a Christian home and defined myself as a Christian but I never really fully understood everything the Bible said.. I always had my doubts and it wasn't until i got much older and wiser that I started using critical and logical thinking.. I'm not saying I do NOT believe God exists, I'm saying that I just don't know.. because we have no facts.

    Choosing to acknowledge and verbally say "this is what I believe" is NOT the same as choosing that belief. People often mistake aknowledging a belief for choosing that belief. Saying "I believe this" is not the same as choosing that particular belief to begin with.

    If you happen to be convinced of something, that would mean you had NO choice but to actually believe it!!

    Anyway, there is a LOT more to atheism than Christians think.. People don't "choose" atheism.. instead, it's the only logical option for them from the evidence (or lack of) provided.. Christians will never understand this though. If the Bible said 2+2 was 6, they would believe it and when you doubted it, they would quote the Bible..

    Source(s): Grew up as a Christian
  • Vexed
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    My transition from Christianity to atheism took somewhere around two years.

    It started when I began to question my beliefs and do online research. I was around 16. I went from Christian, to non-religious theist, to deist, to agnostic, to agnostic atheist, when I was 18 or so. Now I'm almost 21.

    That's how it goes for a lot of atheists I've talked to. Of course, that was a very simplified answer. My deconversion had a lot more to it, but it would take forever to type out the whole story.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Basically, yes. Well... no... sorta.

    I didn't really know the bible very well to begin with. I was born atheist, then learned of god in Sunday school, then forgot about god in kindergarten, then was reminded later on about burning in hell and all that, so I tried on belief for a while, then I turned 13, and realized it's all a big load o' hooey.

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  • 7 years ago

    I stopped believing in God when I was 16 when I realized that most organized religions are pyramid schemes. The pastor would scream and yell about offerings because the lights were about to be shut off yet he and his wife were driving a Mercedes and a BMW. I also find it funny that all the girls who were so religious and speaking tongues and all that other crap ended up being unwed teenage mothers. I on the other hand who has never heard the "voice" of God has no children and not living paycheck to paycheck.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    As a kid I did wonder if God existed, but that wonder disappeared the same time I stopped believing in Santa around age 6.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No. I was raised Southern Baptist. I left Christianity, became a Deist for about 6 years (give or take), then an agnostic for about 5, flirted with Pantheism, but decided to be an agnostic atheist. So it took awhile in my case.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I had to stop believing in a deist god before I called myself an atheist. That took about 1 week. There are plenty of arguments against deism.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    It took me a few months of being a deist and then pantheist before I admitted to myself that I was an atheist. First I realized I could not justify my religion as being true, and then the classic theist arguments fell one by one in my mind as I admitted where they were flawed.

  • Zardoz
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There was an attempt to bring me up Catholic, but I can't remember a day when I didn't think it was all fairy stories. I wasn't shy about it either. It was a proud day all around when I was unexpectedly graduated from the 5th grade in my Catholic school directly to the 7th in a public school missing my 6th grade Confirmation.

    Source(s): [n] = 10ⁿ
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