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Your thoughts on Rev Fred Phelps being Close to Death?

The Friendly Atheist (Hemant Mehta) reports on his blog a conversation with Rev. Fred Phelp's son Nathan Phelps.

Nathan states that Rev. Phelps is in a hospice in Topeka and is dying. Phelps is 84. Nathan left the church when he was eighteen, in the Seventies.

(Phelps is the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kans., the church that gained notoriety picketing the funerals of veterans of the Armed Forces.)

While I would wish no ill on anyone, even Rev. Phelps, I wonder how others might feel about his impending demise.

(Goes to the Patheos blog of The Friendly Atheist writing about Nathan Phelp's report on his father)

(Wikipedia article on Rev. Fred Phelps)

10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I usually don't take pleasure in anyone's demise. But some people can only make the world better by leaving it.


    He was ex-communicated by his own church? ... I wonder what happened there.

  • Note to e-mail response: Matt. 7:12 is religiously-correct plagiarism.

    It's essentially the golden rule first attributed to Confucius, slightly reworded, but it's intent is the same.

    It's not a unique verse in any sense, but obviously I understand your point more or less we're supposed to treat people like they treat us, something I disagree with in the context that if someone hates me, I do not find it healthy or constructive to my own praxis to use willful ignorance as a knife to bludgeon someone else in kind for their irrational hatred of me.

    In most instances, it's best to avoid people who receive a great amount of satisfaction from hating specific groups of people.

    The fact that this hate-monger continues to breathe air at 84 clearly indicates that he trained himself long ago to thrive in a hate-filled environment.

    This "skill of hatred" is something that most minorities have yet to master since most minorities are often on the receiving end of irrational racial animosity and as a result, they often do not live long or happy lives due to the irrational hatred espoused by people deeply entrenched and abusive with their white privilege entitlement based power over subjugated minorities.

    There's really nothing we as a society can do to stop the hate, except avoid giving haters undeserved, heightened notoriety, attention and feedback, there's the slightest chance that if hatemongers believe that their hatred isn't being noticed by the objects of their seething hatred, maybe, just maybe, they will fade into history as a cautionary obscurity where their only footnote will be one of shame and revulsion.

    Source(s): Juxtaposition
  • 7 years ago


    The Westboro "Baptist" Church has the biggest collection of misguided, so called Christians, in the Country.

    Nothing will change there after his death. His whole group of descendants are so brainwashed that the hatred and misapplication of scripture will continue.


  • Paul
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There are kind, generous people who are missed by many when they die.

    Then there is Phelps. Who won't be.

    Well, not by anyone kind, generous, or honest anyway.

    Such a waste of a perfectly good life, to spend it spewing so much hatred.

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  • Lyss Q
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I can't say I'm sad about it... not with any honesty.

    I don't wish death on him, but I won't miss his antics. Hopefully the WBC ceases to exist when he does, or at least when the current generation passes away.

  • Text of Matt. 7:12

  • 7 years ago

    I just hope Fred Phelps dies a long, drawn-out, horrible, agonizing, pain-riddled, death! It's what that sick, useless wad deserves. Can't wait for the chance to take a dump on his grave!

  • 7 years ago

    He won't be missed, he is a deeply troubled individual. However the WBC will still exist since his wingnut daughter practically runs it now, they were deeply indoctrinated to think the same as him

  • 7 years ago

    He will go to heaven. We need more pastors so committed and so devoted as pastor Phelps.

    Hopefully, he will be counted as a saint after he passes away.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Fred Phelps is a fine pastor. he preaches the bible as it is... other christian churches should embrace that.

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