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Why are anti-Bible folks on this website hating on goat herders?

What about the merchants,

the tool manufacturers,

the jewelry makers,

the farmers,



stone masons,



What about the warrior class??

If you're gonna get the hate on for anyone -- surely it should be those guys who spent their whole lives making war and practicing for war!

And if its the Bible you've a beef with --

then the first blame should surely be with the scribes,

followed by the butchers and tanners who prepared the parchments?

Why all the hate for goat herders?


Poetic license requires poetry

11 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Goats (from Behaviour section of Wikipedia)

    Goats are extremely curious and intelligent. They are also very coordinated and widely known for their ability to climb and hold their balance in the most precarious places. This makes them the only ruminant able to climb trees, although the tree generally has to be on somewhat of an angle. Due to their agility and inquisitiveness, they are notorious for escaping their pens by testing fences and enclosures, either intentionally or simply because they are handy to climb on. If any of the fencing can be spread, pushed over or down, or otherwise be overcome, the goats will almost inevitably escape. Due to their high intelligence, once a goat has discovered a weakness in the fence, it will exploit it repeatedly, and other goats will observe and quickly learn the same method.

    Goats have an intensely inquisitive and intelligent nature; they will explore anything new or unfamiliar in their surroundings. They do so primarily with their prehensile upper lip and tongue. This is why they investigate items such as buttons, camera cases or clothing (and many other things besides) by nibbling at them, occasionally even eating them.

    When handled as a group, goats tend to display less clumping behavior than sheep, and when grazing undisturbed, tend to spread across the field or range, rather than feed side-by-side as do sheep. When nursing young, goats will leave their kids separated ("lying out") rather than clumped as do sheep. They will generally turn and face an intruder and bucks are more likely to charge or butt at humans than are rams.

    People that live with such animals inevitably learn to be mindful of their behaviour. I am therefore very proud to be a descendant of goat herders given the herders have to be more intelligent than the animals to get them from A to B, which no doubt required greater intelligence and creativity than herding sheep.

    Let us remember that Egyptians worshipped the sheep.

    In fact I wear a reminder of the fact that I am a descendant of the goat herders on my body day and night because it also stands for dedication to family and fearlessness in the face of challenges.

    And, if Torah is a Tree of Life, it seems only goats and their herders can climb it.

    There is a misconception that surrounds the ascension of King David to his throne because it occurred at a low point in the history of Israel when they became like sheep. This is what Shmuel 1 17:34 is about.

    Like goats, Israel has had to climb heights and escape those who would confine us, including spiritually. In a sense Israel is a Tzvi, but there is a suggestion that a Tzvi is a mountain wild goat and not a dear.

    And, like goats Israel seems to go every which way, spreading out physically and spiritually, and some getting lost. Eventually thought The Herder will come who will have the intelligence and creativity to get his flock together (gvurah (discipline) and lead them to greener pastures (hesed).

  • 7 years ago

    yeah, they hate peole because they are being brain washed into hating people.

    it like the repubs are demonizing Obama health care on the basis of welfare cheats. while the real cheaters and criminals are those that work for governments and steal higher wages from the taxpayers. and they themselves do not have to sign up for a hoax /fraud insurance panzi shceme. . did you know a working homeless man has twice the income to spend and actually does the economy good? even if he drinks himself to death, he puts the beer industry to work and without defrauding the welfare system.

    did you know goat herders are more profitable than welfare cheaters. as well? they rely on themselves to earn a living. did you know that being self employed is actually more stable for the ecomony than working for minimum wage at any corporation site, unless of course one works for the military complex. did you know many senators are involve in the drug smuggling busines and with the scandal of fast and furious, such men are also MURDERERs and that their money is blood money! they should be in jail.

    comparatively, such people that demonize goat herders are the very people that would follow hitler into the one world order and become the same kind of haters and criminals that many senators are become. including the presidents as far back as kennedy.

    THEY are the pure evil of this world. nothing less. let us pray that they understand how evil they are, when they demonized the true brotherhood of christ and those that are the honest hard working poor.

  • 7 years ago

    You obviously don't know what poetic license is.

    @No Chance the "authors" of the Bible did not speak three languages. They were not the ones who transcribed the Bible into Greek from Hebrew or Aramaic oral accounts. In fact, the scribes who did write down in Greek couldn't even READ Greek themselves, they were just copyists. But then, again, I'm not surprised that an atheist has to school you on how your own revered holy book was ACTUALLY constructed.

  • Zvi
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    This bugs me also. The writers of the Hebrew scripture thousands of years ago were educated people for their era. They did not have our modern understanding of scientific matters, but that most certainly does not make them unsophisticated, ignorant or goat-herders.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Alright now, They where not Goat Herders, Dey was Sheep Herders. Got Dat!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The term goat herders is bigotry from the racist religion evolutionism

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I have nothing against goat herders. It's honest work.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    What's a goat herder.

    Source(s): Jk
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Goat Herders who spoke and wrote in three languages....including greek


  • 7 years ago

    Yeah! and camel riders, when a good horse is just as comfortable.

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