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Lv 4

People who actually believe in their god, please read and answer?

If the bible is so true and god is such a reality,

why do you persue things like money and financial security instead of embracing poverty like it says to in the bible, so that you can spend all of your time here on earth following every little one of the bibles instructions to make sure god lets you into heaven?

Why care whether your children grow up to have money?, isnt them getting into the afterlife more important? doesnt the bible say money is the root of all evil and a rich man will have a harder time getting into heaven than a camal would getting through the eye of a needle?


11 Answers

  • Jimbo
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The Bible says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. It says nothing about money being the root of all evil. Also, God has no problem with wealth. Solomon was blessed by God and wealthy, so was Job, Abraham, King David, Jacob, Joseph of Arimethia who gave his tomb for Jesus' burial, Paul of Tarsus, Mary Magdelen, and many many others. Jesus Himself received a King's tribute from the Magi. There is nothing in scripture that says we are to be in poverty all our lives. Jesus said it was hard for a rich man to get into heaven because the rich man He spoke about loved his money more than Jesus Christ and would not sell all he had to follow Jesus. He was making the point that the rich man's god was his money. But money isn't the only god men have. Some have sports as their god, others it's their golf game, still others it's their boat, car, or truck. It's all the same thing.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You have not read the Bible. We are commanded to care for our children and families as well as the poor, sick and lost. You can't do that in poverty.

    Just look at the big names of the Bible and you will see some of the wealthiest men in history. Even a Proverbs 31 woman makes money.

    You really need to study. Never does it say to get rid of our money. It tells us to never let our money have us. Big difference.

  • Your questions are very valid. Why do people store up riches on earth rather than in heaven? If one believes that God provides then why the rat race to provide for self? Why did not my parents teach me that God has taken care of us and always will? I am 56 and at times pursued wealth in life, it always ended badly. I now seek wisdom and the will of God. Life is much better with these as a reward system rather than material things. God rewards and comforts me. Money and things never did really.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If the Bible is not LYING about what Jesus said, then Jesus said "Take no thought fr the morrow".

    And if taken seriously, that means do not teach your children the social skills they may need in the coming years, things like manners and basic playground safety.

    Do not educate them withthe math and reading skills they mayneed for some future job.

    Do no preventive maintainance on your dwelling. Do not have a savings account.

    Do not buy groceries for more than today's meals.

    Do not buy insurance against tomorrow's accidents and illnesses.

    Do not insist that any pregnant family members refrain from drinking or smoking, because that is about the FUTURE of the fetus.

    Do not buy warm clothing until it is actually cold out.

    If given a choice bettween a product which might fall apart in 24 hours, and one built rugged enough to last for years, buy the cheap stuff.

    Do not vote for politicians who promise that IF elected, they will work to restore Family Values in the near future.

    Do not contribute to expanding the church.

    Source(s): If Jesus meant what he said, and He actually said that, that IS whatthe words on the page MEAN.
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  • 7 years ago

    Why don't you read all of the Bible before you ask your questions. When Jesus was born three wise men brought him gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.

    They understood they were bringing these gifts to a King. If you are taking a gift to a King, it won't be small. The Bible says to take care of the poor. It didn't say you had to be poor. If you're tired of being poor get off your butt and do something.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    the bible never teaches to embrace poverty. that is mans teaching not Gods. 1 tim 6

  • Simon
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I have no idea which "god" you are referring to since you forgot to capitalize it. And Bible never says to embrace poverty.

  • 7 years ago

    We are supposed to help those in poverty, not be in it ourselves! Read the bible before you make accusations.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Nature is my God, and the bible is a lie. you wonder why the abrahamic religions killed in the name of their god, because their beliefs aren't worth believing in.

  • 7 years ago

    We still have to earn a living, and Jehovah God requires that we support our family.

    Source(s): Watchtower Library
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