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What percentage of Christians will find this funny?

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    In real life, between 30 to 40 percent. On Yahoo answers, 0%.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If people have no sense of humor, theyre weird - right? Something must be wrong with them.

    At least thats what Hollywood wants you to think.

    So people........ DESPERATE for acceptance by others... try to develop their sense of humor, thinking they'll be adored.

    The problem is, that real humor isn't found in belittling others. It has the exact opposite effect. People despise a mocker. They are hated, not liked.

    So: mock on, proud mocker.

    When you have finished all your mocking, wisdom will mock you.

    When you have finished your laughing, wisdom will laugh at your demise.

    "Woe to those who laugh now, for they shall mourn and weep." ~ still warm from Jesus' lips.

    It is shameful to belittle others. Honoring others is what we all should be doing.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Only the ones that are dumb enough to visit UTUB! And then believe.

  • 7 years ago

    Not a whole lot of them will, it will probably get reported and removed!!!

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    A person can live a more loving and virtuous life if they practice devotion to the rosary.

  • 7 years ago

    I do. Kind of self-contradictory, innit?

  • 7 years ago

    Your ignorance is sickening to me. This was an answer I gave to an atheist but it works on you too. I may not be able to ask questions right now for some reason but I can definitely answer you. Let me start by asking you why you think evolution happens? I'll tell you what I think but I can not even begin to tell you what I think. If you are part of the universe and you are intelligent, wouldn't that make what you are made of intelligent? If life was nonexistent but only existed because of intelligence, then you wouldn't be expecting me to say what I am about to say. I hate labeling. How about I ask what to tell me the difference between an apple and a cat? There is no difference, one's a cat and one's an apple. How can life be because of intelligence? What if life was because of a higher being? Then you would understand things are not the way they are just because you say they are. What do you know about life? Nothing I presume. All the books in the world couldn't tell you anything about life so what's in them is meaningless until you find that thing you're missing. Did I mention I can't begin to tell you? Now on evolution. Let me guess we evolved this way because it was helpful for survival and it was helpful for survival because it evolved that way? I thought nothing in science was left to chance. There's the cosmological constant, quantum mechanics, chemistry, forces of gravity, crystals, dark energy and of coarse life but life just mutated into complex life. I don't believe creation in six days just so you know. Anyway, so Darwin saw that the lizards from one island was adapted for one island and other lizards adapted for other islands. I thought in the evolutionary world view they don't believe matter can change just because you set a piece in a new area. Haha, I'm just getting started. You don't even know the half of it. So evolution turned a fish into a fishy lizard; then it turned into a mammalian lizard; then it turned into a freaking whale and dove into the ocean again; or it made a plant that generates heat if the temperature falls below 70 degrees. Have you heard of irreducible complexity? So anyway there aren't going to be any investigations of ID because anyone that questions evolution is loses their jobs but there is mounting evidence I haven't told you yet. Most depictions of evolution like in text books are just drawings and not what the fossils actually look like. They may just find a tooth and say it's our missing link and draw it to show kids. There's forbidden archeology too. What should I get into next? Hmm, origin of life. How do you get DNA when it takes protein to make but it takes protein to build DNA? The chances that are at stake to make life are astronomical. Lets just start with protein, a protein 250 amino acids. Amino acids have to be in left handed configuration and not one right handed, not even a black hole or neutron star with their 100% polarized light could do that. But the chance are 1 in 10 to 45. Without going through all details the probability that life happened by chance is 1 in 10 to the 164th power. The number of protons, electrons and neutrons in the universe, 10 to the 80th power yet still intelligent design is ignored. How'd water get here? Other planets have little, comets aren't made of the same type on earth and asteroids have little and burn up in entry. The moon. With no moon stagnant water would kill all plants in oceans reducing oxygen by 60% and all life on land would die. The moon wasn't captured because it has such a perfect orbit and objects go around a few times by planets and fly off like a slingshot. It is older than earth. Not made of the same earth minerals. Has a dense cast of metal under it's surface and low density inside with no iron core like other moons and it's the biggest moon in the solar system attached to this little bitty planet. At the rate the moon is moving away in only a billion years ago it would have been touching the earth. There are these things NASA calls rolling rocks. I would say more on evolution but it doesn't exist so there's no need. You have no idea how much I have left out so far. Instead of explaining everything I want to get to the real interesting things. I am writing a book called The Answer Everyone Has Been Waiting For. Ok look I don't claim to be psychic but I have a gift, the gift to be anywhere at any time my mind wants to go. It's not a psychic ability that I have. In the beginning there was God and death. Just wait for when I tell you about death. So God was pure thought and made aliens so they could put in writing the existence he planned out. Time doesn't exist by the way, all moments happen simultaneously. And by the way, chance doesn't exist. The universe runs on cause and effect. Anyway, the aliens finished the books and came here into our universe and I saw them make the big bang. They made life on earth. I had a teacher in high school that had an award for the most knowledge of history only three people ever got. He told me aliens brought him here. Long story short I saw him being made by the same aliens I saw when he was just a baby (literally made a freaken baby). Then I saw the future and saw him being picked up and taken back to the same place I saw the books in a dessert which he had said he drives to desserts for a living every year. I said long story short! I could tell you about heaven but it's just where you live on one of three levels, the middle being the one where all the people that were not close to God but were good people. After you leave heaven you pay for sins even the one's in hell. Then you enter paradise where it's like earth and you see the tree of life and God. He wears a white and blue robe. Now for my favorite part, Death. There is too much to say about death.

    Death needs no introduction. He's a legendary being thought to be nonexistent for centuries because of how powerful he is, however, believe me when I say, death effects everything. Atheists aren't trying to disprove God. There is something more powerful than God, Death. The only way to think you've excaped death is to say that God doesn't exist. If death asks you to bow, you bow. After all God points to Death and comands him. Death is merciless but he still likes taking a deep breath while he sits on a beach somewhere. He may warn you before you die but only because he wants to take your life. He's pure evil but doesn't work for the devil and doesn't over throw God. The thing I want to know is what God is doing with death. If death shook hands with God, he would break God's hand. Why? Because God wouldn't do that. Death wouldn't either because he knows God wouldn't do that and since he's death and doesn't care. He'll take you whether you're ugly, pretty, rich, poor, have something planned, believe in santa or have no limbs. At the end of your life you might get the chance to walk next to death. You can try to fight him but you'll lose so you can make death work for it or go peacefully. If God speaks to you, it's no big deal, but if death spoke to you... If he wanted to be your friend, would you let him? God won't kill you, death will. He won't have to lift a finger. To be touched by death is the greatest honor. God was that part of death that death didn't want. Death taught God a lesson that was, maybe it's better to give life and not take it away even if it only for a while. If death wanted to kill you, you'd be dead so it would be a pleasure to be killed by death because he doesn't have to kill you since he is death. Remember that. That pain you feel in your chest when you feel upset, death. He'll be there when plains crash, when tsunamis hit, when your car explodes, when you feel your heart slowly stop beating and you feel your life slipping out of your fingers. This, this here, this is death speaking. I mean this universe is made for death and anything we say is what death would say. All these words are going into death's graveyard. He's what you don't ever think about too. Death is what God would be if you could know God. Without death there would be no life. Death makes life amazing. If God gave you a compliment, you should be pissed but if death gave you a compliment take it as the biggest compliment you ever had in your life because death knows of everything wrong in the world and with you and still compliments you. Love lesson right now, your girl doesn't want to know you love her, she wants to know you hate her but see that you don't. If you want more knowledge, let me know at caseysharp63@yahoo. Life is a fine gem, diamond most likely.

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