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Lv 2505 points

Casey sharp

Favorite Answers4%
  • why am I declined on credit ?

    I have tried getting a credit card and every time I get the same response it doesn't make sense they say the consumer reporting agency has limited credit reports on you, I haven't had credit or a job Ive been on disability, I don't know what's going on though I have money and I keep getting that there's limited reports on me it doesn't seem fair. I actually want to know because sometimes agencies make mistakes, I was once declared dead by the social security office so I know.

    9 AnswersCredit3 weeks ago
  • Does this bitcoin mining cooling system sound awesome? ?

    what do you think of my idea design for cooling system for miners? I was doing a lot of thinking wanting build home AC systems, learning different ways to cool computers, I had this idea, what if, you made just as simple as this that no one yet has been ever trying before, you combined the rig in three cooling systems making one single system, AC work, there's evaporator coils, fan blows cold air from there out above it, main point is coils are very cold even though absorbing heat, blowing hot air out back, then instead fan sucking cold air up and back into the room, it's pointed down, the AC coolant still stays cool because the heat is also blown out the outside the condenser is always condensing the coolant gas, miner you've submersed in mineral oil, you need a pump, tubing, pump, it circulates oil back up back in AC running copper tubing passed evaporator back down while fan blows down, connect a vent from blown down, connect that directly up to miner, added fan and cool air, then also your miner is not in the miner case it's only the boards that are submersed and the rest of this system is just those sitting in a box or cooler of either a cooler or acrylic glass while they are separated inside and then all that cold air blows passed them. That is what I call temperature control. And then you can I don't know customize it however that you like it and get creative to simply make a case for the AC too from acrylic sheets. 

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics8 months ago
  • What crafts supply is this ?

    It's a round on two sides and cylinder thing. It has a hole in it where I guess you can lace stuff through and I believe that it can be sown onto things, like corsets. It's basically what those things are that people have to put their shoe laces through to tie them but in my mind they look metal. Also what you do is stick one end on one side and the other on the other side of whatever you sow it to and then they fit together before you sow it to something. 

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 months ago
  • What crafting item is this called?

    It's a round on two sides and cylinder thing. It has a hole in it where I guess you can lace stuff through and I believe that it can be sown onto things, like corsets. It's basically what those things are that people have to put their shoe laces through to tie them but in my mind they look metal. Also what you do is stick one end on one side and the other on the other side of whatever you sow it to and then they fit together before you sow it to something. 

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 months ago
  • What anime is this from?

    It has a boy who lives away from humans, he can see these race of people no one else can, he gets a sword, he fights what is known as melancholy which infects people, there is a guy turned into a monster he fights called the melancholy, or disaster, king or something? 

    1 AnswerComics & Animation10 months ago
  • Alright how does the blades in a jet engine move?

    Laugh at me if you want but seriously like how does that happen? I know how a jet engine works, but if how are the blades moving when the jet is on the ground to get them to airborn speed, is it electic or gas, I mean a turbine is an engine but they don't tell you how to get the blades moving first. 

    1 AnswerAircraft10 months ago
  • What was God's intentions on making man?

    This is a question about society and culture. I want to know what people think, not what to think. People tell others what to think based on learning about how people think, I'm done learning how to think about religion. Personally, I don't care if an omnipotent omniscient force or being exists, because I think that if he or it if the existence can be proven or shown overqualifies than any one person or thing to run a whole universe and anyone in said position is outweighed by the collective group it tries to govern thus making the decisions made by one person insufficient and underestimated by the group. It's like making the president of the United States the president of Europe. Sure he could be the president then, but can he rule Europe? But we're not talking about the president or Europe. If we were, would or may I ask could the president rule Europe? Would or could a being like God rule the universe if he or it existed and if so, would we or could we possibly determine the matters at which he or it shall govern besides our own if we had the same power and knowledge to do so?.. I think not, because the universe like society can't be governed by one person and if it can, the general populace would far outweigh the concerns of any one person.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • can there be any-one here that cares to challenge me to a religious bout of if there is a god?

    Give me your best shot. I'm serious. You don't even have to provide me with any information cause ive done my research..

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Kill yourself, save a planet, do you trust me?

    I don't need permission to kill myself. I'm God by the way, hello, how's it going, I'm writing a bokk. Kill yourself.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Was there really no time or space before the big bang?

    I'm a little skeptical because I don't see how there being no matter or energy would mean no space. I imagine it like mass is like a ball on a cloth but I can't imagine without the ball the space doesn't exist. I believe in the big bang but to me it sounds like they just stuck that in there. I don't know.

    11 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • Want to answer atheists?

    So the big bang and evolution has nothing remotely to do with if God exists or not, it just proves the bible wrong. I'm like science proves the bible is wrong not that God does not exist. They have no proof whatsoever that God doesn't exist, no reason at all to think that, but tell me he doesn't and then not hear what I have to say. I see that atheists think if the bible is wrong God must not exist but science only proved a few parts of the bible wrong and the rest is still up for debate but they think they already won. I'm like no we haven't even started, you haven't even heard what I had to say. Basically I get I can't prove God doesn't exist but I'm telling you he doesn't so you can't prove to me he does because I'm not going to listen to what you say. It pisses me off that they think they already won when I haven't even started. Literally I'll bet anything all the answers I'm going to get from this are atheists telling me God doesn't exist so they don't want to debate when I'm here saying you have no proof, you think you've won but you haven't. It's always God doesn't exist but I have no proof and I'm not going to debate you.

    I'm not going to say my argument on here because one no one will read all the reasons God exists and two they think they already won so even if I say something that does prove God exists they're going to deny it without any proof I'm wrong. You have to hear the whole story before you make judgments. I'll give you an example. Someone is going to say this is wrong without any clue what it means, if life is possible under the right conditions, why is life possible under the right conditions? Why would a universe produce life? I think the universe wants us here. I could be wrong or I could be right but to say I'm wrong with no proof is wrong. Could be right, could be wrong, who knows but all these atheists are saying I'm wrong. They don't got proof at all I'm wrong and they think they won and it's not right. If you want to know my debate I will give you my email address,

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What is my problem with atheists?

    It's like this, I tell them evolution and the big bang only prove the bible is wrong not that God doesn't exist so they have no proof or even the slightest idea why God doesn't exist yet they tell me he doesn't and then not hear what I have to say. It's really immature. They should at least hear what I have to say.

    Give me a debate! You haven't debated a theist like me before. If I told you my argument, you would know you wouldn't see it anywhere else.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Life could not and would not exist without a purpose!?

    I don't believe in the bible either but I know he's real. Tell me one reason why I might be wrong. Evolution and the big bang just means the bible is wrong but not that God doesn't exist. Now that I got that out of the way don't tell me you can't prove God doesn't exist and then not hear what I have to say because you say he doesn't. That would be stupid.

    I want to debate someone. From the way I look at it the apologists that everyone knows about looks for what's already out there but I have a uniquely built argument you won't find anywhere else out there.

    I know the answer if you care to hear it. You won't know until you try. I could be right and you just not want to hear it. So what do you say, do you want to debate me?

    Now to those that want to make it something it's not. Christians, I am on your side. Atheists, I know why you can't prove God doesn't exist so don't tell me because that's why I'm asking you to hear me prove he does. Saying you can't prove he doesn't but telling me he doesn't and not hearing what I have to say is contradicting so if I get "he doesn't" it means you're not standing on any ground. The only way you're going to know is to hear what I have to say and simply saying he doesn't.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Could carbon have formed on earth?

    I know it's a delicate process to form carbon in stars but couldn't carbon have formed here through cellular respiration and nitrogen reaction from cosmic rays?

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology7 years ago
  • WIll you challenge me to a debate?

    Give me a yes or no answer and your email. My email is caseysharp63@yahoo.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago