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Want to answer atheists?

So the big bang and evolution has nothing remotely to do with if God exists or not, it just proves the bible wrong. I'm like science proves the bible is wrong not that God does not exist. They have no proof whatsoever that God doesn't exist, no reason at all to think that, but tell me he doesn't and then not hear what I have to say. I see that atheists think if the bible is wrong God must not exist but science only proved a few parts of the bible wrong and the rest is still up for debate but they think they already won. I'm like no we haven't even started, you haven't even heard what I had to say. Basically I get I can't prove God doesn't exist but I'm telling you he doesn't so you can't prove to me he does because I'm not going to listen to what you say. It pisses me off that they think they already won when I haven't even started. Literally I'll bet anything all the answers I'm going to get from this are atheists telling me God doesn't exist so they don't want to debate when I'm here saying you have no proof, you think you've won but you haven't. It's always God doesn't exist but I have no proof and I'm not going to debate you.

I'm not going to say my argument on here because one no one will read all the reasons God exists and two they think they already won so even if I say something that does prove God exists they're going to deny it without any proof I'm wrong. You have to hear the whole story before you make judgments. I'll give you an example. Someone is going to say this is wrong without any clue what it means, if life is possible under the right conditions, why is life possible under the right conditions? Why would a universe produce life? I think the universe wants us here. I could be wrong or I could be right but to say I'm wrong with no proof is wrong. Could be right, could be wrong, who knows but all these atheists are saying I'm wrong. They don't got proof at all I'm wrong and they think they won and it's not right. If you want to know my debate I will give you my email address,


My bible beliefs? Screw the ******* bible, I'm trying to prove God exists.

Update 2:

Ok, ok, ok so let me get this straight. The burden of proof is on me claiming a God exists. Someone is going to say I haven't got to the burden of proof. I ask them why and they give me a reason and I ask them what is the reason for that reason you don't believe God exists aand they don't have a reason.

What if I said the sky was red and someone said no it's not so I ask them why isn't it red and they say because it's green? If I don't get the burden of proof you better have a damn good reason that is credible.

Update 3:

@ laslo. Thank you!

16 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, without you stating any proof that "God" exist, therefore you can't state there is a "God".

    as for "What if I said the sky was red and someone said no it's not so I ask them why isn't it red and they say because it's green? If I don't get the burden of proof you better have a damn good reason that is credible"

    I can give you proof that the sky can be red and why can be green, or blue, the short answer is refraction. And I can show refraction in many way, show you why it happens.

    So post or shut up.

  • 7 years ago

    The thing is, the big bang theory it just that. A theory. No one can prove that the big bang theory EVER happened. But it is the same way with God. It has not be proved. And honestly, it is a belief and an opinionated situation. Not a debate. A debate is whether we should pass a certain law or debate how a car should be designed.

    There is no point in arguing over who is right and who is wrong. Everyone has a belief system. Some people believe in god. Other believe in big foot. Some believe in different diets. But just because your best friend isn't following you diet does not mean you should be angry about it. Because in the end either you will be fat and your friend skinny or the reverse. In the case with God, either you will go to heaven or you wont and vise versa with an atheist or a different religion that doesn't follow your god.

    It is not up to you to decide who is right and who is wrong. I have my beliefs and you have yours. Why get angry over something you cannot control. None of us, in the whole world, has proof that they can display. Just be happy with your belief and don't try to force others to side with you because it will only make people dislike you and avoid you. Best thing for you to do (if this topic upsets you) is to avoid the conversation at all times. That way, you wont know if they have faith or not in god and that way, it wont upset you.

  • 7 years ago

    The Big Bang and evolution have absolutely nothing to do with the existence of gods. They are science and are supported by a great deal of evidence. Gods are beliefs and are supported by no evidence.

    I do not believe in gods, therefore I am an atheist. It is that simple. My atheism says nothing about my acceptance or rejection of science or anything else for that matter. It is purely a stand on the belief of the existence of gods. I do not have to prove that gods do not exist, I make no claims about them. It is up to those who claim gods exist to provide some evidence, there is no requirement for me to provide any.

    You only talk about one god. Do you not believe in the thousands of others? What proof do you have that Ganesh, Poseidon, Ra or Baal do not exist? If you don't need to prove they do not exist, I do not need to prove your god doesn't exist.

    If you have proof for the existence of gods then you have achieved something no-one else has ever done. We would like to hear it.

  • 7 years ago

    If the only reason to believe that an entity exists and possesses certain attributes is because a story tells you it does, then how does disproving the story NOT demonstrate that belief in the entity is unsupportable?

    While it's true that such an entity *could* exist despite a complete lack of evidence, and despite ample evidence to the contrary, it's also true that believing in the entity in such circumstances is unjustified.

    As to whether or not any atheist will "debate you - you've given nothing to debate. Claiming that we are ignoring evidence that you refuse to provide is nothing more than childish whining. The rest of what you wrote is just incoherent rambling.

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  • 7 years ago

    >They have no proof whatsoever that God doesn't exist

    That's because the idea of God is an unfalsifiable claim. You can't disprove it. It's up to theists to prove that he exists. That's the burden of proof.

    >I see that atheists think if the bible is wrong God must not exist

    If you think the Bible is the 100% true word of God, then I can easily disprove the God of the Bible, yes.

  • laslo
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Okay fair enough. Let's just compromise and say that IF some "god" exists, he/she/it:

    1. Does not interfere in the affairs of mankind

    2. Is nothing like the phony gods created in the world's holy books.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You are incoherent. This could be your problem when you argue and why you don't make a good point.

    From what I'm getting, you are upset that your Bible beliefs are not accepted by everyone as true.

    There are many very educated people-- historians, language specialists, sociologists, scientists, etc.-- with Ph.D's, who have read and studied and know the Bible inside-out way more than you do and they don't believe your God exists either.

    Not everyone believes in your God or your Bible... even intelligent people who have read it.

    You need to get over it.

  • 7 years ago

    You want reasons why the Biblical God, Yahweh, does not exist? Fine.

    1) Omniscience is an impossible attribute to have, but Christians claim God is all knowing.

    2) Omnipotence is an impossible attribute to have, but Christians claim God is all powerful.

    3) Christians claim God answers prayer, but every study done to test the effectiveness of prayer shows no greater correlation than chance.

    4) Omnipresence is incompatible with the idea that Hell is a state of separation from God, but Christians claim God is everywhere and that Hell exists.

    5) It is claimed that God is in charge of all events in the universe, yet there is no room or need for "God" in any of the equations that describe motion, probability, statistics, physics, chemistry or biological occurrence. God does not participate, in any way, in the universe, but Christians claim he does.

    All of these reasons show that the Christian version of god does not exist.

    Yes, some versions of god are only rationally reduced to "not important" due to the lack of evidence supporting them. The Christian god is worse off since there is direct evidence showing that it does not exist.

    I have every confidence that your "arguments" are nothing but tired apologetics that are easily debunked, but feel free to share them anyway. I enjoy a good chance to debunk religious nonsense.

  • 7 years ago

    I don't know if any deity exists, so I am agnostic ("without knowledge"). I also don't have any belief in the existence of a deity, so I am an atheist ("without gods"). Notice one does not have to say, "there is no god" to be an atheist. An atheist simply doesn't have a belief in gods.

    As for "why" things happened as they happened... why does there have to be a "why"? Why not just a "how"? Cause and effect does not require a sentient being's conscious design.

    If you have any evidence of the existence of god(s), you should share that. Your feelings, however, cannot be considered evidence.

    ~Agnostic atheist; ex-Christian

  • 7 years ago

    "... why is life possible under the right conditions? Why would a universe produce life? I think the universe wants us here...

    What I got from your argument is that God is a metaphor for the universe... which has been scientifically explored. You have just aligned yourself with evolution, not creationism.

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