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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 14 hours ago

Atheists, will you take this opportunity to repent and find salvation in Christ before it is too late and you are consigned to hell?

I’ve posted many times warning atheists of the need to repent but I’m choosing to be anonymous now so that individuals personal opinions about me don’t interfere with the message.

It’s sad we are losing this resource to share the gospel online, so I’m posting one final time before moving on. I don’t hate atheists and I cry for you who don’t know Jesus. Hell is a very real and horrific place, and even most Christians don’t fully comprehend what it means for someone to go there. I see people ask “how can souls feel lain without a body?” But that isn’t biblical. The Bible shows God will raise both the unsaved and saved in immortal bodies, which will feel all the pain and agony of hell’s flames and tortures but never be able to die. You will be there burning alive and wishing every minute you could die again to stop the pain. 😢 You’ll scream for the god you rejected. 😱 

Those in hell are not even really human as we understand that word. Truly take the time to imagine what it would be to be a person in total isolation, immersed in liquid magma and Sulphur and unable to die. They become just trashing, writhing “worms” as scripture calls the damned. Your personality, laughter, hopes and dreams all vanish as you become nothing more than an “object of wrath” according to the Bible, a subhuman “thing” whose whole existence is defined by suffering and excruciating torment with no purpose forever. Please don’t go there. Accept Jesus. 😭 

Updated 14 hours ago:

4) How can I be saved?


 And that message is the very message about faith that we preach: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. (Romans 10:9-10)

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19 Answers

  • Jim2
    Lv 7
    7 hours ago

    Scary. I had an experience that showed me God was absolutely real. I asked to see a sign, and I saw that sign. I KNOW God is real. There is no doubt in my mind. Still, I don't like to dwell on Hell. I'd rather get to know God better. As I imply in my profile, that's often an uphill battle. I'm just saying people are different. Some may be frightened into taking God seriously. Others respond to the love of God. Others, such as me, have seen a sign. (The sign is very personal, and I'm not getting into it here.) But trust me, I KNOW for an absolute fact that God is real.

  • 9 hours ago

    Nah, I’m good. I have better things to do with my time like post on Yahoo Answers before it goes away. 

  • gillie
    Lv 7
    13 hours ago

    Is there any special reason we should believe your religion's scare stories given that you can't prove that your god even exists?

  • 14 hours ago

    No but I will take this opportunity to laugh in your stupid face and make fun of your useless trolling attempts. 13 days loser, make the most of it.

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  • 14 hours ago

    Sorry buddy any religion that is founded on the principle of My way or HELL is no religion I would want to be an adherent of.  

    You can stuff your hell fire crap in the dumpster of history with the baby murders of Moloch or the Human sacrifice of the Odin cults. 

    Myths are myths and your myths are no more real than any other.

  • Anonymous
    14 hours ago

    Take you fake god and shove up your rear end.

  • 14 hours ago


    Two points.

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  • Anonymous
    14 hours ago

    You need help if you think this sick fantasy of yours is somehow true and somehow good?

  • 14 hours ago

    If you believe in a literal hell then you are gullible (there are no good reasons to believe it is true).

    If you WANT to believe in a literal hell then you are unethical (wishing everlasting torture on people for simple ignorance is not exactly kind or forgiving).

    If your God is omnipotent but still uses the threat of torture to try to gain a following through coercion then He is just as bloodthirsty, violent and vain as us humans (quite a coincidence eh?).

  • 14 hours ago

    Do shut up idiot

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