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Did Jesus himself say God is a male deity when he said "Worship the Father in spirit, I and the father are one?

If God is a male deity then shouldn't there be a God who is neither male nor female?

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    This is one of the myriad of problems when one attempts to translate a text from another language.

    Hebrew does not have a neutral term such as "it." You are forced to either use a male or female descriptive term. Even if they would have intended to say that God is neither male nor female, they do not have a word for it. Since it is a male-dominated society, we use the male term.

    Since God is a non-corporeal entity it cannot have either a male or female sex. This is reserved for humans and some animals.

    If you encounter a person who has the sexual organs of both a male and a female do you refer to "it" has a male or a female? If we use the term "it" most people take it as being offensive even though the truth is that it is neither male nor female but both. This is further complicated by people who are naturally born this way and those who are in the process of having sex changes.

  • 7 years ago

    "You are a unique portion of the Creator, a single unit of consciousness that stems from the creator’s consciousness. This is known as “Infinite consciousness.” All units of consciousness are interconnected to all other types of consciousness. Everything that exists is called the “Creator” (also known as the Source). Infinite consciousness is the universal energy that exists everywhere or “All that is.” The Creator has no gender. Infinite consciousness is neither male nor female.

    There is no such thing as “God.” This is a human word. THE TERM “GOD” DOES NOT MEAN A SINGLE PATRIARCHAL, MASCULINE BEARDED MAN that mainstream religions have falsely personified, but represents “Infinite Consciousness.”

    The Creator represents the life force energy, the infinite intelligence, and the work engine of creation, which is omnipresent and exists on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. The Creator does not have a physical body; rather it is plural and refers to the sum of all units of consciousness in the multiverse (Infinite consciousness). Everything that exists is divine. Everyone is divine. You are Christ!"

  • mawin
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Just as assigning human features to God is not to be understood literally, use of the masculine gender to describe God should not be taken literally. Gender distinction is unique to physical creatures and is a linguistic device that reflects the limitations of human language to capture fully the essence of Almighty God, Jehovah.

    The Bible’s use of the designation “Father” helps us to understand that our Creator can be compared to a loving, protective, and caring human father. (Matthew 6:9) This does not mean that we are to view God, or even other spirit creatures in heaven, as being male or female. Gender, in the sense of sex, is not a characteristic of their nature. Interestingly, the Bible indicates that those who are called to be joint heirs with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom do not expect to retain their human gender when they are glorified as spirit sons of God. The apostle Paul reminded them that “there is neither male nor female” within their ranks when they become glorified spirit sons of God. They are also figuratively described as “the bride” of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. All of this illustrates how human features as ascribed to God—as well as to his only-begotten Son, Jesus, and other spirit creatures—should not be understood literally.—Galatians 3:26, 28; Revelation 21:9; 1 John 3:1, 2.

    Correctly understanding the male role, Bible writers employed the masculine gender when referring to God. They saw in man, properly fulfilling his role, an appropriate reflection of Jehovah’s loving, fatherly interest in his earthly children.—Malachi 3:17; Matthew 5:45; Luke 11:11-13.

    Source(s): Bible and
  • 7 years ago

    When male and female get married, they become ONE in purpose, future and planning.

    The same with Jesus and Jehovah (the Father)-they are ONE.

    In What Way Are Jesus and His Father One?

    “I and the Father are one,” said Jesus. (John 10:30) Some quote this text to prove that Jesus and his Father are two parts of a triune God. Is that what Jesus meant by this statement?

    Let us take a look at the context. In verse 25, Jesus stated that he did works in the name of his Father. From verses 27 to 29, he talked about symbolic sheep whom his Father had given him. Both statements by Jesus would have made little sense to his listeners if he and his Father were one and the same person. Instead, Jesus said, in effect, ‘My Father and I are so close-knit that no one can take away the sheep from me, just as no one can take them away from my Father.’ It is much like a son saying to his father’s enemy, ‘If you attack my father, you attack me.’ No one would conclude that this son and his father were the same person. But all could perceive the strong bond of unity between them.

    Jesus and his Father, Jehovah God, are also “one” in the sense that they are in complete agreement as to intentions, standards, and values. In contrast with Satan the Devil and the first human couple, Adam and Eve, Jesus never wanted to become independent of God. “The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing,” Jesus explained. “For whatever things that One does, these things the Son also does in like manner.”—John 5:19; 14:10; 17:8.

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  • 7 years ago

    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but for a being which we were created in the image and likeness of it would take two different genders to make anything. If you do a bit of research you will find that Satan was once the wife of Yahweh.

    Note- that word "one" should have said " in unison".

  • 7 years ago

    Well, let's see. Jesus lived in the early first century and died ca. 33AD/CE.

    The first gospel account appeared in about 70AD. Later accounts were written as later as 100AD.

    I think you can surmise that it is unlikely that any quotation of Jesus just might be a little bit inaccurate.

    JC may well have said certain things in general, but the exact choice of words he used -- that surely has not been reliably preserved.

  • 7 years ago

    Stop thinking about God's privates. It's not proper.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    God has no gender but he has the title of father.

  • Dave D
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Is a ship female because it is called "she"?

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